period blood

:wtf: C'mon now i think i need a break from this board.

Thank you! I hate hearing guys bitch about a girls period blood but at the same time expect and want a girl to guzzle his load...biggest double standard out there. But you acknowledge that its less than tasty, which is cool.

*sigh* I wish jizz were bacon flavored. :( I'd be spreading that shit on toast.

mine taste like bacon, you wanna taste. :D


In response to Ashleigh they are talking shit.....Or they really are sissy's lol.....If they where honest they would admit they have had a bloody mary and no I dont mean drinking it that wouldnt be cool....But ffs wear a condom and if your woman wants ya to do it at that time go right ahead, Just clean up afterwards no fucking biggy. Its hard ya know women are all hormonal at that time so they can be quite horny.

PS> Either want you to screw them silly or rip your head off