
Torn & Frayed.
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

I don't take pleasure or glorify in another person's death. It's a sad moment. It's even more sad that he had to turn to evil and was willing to kill innocent people in the first place. If anything is good it's that he can no longer harm people by his continuing actions. He was never going to face real justice in this life, and he was never going to stop trying to kill people so the decision to take him out was the right one. Still it's more of a sad moment on the state of mankind and what people are willing to do out of hate like he was than anything. I don't hold any illusions on this being some significant defeat for people like him since there is always another person that's willing to do what he did, people doing wrong is always easier than them doing right, and especially since he was more a figurehead at this point in time. I'm glad in some way justice was finally served after all this time, and maybe in some way even somebody like him can find real repentance in the afterlife.
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

Why should Bush get credit? He had seven years to find this guy. Bush had his chance to kill Bin Laden in 2001 at Tora Bora but he blew it by making the costly decision not to pursue the terrorist leader with massive force.

Last year, President Obama secretly sanctioned a huge increase in the number of US special forces carrying out search-and-destroy missions against al-Qaeda around the world. Bush started this but Obama stepped up the program and he got results, something Bush didn't get.

Had Bush not gone after him half hearted with an eye towards an excuse to invade Iraq also....we could have been celebrating this day years earlier.:facepalm:

Either way, Obama was the one who increased the operational focus and manpower over Bush's efforts...what a surprise, we got him.:rolleyes:

(Oh..almost forgot...let's not forget to give the Dutch and Boothy some cred on this too...:o)
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

why do people think if you get the big fish it matters? a terrorist is dead not terrorism.

its like the mafia back in the 90s. the boss dies not the business there is still tons of terrorist to carry out any plans.

unfortunately the only way to keep terrorist attacks away from america is stay in countries the terrorist attacks come from.

its unfortunate but true.
Thats why its time for America to beef up national security to levels unprecedented. al-qaeda is probably going to use these celebrations to their strategic advantage , when you are least expecting it, to plan anther attack. All i can say is everyone in America needs to be more circumspect than they have ever been.
It's important. For the glory of the United States. A country as free, diversified, and big as the US needs to get Justice. Otherwise we are some pitiful giant.

But, we showed them that you are a dead man if you strike at civilian US citizens.

A proud day.
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

Are you being Facetious? Really, I can't tell if you're joking or not. I hope you are because that statement if serious is amazingly disconnected from reality.:(

For the love of god, do we really need to make this a democrat/republican thing already??? Who cares who gets "credit" for it. Give both of them credit. W is the one who put the contract out on him, and at least Barrack Hussein Obama didn't change the orders. Give them both credit and enjoy the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

I think there's going to be a bunch of crazy bastard bringing some crap in short order, I'm glad he's dead, I'd also like to see the body.
But am I the only one thinking that there's going to be some kind of shoe to drop tomorrow? Something kind of bad? Give the public a great piece of news the day before kind of thing? I certainly hope I'm wrong and the economy improves from here on out.

The same thought crossed my mind. I was talking to my dad about this, and he brought up a good point: why would they wait until just before midnight, Eastern Time, to make the announcement, when they could've broken it on Monday morning? Especially after they had the body for a week. My spider sense is tingly. :tinhat:
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

For the love of god, do we really need to make this a democrat/republican thing already??? Who cares who gets "credit" for it. Give both of them credit. W is the one who put the contract out on him, and at least Barrack Hussein Obama didn't change the orders. Give them both credit and enjoy the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C4TB...you addressed this response to the wrong guy.:2 cents: I realize you're probably appealing to the more civil, logical and mature one in the exchange but that's no excuse for not pinning the admonition appropriately where it belongs.:hybrid:
I wonder where my buddy Zolf is? He had the nerve to give me negative rep a while back because I posted a picture of Racquel Darrian's ass! I bet he's kneeling on his rug crying over the death of his hero about now.
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

why do people think if you get the big fish it matters? a terrorist is dead not terrorism.

its like the mafia back in the 90s. the boss dies not the business there is still tons of terrorist to carry out any plans.

unfortunately the only way to keep terrorist attacks away from america is stay in countries the terrorist attacks come from.

its unfortunate but true.

True but this is HUGE. Think about it in the following ways...

1-For terrorists, it sends the following message..."you can't hide...if we want you, we'll get you, even if it takes time."

2-It also sends the following message...."We're winning. You got one lucky attack on us, taking advantage of our innocence...but all you really did was piss us off."

3-Politically, this shows half-assed allies like Pakistan that you can't and shouldn't sit on both sides of the fence. I think it's obvious that Pakistan was half-assing it in their cooperation with us. That BS has to stop.

4-This gives a weary US a BIG shot in the arm. This can be a mood-changer. Can this single thing turn the economy around? I doubt it, but it's the sort of thing that might change the national mood and help lead to brighter days.

No one has ever thought that getting him would end terrorism. Terrorism is here to stay...but it sure as hell makes a big statement to terrorists.
Glad to hear it, but let's just remember that he wasn't a vampire. Killing the head one doesn't turn the rest into standup citizens.

-(salute) Captain Obvious awayyyyyyyyyy....
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

C4TB...you addressed this response to the wrong guy.:2 cents: I realize you're probably appealing to the more civil, logical and mature one in the exchange but that's no excuse for not pinning the admonition appropriately where it belongs.:hybrid:
Very true. Sorry about that Mega. One thing I don't like is that this site only will only quote one post. I meant to post the original post along with yours.

Anyway, this shouldn't be about "credit" for either president. Of course BHO will try to spin it that way, but whatever, a republican president would do the same thing. I'm just glad the bin-man is dead.
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

Hope got fired mind you. Star and Nene is still in and afterwords those two had a few words with each other. Wonder what next week will be like. Now about this Bin Laden death crap...I don't care what anyone says Obama is going to win a second term, after the breaking news the President is bound to skyrocket. Hello!

So what happens later in the months to come? Has The War On Terror come to an end? Will there be an exit strategy for the U.S. troops in Afghanistan?

Hope got fired?! awe I mean without Busey it isn't nearly as much fun but she was the only eye candy.

As far as Bin Laden. I wanna see his body; then I wanna see his body reanimated as a marionette and put on trial as a corpse puppet.
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

For the love of god, do we really need to make this a democrat/republican thing already??? Who cares who gets "credit" for it. Give both of them credit. W is the one who put the contract out on him, and at least Barrack Hussein Obama didn't change the orders. Give them both credit and enjoy the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, i can do that