Pics on PC


Out of curosity how many pics do u have stored on your harddrives ?:)
i dont have any pics on my comp, after i get *cough* *cough* finished looking at them i erase them.:D
I use to have alot of pictures but i burned them into a cd :D
But still the question stays unanswered: how many!

I have about 10.000 pictures, and about 150 movies.


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I looked around and found these numbers:

About 66,000 pics in about 1400 folders. I have burned, models, wrestling girls, fitness babes and what I call Bigtitty hall of fame.

I keep very little movie files on the hard drive to keep some open space.
Well, I have about 4000 pics of Linsey and around 100 vids! :o So probably about 6000 in total...
I think... 100.000 Pics and 20GB Movies


  • Do you know this MFC girl.jpg
    Do you know this MFC girl.jpg
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when u get anywhere near this amount of porn stored up, dont you think you should go outside, just to check outside is even there still??
Lol, raven.... Well...I have the pics of myself that I posted......and....well, that's it, lol.. I make myself HOT, lmao j/k All the porn that I have is in DVD or VHS format!


hehe i got a couple hundred pics, and a few quality DVDs

if desperate for hot girl i have an ex who is always happy to oblige

just she insists on me takin her out for dinner etc first, and she is dull to talk to :(

but lively to fuck!
Raven is right, also why jerk over a pic when you can have a video??

I'm proud to say I have NO porno pics, although I do posess a few band shots and a cracking one of Avril Lavinge! Some may call me sad, but I'm not the one with an encyclopedia of my fave pornstar on my PC!!
Around 40 gig. Pics and movies. Going out requires and expenditure, going out with an American woman requires even more to be spent. Don't even think of sex until she's confident that her claws are in deep enough. I prefer the brothels in Nevada to dating. Whores are honest enough to tell you up front what it costs and you know damn well you're gonna get some booty for your money.
