Opinions please, what do you think of these girls?


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Approved Content Owner
I'm not sure where the right area would be for this, so feel free to move it where ever it belongs :)

I wanted your guys onions on these girls, which ones do you like more? Thoughts, comments, whatever. I want to hear what you think, your opinions are important :D

Girl #1



Girl # 2



And just for kicks, them together
both of them are pretty cute (altho similar) but i'd have to go with the second one cuz i like her ass better and the build of her body better
If they walked into a bar, I'd want to see ID for both of them! Maybe unfair for me to comment as I don't get the 'teen' thing at all, upload some new pics in 20 years time :)


They need to eat a fucking sandwich amd gain a little weight to damn annorexic for my likes


This is something I've never thought before about a pornstar, and I find it odd I even noticed, but...

Girl number 2 has really nice teeth.

Oh God, whats wrong with me? Am I losing my mind?
This is something I've never thought before about a pornstar, and I find it odd I even noticed, but...

Girl number 2 has really nice teeth.

Oh God, whats wrong with me? Am I losing my mind?

No I'll agree with you, she does have nice teeth.

To give my opinion, they both are pretty cute.
First girl should not spend much time at the sun, and it would be a good idea for her to visit dermatologist on a regular basis.


Come on Kellie, don't leave us hanging, we want names! Number 2 is so damn cute.