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Pastor Fucks Boys to give them “Sexual purity in the eyes of God”


Official Checked Star Member
He has done better than the previous idiot, but that guy was up to his neck in cover ups so he really couldn't do too much.

The church will continue on as his has until the actual parishioners refuse to put another penny in the tip jar or send their kids to catholic schools and demand that sweeping changes and all those being hidden are turned over. But that won't happen because religious people are fucking sheep. They'll keep funding it, keep putting their kids into altar boy programs so they can get butt fucked by old men who tell them it's the same as communion. Seriously, that's not a fucking stretch.

Rusty T

Closed Account
He has done better than the previous idiot, but that guy was up to his neck in cover ups so he really couldn't do too much.

You are calling the last pope an idiot? You really don't much about him, do you?
He has done a lot better than most of the other popes


Official Checked Star Member
Yes I am. He was one of the biggest reasons why priests were hidden and moved and their crimes ignored. If you know so much then do some research on Father Murphy and the role he had in that. Then tell me I don't know much about him. I know enough. And saying he's "dont better than most of the other Popes" isn't saying much.

I gave the new guy credit. So far so good. We'll see what actually gets done.


Official Checked Star Member
I had zero intention of it turning into being about catholics but that's where the conversation was steered. You can't really talk about men raping boys without catholics being included though can ya?


Official Checked Star Member
when someone dismisses kids being raped by people of faith like a pastor or priest as an "isolated incident" I called bullshit, which it is. Maybe you fucking catholics should start calling bullshit a little bit more. After all it's your kids that are being molested and raped and your money pays to defend and relocate these monsters. but you keep sending the kids to the priests and pumping money into the churches so you get what ask for. sad sad sad

and again, it's tough to talk about boys being raped in the name of god and NOT think of a priest.
And I called bullshit on the idea of your thread. You brought to light the despicable acts committed by a non-Catholic pastor and immediately switched gears to focus on the Catholic Church. As to your quote, "and again, it's tough to talk about boys being raped in the name of god and NOT think of a priest." I would say that it is. Especially in regards to this article since the pastor is not Catholic. It seems like your anger is geared more toward the church itself and you are using the history of child abuse to validate that anger. But I do have to ask why you only focus on that Catholicism? To clarify, I am NOT insinuating that you condone child abuse of any kind.


Official Checked Star Member
Come on dude...you are seriously trying to stand behind a statement that pedophilia and priests don't go together like a hot dog and a bun? really? That just means you're another dipshit catholic who probably still allows his son around a priest, still gives money to the church and believes it was all bullshit done just for money, even the hundreds who confessed? Sound about right?

The history of child RAPE, not just abuse. Let's call it what it is, within the catholic church is unprecedented over every other religion. Name one religion where the rape of children is as publicly tied more than the catholic church? Just one.

This was a story about a religious man raping and molesting young vulnerable boys. It was amazing he wasn't catholic, but it made the story even that much more interesting.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Pedophiles come in all shape and sizes. Why did Willie Sutton rob banks," Because that's where the money is." Teachers, scout leaders, coaches. That nice old man down at the end of the block that you and the neighborhood kids grew up with. And yes, Priests. No individual better or worse than the other. And no statistics either. Go find them and bring them here for us to shit on. If you think that any of these vermin are any different in any of their motives and beards they wear then you are sadly mistaken.
Come on dude...you are seriously trying to stand behind a statement that pedophilia and priests don't go together like a hot dog and a bun? really? That just means you're another dipshit catholic who probably still allows his son around a priest, still gives money to the church and believes it was all bullshit done just for money, even the hundreds who confessed? Sound about right?

The history of child RAPE, not just abuse. Let's call it what it is, within the catholic church is unprecedented over every other religion. Name one religion where the rape of children is as publicly tied more than the catholic church? Just one.

This was a story about a religious man raping and molesting young vulnerable boys. It was amazing he wasn't catholic, but it made the story even that much more interesting.

You really are lost. My original statement was that you started a thread about a pedophile and immediately switched it to an anti-Catholic thread. Thank you for proving me right. You claim to have no use for religion, yet time and again it is one particular religion you focus on. Also, do you have such a limited vocabulary that you have to revert to name calling in every discussion? If you'll notice, I have tried to keep this civil.
There is a reason that no other religion is as closely tied to it's misdeeds: the media. No other religion is deemed as "fair game" for criticism as Catholicism. There are numerous reports worldwide of different forms of abuse within many religions. Why is it that Catholicism is the only one that the media focuses on? Those misdeeds will not lessen the severity of those committed within the church, but they are still relevant. Also, discussions like this one speak to public perception. When a person reads an article about a pastor involved in prolonged abuse of children and still comments on Catholicism, then I question what the readers motives are. I still can't help but feel that you have a hatred for the Catholic Church and are using the history of child abuse as your soap box.


