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Operation Fast and Furious WTF?

Could you elaborate more on how they would do this? Also, it would imply that the Bush Administration was trying to do the same with "Operation Wide Receiver"


Yeah, but in the case of the Bush op (wide receiver) it REALLY was an attempt to trace the guns, but not in O-face's op (fast and furious).

1. In wide receiver, the guns had RFID trackers and there was surveilance via aircraft to follow the guns, but that was not used in fast and furious. The problem with WR was that the straw buyers know how to evade the authorities.

2. In WR, no taxpayer money was given to straw buyers, the Obama administration did give straw buyers taxpayer money in FF.

3. In WR, the Bush administration realized the op was a complete mess and they shut it down after only 400 (more or less) guns were purchased, in FF the Obama administration has allowed over 12,000 guns to be purchased by straw buyers.

In other words, what went wrong with WR was NOT intentional, what went wrong with FF WAS intentional.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Anything run by Vin Disel may not work, unless he goes all Riddick on this one.
Yeah, but in the case of the Bush op (wide receiver) it REALLY was an attempt to trace the guns, but not in O-face's op (fast and furious).

1. In wide receiver, the guns had RFID trackers and there was surveilance via aircraft to follow the guns, but that was not used in fast and furious. The problem with WR was that the straw buyers know how to evade the authorities.

2. In WR, no taxpayer money was given to straw buyers, the Obama administration did give straw buyers taxpayer money in FF.

3. In WR, the Bush administration realized the op was a complete mess and they shut it down after only 400 (more or less) guns were purchased, in FF the Obama administration has allowed over 12,000 guns to be purchased by straw buyers.

In other words, what went wrong with WR was NOT intentional, what went wrong with FF WAS intentional.

Again, what exactly was the INTENTION here.

Between, this is what Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's report says.

"The Purpose Was To Wait And Watch, In The Hope That Law Enforcement Could Identify Other Members Of A Trafficking Network And Build A Large, Complex Conspiracy Case."



Closed Account
Obama can lick the shit off my asshole, and the same goes with Eric Holder. Those two fucking fuckers can go to fucking hell for all I fucking care. Fuck 'em both.


My Penis Is Dancing!
You dumb fucks are just finding out about this now? Seriously? Did it take the caveman that long to chip the story into the wall, or was Fox News too busy burying its collective head in Rick Perry's lap.
Way to stay up on current events, guys!

And, I believe Jon Stewart of all people summed up our plot quite nicely. Way ta go, guyz! Yer genusus!


Closed Account
You dumb fucks are just finding out about this now? Seriously? Did it take the caveman that long to chip the story into the wall, or was Fox News too busy burying its collective head in Rick Perry's lap.
Way to stay up on current events, guys!

And, I believe Jon Stewart of all people summed up our plot quite nicely. Way ta go, guyz! Yer genusus!

Shouldn't you be down there on Wall Street with the other stinking hippies who are jealous of those who work and make a living?



My Penis Is Dancing!
Shouldn't you be down there on Wall Street with the other stinking hippies who are jealous of those who work and make a living?


Garly, you shure tootin' got me!
And at least you were intelligent enough to stay on topic, disabling any of my proof that those who are too ignorant to attempt to argue the issue attempt to change that issue with attacks from another front. Kudos for not only sticking to the topic, but being able to find one of the shiny pretty smilies! You're a big boy, aren't you!

Now if you will pardon me, I have a more intellectually challenging argument to get into with a nearby paper clip.


Hiliary 2020
Re: WTF?

Could you elaborate more on how they would do this? Also, it would imply that the Bush Administration was trying to do the same with "Operation Wide Receiver"


So what? Why are you making it a party thing?
Its bad shit either way
Yeah, but in the case of the Bush op (wide receiver) it REALLY was an attempt to trace the guns, but not in O-face's op (fast and furious).

1. In wide receiver, the guns had RFID trackers and there was surveilance via aircraft to follow the guns, but that was not used in fast and furious. The problem with WR was that the straw buyers know how to evade the authorities.

2. In WR, no taxpayer money was given to straw buyers, the Obama administration did give straw buyers taxpayer money in FF.

3. In WR, the Bush administration realized the op was a complete mess and they shut it down after only 400 (more or less) guns were purchased, in FF the Obama administration has allowed over 12,000 guns to be purchased by straw buyers.

In other words, what went wrong with WR was NOT intentional, what went wrong with FF WAS intentional.

Nice educated response Spyder.
I didn't know most of that.
You dumb fucks are just finding out about this now? Seriously? Did it take the caveman that long to chip the story into the wall, or was Fox News too busy burying its collective head in Rick Perry's lap.
Way to stay up on current events, guys!

And, I believe Jon Stewart of all people summed up our plot quite nicely. Way ta go, guyz! Yer genusus!

