This of course is not a new concept if you've read Marx.
I never though of opium as a poison :tongue:
EDIT: Before Hitchens wrote that piece, there was Richard Dawkins.
I don't think religion is necessarily a poison. I would more accurately put it that anything in which people allow themselves to be lead blindly into without questioning it what so ever are poisons. I think if more people stepped back and asked, “is what I was taught right” or “is what I was taught about this the real truth” it wouldn’t be as bad as if they just accepted commands like a robot.
I think that's the key to it right many people around the world, Europe and the US included, are driven in nearly everything they do by their religion. This, I believe, is very dangerous. I think religion can be good in shaping basic moral tenets and such, but I think those who take their religion with "a grain of salt" get more done and in a more peaceful fashion. For instance, I personally was raised Catholic and consider myself to still be, though non-practicing. However, my personal beliefs are tempered by an understanding that bible verses are thousands of years old and may not dictate what is "right" today. :2 cents:
PS-D-rock: hope i didn't misinterpret any of what you said![]()
Good Point,I couldn't have said it any better.Yes and Marx's ideas have been a rousing success have they not?
Just look at Russia, Cuba, Venezuala, North Korea, China etc.
But it's making inroads here in the States a fact Michael Moore and Hillary love big time!
Yes and Marx's ideas have been a rousing success have they not?
Just look at Russia, Cuba, Venezuala, North Korea, China etc.
But it's making inroads here in the States a fact Michael Moore and Hillary love big time!
I said above, Marx was a theory distorted for the sake of Soviet power and others as a means to grow the government.
Marx was about putting power back into the hands of the workers, and that the elite few didn't deserve to run things on their breaking backs for their own gain. A lot of people seeing big corporations with CEO salaries upwards of $25 million or more, polluting and destroying the environment to their own ends without retribution as the same. In fact, Upton Sinclair wrote the book, "The Jungle", about the pain of workers circa 1890, in the Chicago meat packing industry
The novel depicts in harsh tones the poverty, complete absence of social security, scandalous living and working conditions, and generally utter hopelessness prevalent among the have-nots, which is contrasted with the deeply-rooted corruption on the part of the haves. The sad state of turn-of-the-century labor is placed front and center for the American public to see suggesting that something needed to be changed to get rid of American "wage slavery".
Sinclair was thought to be a communist, although communists thought of him as a Capitalist. He said, people would accept socialism, but not the name.
Another example of this is sharcropper farmers exploited for their work and in some places accepting the necessity of giving the boss the first crack at their new wives to carry the seed of success. Exploitation exists every day in every civilization, and sometimes we hear about it. Drug companies legally dump drugs on third world countries, to test them, and to get rid of them while minimizing their loss. Union Carbide accidently killed 20,000 in India in 1984 and sought not to be accountable.
There seems to be a place for Marxist ideas every day.