Pastor advocates death for gays, same conference attended by three republican canidates.


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Kevin Swanson is a Colorado pastor, and host of a religious radio show who has repeatedly called for the death penalty for homosexuals in the United States. Friday he organized a religious conference in Des Moines where he continued his tirade against gays. This conference was attended by Cruz, Huckabee, and Jindal

All three were interviewed by this man, Swanson wasn't just a speaker he was the actual organizer.

An article covering the event:

Here is video of some of his rant at that conference:

Note: He doesn't advocate immediate death for gays, as he is Christian he believes they should first be given the chance to repent.

I used to be a Republican, but the party of today is not the Grand Old Party that it once was.
You make it sound as if this pastor organized and lead the conference that Jindal, Cruz and Huckabee attended .

Did they meet with him specifically? Or was he a speaker or attendee to a conference that included many evangelicals?..

I'll hang up and listen.
I actually watched the video first. I now see your post. Hmmm not sure that there is something more to it. I'll look into it...Were you equally as outraged by Jeremiah Wright's comments that was not a conference but Obama's church for 20 years?
So far, this is indefensible. I'll have to see if there are any comments made by these 3 men. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until I see more information. It was held in Iowa so of course presidential politics played a part. It is not something that I would have attended.


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So far, this is indefensible. I'll have to see if there are any comments made by these 3 men. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until I see more information. It was held in Iowa so of course presidential politics played a part. It is not something that I would have attended.

He interviewed all three men, the conference was held right in Des Moines where I live. I also do not care for Rev Wright, but I do not want a repeat of a presidential candidate who associates with people like this obtaining the White House. We have seen how well that works already. For the record I am not a Democrat, I am no longer a Republican. Now I tend to vote for independents who never win

I am a social liberal I firmly believe government, religion, and society at large (right or left) have no business interfering in the private lives of individuals. Unless those individuals actions directly harm others. Rape, murder, molestation, theft, and so on.

Thank you for keeping an open mind on this, as I found this event very disturbing. I researched this before posting, and found many videos of his speech, but none from beginning to end. as mentioned in the first post he did back pedal eventually and brought up the subject of letting Homosexuals, Adulterers, and Fornicators the chance to repent. I still find it sicking, especially where he received applause from the audience.

Will E Worm

No, the liberals have taken him out of context.

Luke 17: 1-3 (KJV)

1: Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

2: It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

3: Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.

Not the children, but the offenders.


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No, the liberals have taken him out of context.

Luke 17: 1-3 (KJV)

1: Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

2: It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

3: Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.

Not the children, but the offenders.

Will I know your a Got damned American Treasure as far as conspiracy theories go, but this pastor is a bona fide loon There is a part of his speech from this same event where he wants to cloth himself in sack cloth roll in cow shit, and throw rocks at an assembly that hosts a gay wedding. Actual video of this exists. To say nothing of his belief that all birth control should be outlawed, even among married couples, Strangely he didn't reference that issue at this event. Plus you know the whole death penalty for gays.

Why am I not surprised Will supports this man? :facepalm:
God called and said "You know, there are other sins listed in my book besides homosexuality you know.

How about talk about some of them , M'kay thanks"
I actually watched the video first. I now see your post. Hmmm not sure that there is something more to it. I'll look into it...Were you equally as outraged by Jeremiah Wright's comments that was not a conference but Obama's church for 20 years?
During the 2008 campaign, Obama left Wright's Church and denounced him. We'll see if Cruz, Huckabee and Jindall will do the same with Kevin Swanson...


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Here is another article that goes into detail about the language and the actions he is using:

Creep of the Week: Kevin Swanson>

There are those who are your run of the mill anti-LGBT folks, and then there are the foaming at the mouth, screamin' to the heavens, shoutin' at the devil anti-LGBT folks like Colorado pastor Kevin Swanson.

At the National Religious Liberties Conference earlier this month, homosexuality came up a lot. And Swanson, the conference's host, made his position graphically clear when he warned the audience about "the sin of homosexuality."

