Paul Stanley’s Folgers Commercial

Yeah, I have seen it. There was also a movie I went to see that Gene was in where he made a lot of little robots and chased people with them. Based on a Michael Chrichton novel. Can't remember the name though.

That would be Runaway: I don't think it was a book, Michael Crichton just wrote a screenplay and he directed it. Haven't seen it in decades would love to see it again.
Hey Dino! You live in L.A. do you remember The Mentors? El Duce was an acquaintance of mine. The only way you could reach him on the phone was to call some bar he was at all the time and ask for him and he would proceed to tell you jokes one after another for 2 hours. Then one day he was walking along the railroad tracks drunk and got hit by a train! RIP

Here is their remake of Kiss' All American Man


El Duce on the Jerry Springer Show



Closed Account
That was pretty bad.

Paul mingling backstage during KISS Kruise 4. Notice Doc McGee and his man boobs sucking up as usual. Check out the black chick hottie about the 2:56 mark.
Hey Dino! You live in L.A. do you remember The Mentors? El Duce was an acquaintance of mine. The only way you could reach him on the phone was to call some bar he was at all the time and ask for him and he would proceed to tell you jokes one after another for 2 hours. Then one day he was walking along the railroad tracks drunk and got hit by a train! RIP

Here is their remake of Kiss' All American Man


El Duce on the Jerry Springer Show

Not too familiar with the band but the Springer episode looks familiar. That religion lady sure got her bloomers in a bunch.

Dork Sided!

From Peter Criss' book Makeup To Breakup........................

"Paul's sexuality became a topic of speculation even for us guys in the band," writes Criss. "Paul always loved to doodle. And he drew the best cocks in the universe: He could have gotten a job working at a gay porno magazine. He had the veins down, he had the balls just perfect. Ace would say, 'You gotta suck a dick to draw a dick that good.' Gene would just sit there and not say anything but smile as if to say, 'You Think?'"



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Bronze Member
At least Paul produced an actual musician, a little bluesman. Watch out for him!
