Anyone know anything about Summer from 6/27/23?
Summer BarrymoreAnyone know anything about Summer from 6/27/23? guys, I'm looking for the video of a girl that is not on the website anymore, her name is Kristen. She was on the site in 2009 from what I found in this thread.
Thanks in advance!
Kandi ScarfaceDoes anyone know who Kandi from the latest CCHD is?
Riiiight that's what I tought. I guess I was hoping that maybe someone still had a copy of the video lying around somewhere. This is probably the video I've searched for the most in my life. Thanks anyway!
If you're talking about "Ep 2009.74 - Kristen" from these links, then chances are she was a 'one and done' model from the beforetimes, when real castings were still legal to create.
Sadly a one and done from what I gather.
I'm also looking and can't find it.Sadly a one and done from what I gather.
Unless she has a OF, gl finding it.
Pretty sure it's Bunny MadisonWho is Madison
I know it’s probably a dead end, but was Kassandra really a one and done with no social media at all? She mentioned in the video she wanted to make her socials more known (sure, it’s all scripted, but still), and in this day and age it feels impossible for her to not have it. Any leads? She was so incredible in that scene, I’d love to see more
Oh woooooow thank you you’re a booooss!Lizzy / XxPrincssGamrxX
I also updated her Net Video Girls thread with her tweet directly mentioning it.
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