"Paul affirms that this particular sin is worthy of death in Romans Chapter 1," he says. "So, granted there are varying levels of clarity/relevance relating to ethics, but still the Old Testament and New Testament, I believe, both speak with authority and we ought to receive it."

It's cute that he points out the "varying levels of clarity/relevance relating to ethics." In other words, "We can't just start executing gays because that would be logistically difficult and would upset some people." But he's basically saying we "ought to." Because the Bible says so.

So you can only imagine what he thinks of marriage equality.

"There are families, we're talking Christian families, pastors' families, elders' families from good, godly churches," he says, "(and) their sons are rebelling, hanging out with homosexuals and getting married and the parents are invited. What would you do if that was the case?"

Um, I'd go? And since I'm the parent in this hypothetical situation I'd support my child in his quest for love and happiness in his life.

Swanson has a different, grosser, idea. (Don't read on if you're eating.)

"Here is what I would do: sackcloth and ashes at the entrance to the church and I'd sit in cow manure and I'd spread it all over my body," he says. "That is what I would do and I'm not kidding, I'm not laughing."

Woah. Sackcloth and ashes is definitely not appropriate wedding attire. It's an Old Testament thing where people wear super uncomfortable shirts made from like, goat hair or burlap or something, and rub ashes all over themselves to show repentance or grief.

But Swanson is all, "Nah, ashes are too tame for me," and takes it to the next level. The poop level.

But wait, in his effort to win the Crazy Olympics he levels up to the pus level. And let me clarify before you read this that "pussy" means "full of pus" and is pronounced as such. He is not talking about cats or vaginas.

"I'm grieving, I'm mourning, I'm pointing out the problem! It's not a gay time," he says, shouting and near tears. "These are the people with the sores, the gaping sores! The sores that are pussy, and gross, and people are coming in and carving happy faces on the sores. That's not a nice thing to do. Don't you dare carve happy faces on open pussy sores. Don't you ever do that. Don't you ever do that. I tell you don't do it!"

It sounds to me like Swanson is confusing a same-sex wedding with a "Walking Dead" wedding. He has a really sick imagination.

"Sack cloth and ashes," Swanson continues. "This is what America needs. America needs to hear the message. We are messed up."

Speak for yourself, Swanson. You're the one having fever dreams about carving pus-filled smiley faces, which is one of the most messed up things I've ever heard.

Thankfully nobody would ever take this guy seriously.

Unless you're Republican presidential hopefuls Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz. Then you attend Swanson's hatefest. Because you want to be publicly associated with a man who wants to smear shit all over himself and thinks gays should be killed.

To borrow a phrase from Swanson's own rant: "That's not a nice thing to do."

Let's be clear here:

This is a grade-a hatemonger that has zero place to speak out in the name of a religion that prides itself in love and forgiveness. This is a man who is one of those clever guys who whip up the weaker minds of his listeners, and who will have some of these do his dirty deeds, and I am not talking cow manure.

He will have the blood on his hands, without getting thrown in prison or having to face the people whose relatives he has gotten murdered.

And that is the guy Ted Cruz and Huckabee and Jindal suck up too.


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Glad to see I am not the only person here disgusted by this. If anyone finds the whole video of his tirade, or the full video interviews he conducted with each candidate please link them here. I have only found parts of the three interviews, and parts of his speech.
Kevin Swanson said:
"There are families, we're talking Christian families, pastors' families, elders' families from good, godly churches — their sons are rebelling, hanging out with homosexuals and getting married and the parents are invited. What would you do if that was the case? Here is what I would do: sackcloth and ashes at the entrance to the church and I'd sit in cow manure and I'd spread it all over my body,"


But one would note that, after spreading cow manure all over his body as he said he would, he would be, litteraly, full of shit :D
i watched that video. He's laying it on a bit thick.

i think he's got a fetish.

ted haggard called.

and the radio commentator or whatever is an idiot.
but compare and contrast. Under GWB you had an evangelical christian as chief executive, an one as the top law enforcement officer in the land in Ashcroft and a majority GOP in both houses of congresses. What was done during that era to stifle the homosexual lifestyle or porn or any other vices. I don't recall any. And even if there was, nothing came of it. All I know, is I was viewing porn and jerking off to it with abandon like I am now. And that was as close to the "American Taliban" as you were ever going to get.

but you have those of another faith who are blindfolding, binding and throwing homosexuals off of 3 story buildings. rather than citing verses that homosexuals are worthy of death, they're actually taking it upon themselves to carry it out.

and what do we get from the perpetually outraged left? crickets.