Official Checked Star Member
I am the one who is lost? I would beg to differ. I would say the one who is lost is he who refuses to admit that his church is filled with raping animals and his money he donates is being used to help protect those rapists. I think that makes YOU the lost one altar boy.

And yes, I focus on catholics more because they are the ones with old men who rape little boys and then the church hides and protects those animals from being prosecuted. You don't think the church deserves this negative attention do you?

Ahhh yes, that evil media. Always the culprit when someone is exposed. Maybe you're right, maybe it IS the media and not the thousands of cases that have been filed. Not the hundreds of admissions by the monsters who have done the raping.

Yes, I HATE the catholic church. No question. They have preached "no birth control" to 3rd world countries which are now so severely overpopulated and children cannot be fed and the people are starving to death. But then the church gets to swoop in and feed those children and become the hero, therefore securing their grasp on the masses. The church has hundreds of years of cases of child rape by priests and hundreds of years of covering it up and protecting those priests from ever seeing a day in jail. They actually move them from one parish to another, endangering an entirely new group of kids by doing so. The church itself makes billions of dollars every year yet doesn't pay a penny in taxes. The church funds lobbyists to fight gay marriage laws and adoption laws. When the church has been sued because of a child being raped they declare bankruptcy so they don't have to pay the claims even in cases where the priest confessed.

The catholic church is an easy target. They have corruption in their genes. They have grown men preying on children. They are the largest christian sect and the most flawed, therefore the easiest one to use as a perfect example.

I posted this article because it was sickening that another man was using the name of god to fuck little boys. I didn't care that he wasn't catholic. I cared that a kid was being raped. That was the story and IS the story. I mentioned Catholicism because you rarely hear of a church official raping young boys and it's NOT a priest. So what?

You are obviously in deep denial about your stupid church and their criminal ways of conducting business and the lives they have ruined. Watch that HBO documentary about the priest who started a school for the deaf in Milwaukee and raped boys for nearly 30 years. It makes your skin crawl.

Letters were written to Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict who did nothing. The letters were ignored. Police reports were filed and investigations were done yet without the church's help no charges could be filed. When that piece of shit father murphy died in 1998 he died a free man who never spent 1 minute in jail and he died a priest.

I am very happy to see the new pope saying that gays and gay marriage are things the church needs to recognize. he has spoken out about the horrible treatment of the rape victims by the church and that is also a good step. he gives hope for sure, but words are only words.

if the pope is acknowledging the rape issue then it clearly must be real and not some made up story by the media.

So let's ask this: would you send your kid to be an altar boy and spend time alone with a priest?


Official Checked Star Member
read this article about father murphy which the documentary is about. Over 200 boys dating back to the first reports of his abuse in the 1950s. It was all covered up, denied, hidden and ignored while all those boys had their lives stolen from them. You can dismiss it and deny it and blame the media, but I would bet that you wouldn't say that if it happened to you, or your son.
Kill Um all and Let god sort them out

- - - Updated - - -

Kill Um all and Let god sort them out


Official Checked Star Member
well sadly there is no god to do the sorting so we need to put them all on an island and let them starve or eat each other and kill each other off. if you are relying on god to handle it, then you my good man will be waiting a loooooooooong time.
Not once have I been dismissive of these crimes or denied that they happened. Did you even read the whole post? This is a part of what I wrote earlier, "There are numerous reports worldwide of different forms of abuse within many religions. Why is it that Catholicism is the only one that the media focuses on? Those misdeeds will not lessen the severity of those committed within the church, but they are still relevant." I don't see any denial in that statement. And I never said that the claims of the abused were "made up" by the media. What I did say was that whenever this is discovered to have happened by someone in the Church, the media will beat that story for days. They do not do that with other religions. It may get reported, but then the story is quickly dropped. You are also misrepresenting Pope Francis' comments on gays and gay marriage. He is still following the same Catholic doctrine of "love the sinner, hate the sin" that has been in place for quite some time. In no way did he say that the Church would recognize gay marriage as a sacrament. He did say the church needs to focus less on these matters and more on others.


Official Checked Star Member
the media focuses on the catholic church because of how many instances there are and the lengths with which the vatican has goe to hide it and protect the priests instead of punishing them. Very few churches in the world have a PR firm and the money the catholic church has, for one. Even fewer have the hierarchy that the catholic church has and the levels of bureaucracy. If a baptist pastor rapes a kid who does he have to protect him? does he have a multi-billion dollar corporation to move him to another church in another country and hide him until the statute of limitations runs out?

