Pet Peeves

Elektra Knight

Official Checked Star Member
I did a search and came up with nothing on pet peeves. If there's already a thread, sorry.

Well, what is one or several of your pet peeves? Mine that is at the top of my head right now is when the hotel laundry service brings my clothes back damp. :mad:


It really pisses me off when Elektra Knight starts a thread.


Seriously though, on a good day, pretty much anything can get on my nerves. I try to be a laid back guy, but there are just too many idiots on this earth.

People on trains who take up two seats and get pissed off when you want to sit down. I'm sorry, how many seats did you pay for? Yeah, just one, like the rest of us. Move your fucking bag before I throw it out the window.

People who cause distractions in cinemas. Oh, your mobile is on silent? GREAT. The blue flashy screen doesn't bother me at all, even though it's the only thing I can see in the corner of my eyes. It will start flashing red with blood in a moment. I don't care if you are 10, just easier to murder.

People who provide mediocre service, then automatically expect a tip. Ok, so I don't see this much in the UK, but everyone in America does it.... You drove me from A to B, you chatted on your phone, you drove slowly. I paid you the $5, AND YOU WANT ANOTHER FEW DOLLARS ON TOP OF IT? What exactly did you do to deserve a tip?
Do you tip a fireman who saves your life? No. Do you tip the policeman who recovers your stolen belongings? No. Do you tip the midwife who delivers your baby? No. Instead, you tip 17 year old Billy, who bought you your cold burger and fries. Oh, but he was so polite, he even told us to enjoy our meal. Beyond the call of duty indeed.

I could go on, but my blood is beginning to boil.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Drivers not keeping up with the posted speed limits, staying at the same speed regardless. 35mph in 50, 40 and 30 mph zones.

People who park so close to the white line in a parking space that it is impossible to get a car in the adjacent space - this, to me, is even worse that parking over the line.

Idiots in the supermarket that stop to have a chat with a friend leaving their trolleys across the aisle.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
People on internet forums who try to bully people. Like, hey asshole, if you keep talk back and get in my face, I gonna smack you up :facepalm:

People who are so blindly proud of their country, they can take not even mild and/or constructive critic

Oh, and of course Gypsies, Rednecks and everyone from Arizona :1orglaugh
Coldplay's Chris Martin, crap music from a crap band with a crap singer, but he's disappeared so far up his celebrity ass, he's convinced himself he's a genius. Deffo No1 Peeve for me, although he's being closely followed by Simon Cowell.


what the fuck you lookin at?
way to many to list. I don't even know what order to put em in.

People who can't drive the speed limit. Unless there is significant snow on the road there is absolutely no fucking reason to drive under the speed limit ever!

People who stop in the middle of the road and have a conversation with someone driving the opposite way, there by blocking the whole goddamn road!

People who pull up to someones house to pick them up for whatever, and sit in the driveway and just honk the horn. Get the fuck out of your car and go ring the doorbell you lazy fuckin piece of shit!

My job


that is all for now...


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Disgusting ass people who can't be bothered to wear deoderant while on public transportation. On the same line, people on public transport who wipe their nose then touch stuff, cough on me, or wear enough perfume to drown a poodle. Folding bikes on trains. The ov-chipkaart system (have to have traveled in Holland to know this one...I have a special loathing for it).

People who can't use round abouts.

People in little sport cars who think my 3 second gap is a good place to pull into.

People who blow smoke in my face when I'm trying to eat at a nice restaurant.


persona non grata
Pornstars/models with wishlists. These girls probably make twice as much money as the majority of other people their age but still they want people to give them clothes, jewelry, computers, tv´s and god knows what else. Selfishness and greed is what i call it.

Popups when i leave a website. This is the internet equivalent of phone-salesmen, irritating as fuck.
Drivers who came on the road in front of you and don't accelerate, so you have to brake.

Drivers who think they can see behind the curve and passing by just in front of it.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
People texting with a child in the backseat, not only is it a pet peeve, but the driver should be pulled out of the car and be stoned to death.
Asshole who don't use their signal lights when they make a lane change, and I have to slow down quickly as a result. I can understand not doing it when turning when it's obvious, but use it when your changing lanes.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
It has to be how many people are married to their cell phones. As soon as it rings everything in the world around must come to a halt. Say you are out to eat with someone. In the middle of a conversation their phone rings. What do you hear of the conversation? "No, I'm not doing anything. what's up with you?" and on and on it goes for the next 5 minutes.

And the reaction when it rings is just as bad. It's like they are answering the Bat Phone because Commissioner Gordon is on the other end. you never hear,"Let me call you back, I'm doing something."


I'm watching some specialist videos
People texting with a child in the backseat, not only is it a pet peeve, but the driver should be pulled out of the car and be stoned to death.

I disagree totally. :nono:

They should be stoned to death whether or not there is a child in the car. If they have a child in the car, then they should possibly be eviscerated first, over a period of a number of hours. :horse:



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
4chan fucktards that need to get their asses back to /b/.

"conservatives" that are anything but actually conservative. Trolling around a porn forum automatically disqualifies one from being conservative. The libertarianfags on the board need to sniff themselves and wake up.


what the fuck you lookin at?
People texting with a child in the backseat, not only is it a pet peeve, but the driver should be pulled out of the car and be stoned to death.

also people who talk on their phone while "driving"


I just wanna shove that phone up their piss hole!