Closed Account
but compare and contrast. Under GWB you had an evangelical christian as chief executive, an one as the top law enforcement officer in the land in Ashcroft and a majority GOP in both houses of congresses. What was done during that era to stifle the homosexual lifestyle or porn or any other vices. I don't recall any. And even if there was, nothing came of it. All I know, is I was viewing porn and jerking off to it with abandon like I am now. And that was as close to the "American Taliban" as you were ever going to get.

but you have those of another faith who are blindfolding, binding and throwing homosexuals off of 3 story buildings. rather than citing verses that homosexuals are worthy of death, they're actually taking it upon themselves to carry it out.

and what do we get from the perpetually outraged left? crickets.

I am very outraged by the actions you describe. One difference, this is my home town, my state, my country, and this mad man was given legitimacy by three, three presidential candidates. To my knowledge GWB, and Ashcroft never associated with radicals like this one. You can deflect all you want to even worse nations, and worse religions, that doesn't change the fact this level of hatred , and insanity is being practiced right here.

I would hope someone confronts these three men about this, I dearly hope they were unaware of just how crazed this man was. I would also hope they denounce him, if not these are three men I want no where near the Oval Office. We have already had eight years of a president with associations to fringe groups. Do you want four more?
but compare and contrast. Under GWB you had an evangelical christian as chief executive, an one as the top law enforcement officer in the land in Ashcroft and a majority GOP in both houses of congresses. What was done during that era to stifle the homosexual lifestyle or porn or any other vices. I don't recall any. And even if there was, nothing came of it. All I know, is I was viewing porn and jerking off to it with abandon like I am now. And that was as close to the "American Taliban" as you were ever going to get.

but you have those of another faith who are blindfolding, binding and throwing homosexuals off of 3 story buildings. rather than citing verses that homosexuals are worthy of death, they're actually taking it upon themselves to carry it out.

and what do we get from the perpetually outraged left? crickets.

But, from 2001 to 2008, no pro-gay rights or anti-gay discrimination bill was passed. So, when gay rights stay very low, christian fundamentalists remain silent. But when gays get to have the same rights as any other US citizens, when you're not allowed to discriminate against gays, then christian fundamentalists get outraged and claim hollywood has some gay agenda, particulary aimed at children which they are supposedly trying to turn gay.
But, from 2001 to 2008, no pro-gay rights or anti-gay discrimination bill was passed. So, when gay rights stay very low, christian fundamentalist remain silent. But when gays get to have the same rights as any other US citizens, when you're not allowed to discriminate against gays, then christian fundamentalist get outraged and the more they claim hollywood has some gay agenda, particulary aimed at children which they are supposedly trying to turn gay.

Because DOMA was already law, signed by Bill Clinton.
True. And I think it was not the best bill Clinton passed during his mandate. But it was the 90', gay marriage was totally taboo, absolutely off-table. Only a tiny percentage of people were pro-gay marriage.
I am very outraged by the actions you describe. One difference, this is my home town, my state, my country, and this mad man was given legitimacy by three, three presidential candidates. To my knowledge GWB, and Ashcroft never associated with radicals like this one. You can deflect all you want to even worse nations, and worse religions, that doesn't change the fact this level of hatred , and insanity is being practiced right here.

practiced as in speech?

fair enough, ask those 3 candidates if they repudiate what that guy said.

and I wasn't deflecting, but pointing out the rank hypocrisy and lack of perspective by some.