Th catholic church has become synonymous with scandal and child rape and cover ups when it comes to religion. You can blame the media, but if it weren't happening there would be nothing to report.


Mariahxxx said:
the media focuses on the catholic church because of how many instances there are and the lengths with which the vatican has goe to hide it and protect the priests instead of punishing them. Very few churches in the world have a PR firm and the money the catholic church has, for one. Even fewer have the hierarchy that the catholic church has and the levels of bureaucracy. If a baptist pastor rapes a kid who does he have to protect him? does he have a multi-billion dollar corporation to move him to another church in another country and hide him until the statute of limitations runs out?

The catholic church has become synonymous with scandal and child rape and cover ups when it comes to religion. You can blame the media, but if it weren't happening there would be nothing to report.

So says the anal sex expert...and her various other strange sexual left turns.
So, according to the FOs main fantasy story and religious insult fabricator, we need to shut down the NFL until all the players who do drugs, have sex with underage women (and boys, I'm sure), kill, and do other criminal (Michael Vick) acts that we all know about are brought to justice. 5 criminals means the whole league is complicit...
And please start cleaning up the porn industry (Milano is a lawbreaker and a hate speech advocate, for starters), and go deep into prosecuting all the druggies, obscenity purveyors, tax cheats, and fatal disease spreaders along with the just plain nasty habits the industry members expose minors to ...well, only Milano types would advocate such extremism but that's the only real purpose they have in this world.
Otherwise, STFU and try to get over your butthurt with all the regular non-porn Moms and Dads who won't ever invite your skanky Texas -sized butt over for cocktails and who really go to Church, donate to charities, and raise nice families whose kids are actually able to introduce their parents to other parents without lying about their occupations.
Obviously not gonna happen, seeing as how there's a real fixation quite obvious here...a "why didn't you love me, too, God?"

Just sayin'...:crybaby:


Official Checked Star Member
Look who has come up for air out of that large black man's anus.

I'm a law breaker now? lol I advocate hate speech? lol that enormous black horse cock that's been pounding into has rattled your brains loose and pushed your stool so far back up inside you that you are literally AND figuratively full of shit.

it's YOU that is the bigot and racist (even though you would bath in the semen of black men if you could collect enough of it)

And you just continue to prove you are out of your element with your comebacks and this one is no different.

So let me get this straight because I want to really understand this. I have said it out loud a few times to be sure even you would say such a thing. You are comparing athletes doing drugs and fornicating and name calling to old men RAPING young boys? And from what I see the NFL has taken a lot of shit for how tough it's been on player conduct off the field. Players and fans have been very upset with how much policing is done and the fines and suspensions of players for things they do in the off season on their own time. Yet the catholic church all the way to the pope has protected and hidden and funded the defense of these predators for decades, if not centuries. I dont care if there was only 1 priest who raped a boy and the church covered it up. 1 is too many. There's a reason the catholic church is now running TV ads begging people to come back to church. people dont trust the catholic church and are leaving in record numbers. I dont have a link but USA Today did a story about it a few months ago and the rate of people no longer coming to mass is at an all-time low.

You would have to be an idiot to give that church a penny. I don't give a fuck how much good they do. The fact that they use even a cent of their donations towards paying for some monster who raped kids to live is too much.

and why are you sticking up for the catholic church anyway? they are all for illegals and hiding and protecting them and lobbying for them to get driving privileges and social funding from tax money. seems to contradict your way of thinking. But then again so does being a racist and homophobic bigot but then behind closed doors you satisfy more black men than welfare does.

Only a fucking stupid shit kicker hick from texas could possibly make such a ridiculously lame and inappropriate comparison.


Well, you can...and do. A low class has-been sex toy from the ignorance-cesspool that is Florida.
Every time someone nails you on something...stupidity, bigotry (your history guarantees you have to be a liar, bigot, and pariah), "why don't you love me too, God?" is the main message everyone with an IQ over 68 hears.

What next...junkies? Just 'cause your Daddy didn't love you either? Too bad you had a fucked up life...it really seems to suit you, although blaming everyone but yourself seems a bit weak...
I'm sure you lie about your "great" accomplishments like you lie about whatever you need to pretend to have a real clue.
Oh well...without FOs you'd have next to nothing tp do...overweight, nasty whores aren't that in demand with all the fine women in the industry...most of whom seem like intellectual giants next to you.

Look! Over there! A shiny Catholic!
