Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012

When you said you could name ten facts, none of us would have considered copy-pasta images to be "facts". How about some actual proof that nothing's happening, rather than just dumping the contents of your photobucket on us?


So, once again the lying li'l hillbilly doofus can't back up his bullshit claims. And once again Sampon the Assmule makes accusations that aren't on the same planet as the truth.

Once again Sampon, you do not have the capacity to piss me off. You continue to show what a no-integrity, no-balls cunt you really are. And when I'm not laughing at you (as I am now), I'm weeping for the people who have to put up with you and all ignorant trash like you in real life.

You're even to stoopid to realize that the female members of this board have more guts than you. And your Harley and your guns don't change that glaring fact. And this last post demonstrates once again what a child you are. You are a pathetic, 12 year old girl trapped in a pathetic, middle aged man's body.

Nice use of an overly small Newsweek cover so we can't read it, asshole. Makes it easier to lie about the content, doesn't it? Oh wait, I'm sure you never read it either, just saw it on one of your bullshit sites and barfed it back up here.

Note the ASTERISK? Maybe you should read what it correlates to:

* Or so claim well-funded naysayers who still reject the overwhelming evidence of climate change. Inside the denial machine. By Sharon Begley.

That's what it says right at the bottom of the picture you posted. The article points out how the denial of climate change is all industry-funded bullshit. Way to use that as evidence douchebag...
Hmmm...maybe we can learn something valuable from this. Not that global warming is a hoax, no, but that we can skew anything to make it seem like it our beliefs are superior or makes our opponents seem foolish if we take the most extreme elements of an opposing view, (which most of our opponents don't and never did believe) strawman them onto our opponents cause, and try and refute our opponents based on that even if what most of them think is perfectly valid, reasonable, backed up by science and the vast majority of the evidence. :rolleyes:
Two things are happening her:

1. Sam is losing this argument badly, and making himself look foolish for saying he could produce facts, and then not doing so.
2. Everyone is falling prey to Sam being nothing but a master baiter. Why get drawn into an argument he's clearly not interested in having? Much like Will, he simply states his opinion as fact, and dares you to disagree.


Two things are happening her:

1. Sam is losing this argument badly, and making himself look foolish for saying he could produce facts, and then not doing so.
2. Everyone is falling prey to Sam being nothing but a master baiter. Why get drawn into an argument he's clearly not interested in having? Much like Will, he simply states his opinion as fact, and dares you to disagree.

In the case of this thread, I responded to Sam's OP with evidence supporting my point-of-view. It wasn't an argument at that stage, but a debate like we're supposed to have here. Then, because Sam is Sam, it just had to get personal. He can't help but take the stupidest side of any debate. And when he inevitably loses, in this case by not having any evidence to back up his claims, he reverts to his usual pre-pubescent self. And, as usual, that's the stage of the game where I constantly point out that he is outclassed by the porn board that he insists on coming back too. He'll keep embarrassing himself, and I'll keep pointing out why he should be. Will is your bitch, Sam is mine. But I'm not a selfish person. The rest of you can have sloppy seconds when I'm done with him.
Will is your bitch, Sam is mine. But I'm not a selfish person. The rest of you can have sloppy seconds when I'm done with him.

Wow... Seriously, WOW! Your life must really suck. You take the internet WAY, WAY too fucking seriously, Mr. Card Dealer. You need to get out more often and expand your horizons. Seriously. Push away from the keyboard, turn off the computer and walk outside and get some fresh air, dude. I mean really.

Seek a therapist. You REALLY need one.
Wow... Seriously, WOW! Your life must really suck. You take the internet WAY, WAY too fucking seriously, Mr. Card Dealer. You need to get out more often and expand your horizons. Seriously. Push away from the keyboard, turn off the computer and walk outside and get some fresh air, dude. I mean really.

Seek a therapist. You REALLY need one.

How about you back up any of the assertions you made in here?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You guys really, really, really need to stop assuming that Sam wants to actually have an intelligent debate. Don't ask him to back up his assertions or to make an intelligent argument, because he won't. He posts this to make you guys overreact, which you do every single time. Instead of responding to his threads out of some misguided notion that you're going to embarass him, just stop replying to him. Even if you school him, he's going to keep on posting and you're going to keep on falling for it.


