Hiliary 2020
As far as the Waco thing goes, if I'm a Branch Dividian common sense tells me that if I kill 4 ATF agents, wound 16 others, hole up in a weapons and ammunition laden compound for 51 days afterwards while refusing to surrender, and accept then reject a negotiated solution, I'm pretty much begging to end up dead.
well they were found innocent of the killings because there was no evidence that they resisted before being fired upon. Once they were fired upon they did have the right to protect themselves.
The FBI on the otherhand intentionally tortured and killed those people, including many un armed outside the compound.
They purposely tortured and killed the women and children with massive amounts cs gas which turned to cyanide after the feds torched the place.
(its all on film).
Even if the parents were crazy or dangerous the government has the responsibilty to protect the children, not kill them with cyanide which is one of the most painful and horrible ways to die.
Clinton could have stopped it at anytime, just by ordering the feds to back off for a day.
My point was that the news media lied about everything during the siege under the orders of the democratic administration. And that biased is still very present today.
Think what you want, but would you feel the same if that happened during Bushes presidency?
I won't comment on waco anymore, or the presence of illegal weapons in Iraq in this thread.