Pastor advocates death for gays, same conference attended by three republican canidates.

Why should moderate Christians have to speak out against those that have hijacked a religion?


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Why should moderate Christians have to speak out against those that have hijacked a religion?

Will we see the "moderate" muslims rallying the street all over the civilized world against the radicals tomorrow? Nope. We will not, as usual. Because there is nothing moderate in Islam. There is no possible integration with Islam. Only the liberal, politically correct, brainwashed douchebags haven't understood it yet.

I found the timing of your post with this post funny. I don't expect moderate Christians to call out the hijackers, I would like to hear why these three candidates appeared at an event organized by one of those that has hijacked the religion.
Because it was in Iowa and the evangelical vote in that state is kind of a big deal. So was the attendance at this conference significant?
Ok, so approving and supporting the hijacking of christianisty by fundamentalists is OK when it's for political purpose ?
You have over 150 people dead less than 50 kilometers from you and you are worried about whether 3 candidates attended a conference where potential voters were. If confronted about this pastor, I have no doubt all of them will renounce his remarks.

They will do it publicly and not through some tweet.


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Because it was in Iowa and the evangelical vote in that state is kind of a big deal. So was the attendance at this conference significant?

1,600 In Des Moines that's fair but not large for three candidates to draw from across the state. Swanson is well known in Evangelical circles, as are his beliefs I do not doubt for an instant these three know what he represents, or were informed of what he represents from people close to them.

Contrary to national media's portrayal of Iowa as deeply religious, we are not. Only the rural areas, which make up less than 20% of the population are what I would consider Evangelical. The cities of Des Moines, Ames, and Iowa City are quite liberal.

They should never have attended, and granted this man an even greater aspect of legitimacy. If they do not share his wild beliefs, and they still pandered to him, and his followers, that tends to say something about their character.