Wow... Seriously, WOW! Your life must really suck. You take the internet WAY, WAY too fucking seriously, Mr. Card Dealer. You need to get out more often and expand your horizons. Seriously. Push away from the keyboard, turn off the computer and walk outside and get some fresh air, dude. I mean really.

Seek a therapist. You REALLY need one.

Ah Sampon, once again you make accusations that are best directed at yourself. In a year and a half you have a post total that took me almost 8 years to accumulate. But that doesn't occur to your dim little mind. It just doesn't register at all.

And we're still waiting on the facts you promised us.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
You guys really, really, really need to stop assuming that Sam wants to actually have an intelligent debate. Don't ask him to back up his assertions or to make an intelligent argument, because he won't. He posts this to make you guys overreact, which you do every single time. Instead of responding to his threads out of some misguided notion that you're going to embarass him, just stop replying to him. Even if you school him, he's going to keep on posting and you're going to keep on falling for it.
True story. As I mention here, every time you respond to him - no matter how much you 'own' him - he wins. You're just feeding him delicious, delicious troll food. Every time.
True story. As I mention here, every time you respond to him - no matter how much you 'own' him - he wins. You're just feeding him delicious, delicious troll food. Every time.

You think if we ignore Sam he'll go away? You may recall he went away, he's back anyway. You can't rid of him. He's this board's own personal case of herpes.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
You think if we ignore Sam he'll go away? You may recall he went away, he's back anyway. You can't rid of him. He's this board's own personal case of herpes.
Herpes isn't quite the right analogy; he's the sore on the inside of our collective lip. If we'd just stop tonguing the damn thing all the time...

Hell. Even while he was away there were threads just for him. Sweet, delicious troll cake. If he's ignored, he'll go away. Even better, if he's ignored, it won't matter. Alas, self-control around here is about as strong as a fat kid's on free ice cream day.

When you respond to the troll, you feed the troll. When you feed the troll, the troll wins. You may think you're being clever, you may think you've got him out-smarted, you may think you've got argumentative knock-out, you may even be right on all counts - the troll still wins. Period.
When you respond to the troll, you feed the troll. When you feed the troll, the troll wins. You may think you're being clever, you may think you've got him out-smarted, you may think you've got argumentative knock-out, you may even be right on all counts - the troll still wins. Period.

"Don't feed the trolls" has never worked in my experience, and many would agree with me. Though studies I've read have found there is a benefit to the tactic, those benefits were personal. I don't think I've ever personally seen evidence to suggest that people who ignore trolls/bullies/harassers has made the aggressors reliably quit, but apparently there is evidence to suggest that, when the behavior isn't too detrimental, that ignoring as opposed to engaging will tend to lead to lower stress levels in the recipients of the behavior, which I suppose isn't too surprising since conflict is stressful for most people, and for many I suppose it could easily be more so than the trolling/bullying/harassment in question.


Hell. Even while he was away there were threads just for him. Sweet, delicious troll cake. If he's ignored, he'll go away. Even better, if he's ignored, it won't matter. Alas, self-control around here is about as strong as a fat kid's on free ice cream day.

When you respond to the troll, you feed the troll. When you feed the troll, the troll wins. You may think you're being clever, you may think you've got him out-smarted, you may think you've got argumentative knock-out, you may even be right on all counts - the troll still wins. Period.

No there wasn't, there was 1 thread, and I'm the one that asked people to stop topping it. One thread, Rattrap.

But no, he couldn't last 2 weeks without me. Not the rest of you, me. He needs my attention. It validates his existence. He needs his Daddy to pay attention to him, any attention. To Sampon, a bitchslap is like a hug, so I'll keep hugging him. If he gets to have his fun, I get to have mine. I didn't ask for this roll, but I'll play it. Contrary to what he or anyone else believes, he inspires no anger from me. I sit with a cigarette and a cup of coffee, read his drivel, have anything from a chuckle to a gut-laugh, and give him a response.

I'm here to discuss Political topics. The evidence is crystal clear that I am happy and willing to keep it respectful. Hell, there was nothing disrespectful to my first post on this thread. I gave the hillbilly cretin the respect that he no longer deserves. And what did I get for it? But if he wants to keep acting like an inbred doofus, I'll play along. It doesn't cost me anything.