Perhaps not.. but I was simpering... a little.
An old law school axiom goes like this...
“ When the law is on your side, pound the law,
When the facts are on your side, pound the facts, when neither are on your side, pound the table”
"What About" Hillary and "What About" Obama aren't going to save Trump from jail. Oh, just wait. When, "The Memo™" is released it's going to be used to justify things only Trump cock suckers will believe.
lol @ Trump fans mistaking truth and trolling
“Fire the FBI director who’s investigating on you”
Comey stated that Trump was not under investigation. It seems you are having a difficult time distinguishing truth from fiction.
Keep pounding that table Pepe’.
No, he is not clearly under investigation now. The campaign and campaign operatives are under investigation, an investigation without a crime. Trump doesn’t have to “ try” and snuff any investigation, he simply can do it as the chief executive. What has happened in the past few weeks is that The Trump administration legal team has informed him that a conflict of interest has developed with the Mueller special counsel and now with the memo it is all about to implode and will clearly indicate that the FISA warrants were obtained through misleading the FISA court and collusion was a front to spy on a presidential campaign.Isn't he clearly under investigation now? Are people still thinking he's not? Comey was either lying to protect the case, or maybe he truly wasn't under investigation at the time and evidence has lead to him. Either way Trump has been trying to snuff this investigation from the start and it doesn't look good.
This is the beginning of the end for the Obama administration and their crooked dealings are going to be exposed. I look forward to Clinton, Obama, Rice, Lynch. Comey, McCabe Stzrok all being frog walked into a federal courthouse.
the whole "secret society" needs to be summarily executed.
For monthes you guys promised that, once Trump wil be elected, Hillary will go to jail. Trump even promsed he would "get a special prosecutor to look into [hillary's] situation. He sais if he was president, she'd "ben in jail".Blue Countach said:This is the beginning of the end for the Obama administration and their crooked dealings are going to be exposed. I look forward to Clinton, Obama, Rice, Lynch. Comey, McCabe Stzrok all being frog walked into a federal courthouse.
The only thing people need to get ready for is this...