People who have written tens of thousands of messages in various online forums

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Mr. 63, 509 posts, can we say that you are a philosophical person?

(I do not think so)

How dare you attack this good person we all respect. A man that opens up his heart and mind for all of us to share. His 63k posts are life moving and filled with inspirations. You should only wish to be the boy that carries his piss bucket.

And I want to see boobies from Bella Sinns too. That tease stuff won't play here. I can get that at my local A&P from women opening up the doors to the frozen food section.
A person who have written tens of thousands of messages in various online forums is a person who likes writing tens of thousands of messages in various online forums but knows no one would ever pay, publish, or push in any form his tens of thousands of messages in various online forums.
Actually, it was 2003. And it was the NLCS, not the WS. Trust me, I remember.

No, I don't blame him. You're generalizing. See here.

And why would I let something that I had no control over cause me any anger eleven years after it happened? I don't think anyone takes professional sports that seriously.

Nope... didn't call him any of those names. Someone else mentioned going full retard. You're the only one who said cunt and moron.

You also spelled lonely incorrectly...

I would love to talk to him face to face. I would tell him every single thing I've ever said about him to his face. He's not going to understand it anyway. He's Finnish and his grasp of English isn't very good. So it would be sort of pointless. He wouldn't understand.

106 years, brah.

My dad is a Cubs fan. I still hear about the 2005 WS. Again though, why would I be bitter because of the Cubs drought? I don't play for the team, I just enjoy following them. My happiness does not depend on their success. Otherwise, I'd be dead right now... Cubbies have lost their last nine playoff games.

As far as switching teams, nah. I'll keep following the same one I've been watching since I was five. You can't just switch your fan allegiance. That wouldn't make you much of a fan.

I'm not a team jumper. I like teams that are close to me geographically (sCrUBS, Colts, Pacers, and Blackhawks) that I grew up watching.

Yada Yada Yada

PS. Crack me up!

Done to Journey's "don't stop believing"

Going by geography from Indiana, jump ship to the Cincinnati Reds :).

and.....................1906 WS Sox 4 sCrUBS 2 after the sCrUBS went 116-32 :). Tigers blew the 08 series. Which was the last for the sCrUBS.

Will check in month for spelling and correct grammar errors!
Last one and not trolling but, slap me silly!

99 Years of Cub Losses done to 99 red balloons.

And bandage I have a sense of humor and to tell the truth don't spell well reason why the 1st post did not phase me. You played the typical sCrUBS fan to a Sox fan dumb fuck card but to tell the truth did not phase me. Einstein also was a bad speller ;).

Just a reality check to my advice for Assari not to be phased by the clique that calls him out on his thread creation, and for you as a sCrUBS believer out of all people.
looks like I guy who had enough posting as a plant for the Koch Bros to call people on all kinds of forums full retard on their disdain on the BS that is obvious.

Key lines are simple like "Going Full Retard".

New theme for me.

You must be getting a paycheck from Mr. Soros.
^^^^^^^^^^^ NO just a Chicago raised Sox fan realist on a sCrUBS fan that feels a public forum that needs correct APA Standards correct English grammar and structure to start threads :)

Last one done to Glory Glory Hallelujah.

Crack me up!

Jiss, don't talk shit on forums, this one as an International one, as a Chicago sCrUBs fan because growing up my father taught me that they are shit as a team of excessus for not winning since 1908. And recent events to this day ala blame Bartman in 03 as an example :)