"New to me", or "Might be a repost", "Sorry" seem to start every message now.
I don't follow every link in the threads I post in, and some like this one go on for 10, 20, 40 or more pages. Even if I do follow a thread closely, (like Isabella Camille), I usually don't say anything if someone reposts, because I like her and don't mind seeing old pics again. So what? And then, even if you do search the links on the last few pages, the same sets turn up all over the net, so unless you look at every link, you easily might post the same set again right under another post with a different link. On my high res screen I only see maybe the bottom 3 posts anyway at one time, and less if I use the "Quick Reply" at the bottom of the page.
I hate to think that like myself other's don't post because they don't want to risk a "repost". Devin Valencia is now on my endangered list. I stopped posting in Monique Alexander, ALS girls, and a bunch of others I follow less carefully because I don't want to hear it anymore. Anything new I might have found and could have posted there and in at least a dozen other threads is gone. Sometimes I do make a mistake and don't notice the exact same link. :dunno: