Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Boi is on to something.He wasn't even ignored when he left.
Sweet, delicious troll cake.
Boi is on to something.He wasn't even ignored when he left.
Sweet, delicious troll cake.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that the opposite of what Rattrap asserts is true. We've all made a concerted effort to hold Will E Worm accountable for his disgusting comment about hoping for mass murder and crime and as a result he's posted a lot less in the last few weeks than previously.
Why won't you answer questions about what you said about Will E? You can't just say you hope for mass Will E murders, and then not clarify such statements.
Even climatologists of every persuasion will not say that climate change is a hoax. There is inconclusive data that will take many years to sift through. In the meantime why not do everything possible to insure a better world to live in for future generations? The problem I have with the climate change crowd is that they are pushing an agenda that is generally anti-corporate in the name of climate change. I also have a problem with my fellow conservatives saying that climate change is not real based upon their ideology. I'll leave this to the scientists and climatologists who study this on a daily basis. The hypocrisy on both sides sickens me.
You raise a good point. What is the bad part of trying to do better at treating the planet better? Believe in global warming or not, why not try to improve how we're doing?
I am impressed with Dirk's low rep footprint. Lead by example I say...
I must spread some rep around...
I would love to take credit for my low rep footprint, but I have it because Petra's a turd fondler. We really need to get Anders to change her user title to "FreeOnes Team Member and Official Turd Fondler."
I would love to take credit for my low rep footprint, but I have it because Petra's a turd fondler. We really need to get Anders to change her user title to "FreeOnes Team Member and Official Turd Fondler."
Once you put the article's false assumptions aside (such as that silence is a reward or that we don't control the environment - which insofar as it matters on a forum, we do), it actually agrees with me. It's the basic psychology you use with dogs: bad attention is still more desirable than no attention."Don't feed the trolls" has never worked in my experience, and many would agree with me.
And you continue to give it to him. :dunno:But no, he couldn't last 2 weeks without me. Not the rest of you, me. He needs my attention. It validates his existence.
Ultimately, we deserve the trolls we earn. We continue to earn Sam.Pretty sure that behind the bat shit crazy screen name, Sam is just a lonely tree hugging pacifist who just wants some attention. To think that all you guys are providing him a support network is deeply moving.:clap:
Once you put the article's false assumptions aside (such as that silence is a reward or that we don't control the environment - which insofar as it matters on a forum, we do), it actually agrees with me. It's the basic psychology you use with dogs: bad attention is still more desirable than no attention.
The goal of trolling - according to the article HHJJ posted, and I agree with it - is to control the discussion. Spamming threads is not controlling the discussion. Having people reply to those threads is.Explain how "silence is a reward" is a "false assumption". A troll starts a thread, reply or not, they have accomplished their trolling. If there's no response, easy, just start another thread. And another. And another. If they do get a reply, the more the better, but ignoring it won't make it go away.
The most 'severe' consequence we, as non-moderator/administrators can enact, is to make sure a troll's threads sit at 0 replies, 0 views (unless their own viewing counts...then 1 view).The administrators have control over the environment, unfortunately they allow trolling and the board suffers as a result. When dealing with a dog, or a troll, or a bully, you have to make the negative consequences severe enough to eliminate the behavior. That's the only way to make it stop.
You know, I'm actually kind of curious as to why you've had your rep removed. Likely some sort of association with FreeOnes (as per Mods and Team Members), but I've never actually inquired as to what that is, nor seen it mentioned anywhere. I know you're not a mod, being that you seem to generally have to rely on them (mainly GSB methinks) for modly things, and being in the music industry I doubt you're a Team Member (since the site isn't exactly rocking a soundtrack), unless you're doing something part time involving other skills...
The goal of trolling - according to the article HHJJ posted, and I agree with it - is to control the discussion. Spamming threads is not controlling the discussion. Having people reply to those threads is. The most 'severe' consequence we, as non-moderator/administrators can enact, is to make sure a troll's threads sit at 0 replies, 0 views (unless their own viewing counts...then 1 view).
The goal of trolling - according to the article HHJJ posted, and I agree with it - is to control the discussion. Spamming threads is not controlling the discussion. Having people reply to those threads is.
Nah, I'm no mod, nor a team member. A while ago, Petra had a bit of a tantrum (she's not quite mentally stable), and she just put me to negative 999,999,999,999,999,999 (or something like that) rep just for fun. While this is further evidence of her being a turd-fondler, it's all good. Rep is entirely meaningless, anyway. People get too worked up over it. I still rep things I like, even though I can't increase others' rep, just as an indication that I appreciated what they posted.
I think it's funny that people think I'm a mod or something. Petra would kill me.
No dissenting reaction from anyone else is still a reaction. It means he's essentially bullied everyone into silence. He's silenced the opposition, and "won" the debate by doing so. And of course Will showing up and going... :clap::goodpost::bowdown::thumbsup: ... is also a reaction.
Aren't FreeOnes Credits linked to certain levels of Reputation though?
Aren't FreeOnes Credits linked to certain levels of Reputation though?