Dumb fucks? Fox news? John Leibowitz?
Stan man, You don't think this is seriously wrong?
People died man. Now the AG who takes oreders directly from the Prez is lying about it.

Its not a Republican / democrat thing.......but if people want to make it that fine. It was a democrat administration who did this, no question about that.
This PREZ is a mess, why can't people just admit it?

this is serious shit, americans died because of this.
Selling thousands of weapons to known killers? WTF is that? How can any people be so dumb and reckless?
And its clear that the people responsible are accessories to murder, by the very definition of the term.

Obama hired him, Obama gives him orders.

Hmmm? Maybe Ol' Hank was right after all.
You dumb fucks are just finding out about this now? Seriously? Did it take the caveman that long to chip the story into the wall, or was Fox News too busy burying its collective head in Rick Perry's lap.
Way to stay up on current events, guys!

I don't think most of us are just finding out about this. Personally, I've known about this whole mess for quite a while. Living near the Mexican border one has to keep up with everything that is going on, you never know if the shit that's been flinged all over Mexico might splash us over here.

Now, since I've known about this for quite a while, just like I'm sure the OP and most American guys and gals here on the board have probably heard about this story before (even though it seems most of the mainstream media seems to be avoiding it), why didn't I ever start a "Fast and Furious WTF" thread? I prefer not to start threads with some political slant, maybe I've started a few but I prefer to avoid things that aren't funny or hot.

Personally, though I've actually been expecting.... well, not expecting, but wishing that one of Obama's supporters here on the board would start an "Operation Fast and Furious is another major success for our dearest leader, Barack the wisest, hallowed be His name and peace be unto Him, I wish I could spoon next to Him" thread.


Garly, you shure tootin' got me!
And at least you were intelligent enough to stay on topic, disabling any of my proof that those who are too ignorant to attempt to argue the issue attempt to change that issue with attacks from another front. Kudos for not only sticking to the topic, but being able to find one of the shiny pretty smilies! You're a big boy, aren't you!

Adult Image Hosting

You tell em, Stanley!


Related Thread from April '11 (not intended to ''one up you'', meester)

It's odd that Sharyl's original report is no longer featured on Youtube... it's too sensitive I guess. º-0
CBS Investigative reporter Sharyl Atkisson (very hot mama btw!) interview.

Eric ''the pimp'' Holder knew about this before he didn't... FACT!

It's interesting how the organizers have the mobs out on Wall street while all of these scandals are coming to the surface.... Solyndra $535 million Gone without a trace... a week or three later, barry is cutting a check for more than $700 million to another solar power entity... an entity which curiously enough has nancy pelosi's brother in law sitting as second person just under the CEO..... ya think? :rolleyes:
Obama/Holder operation to ban semi auto weapons went off the rails......a Border Patrol agent died as a result.
And you guys though Cheney was Machiavellian..... He's got nothing on the Bamster's Alinskite leanings.

Telling gun stores to sell those weapons to people who are clearly straw purchasers, and even giving the straw buyers taxpayer money, to increase the number of firearms from the U.S. found in Mexican crime scenes to then give truth to the lie that "90% of all guns found in Mexican crime scenes come from the U.S." and, I guess we're lucky it didn't get to this point (yet) but then the next step would be to blame those same gun stores who were told to sell the weapons (just like they blamed the banks for the housing collapse after forcing them to give mortgages to people who clearly couldn't afford them, a fact which, surprise!! The media seems to ignore) and then the final step, more restrictions on firearm ownership.

The Obama regime and his apologists might deny all of that and just call me some kind of paranoid conspiracist, but as a (former) chess player, and a really good one, one skill that remained for me and even after years of not playing that comes naturaly is to think several moves ahead and to figure out what an opponent's intentions are and what he's going to do, especially if I know his playbook, as I would call his style of play, so trust me, that was the ultimate intention.


(just like they blamed the banks for the housing collapse after forcing them to give mortgages to people who clearly couldn't afford them,
As an aside: ....and knowing that these mortgages would never be paid back, they made billions and billions of $$$$ by shorting the housing market through second and third party investors. Isn't that handy, betting against a market that you are certain will fail? Fuckers! :ak47:


Holder is a twat.

Stop insulting twats! :hammer:


Hiliary 2020
As an aside: ....and knowing that these mortgages would never be paid back, they made billions and billions of $$$$ by shorting the housing market through second and third party investors. Isn't that handy, betting against a market that you are certain will fail? Fuckers! :ak47:


Stop insulting twats! :hammer:
yep, that was clinon that signed that right?
his going away present to the world, knocking over the first domino of a worldwide recession.

back to this giving guns to killers thing.
even the odumbass defenders can't even defend this.........but expecting them to criticize it is just unrealistic, they just can't bring themselves to do it, as opposed to most conservatives or whatever label you may use who will criticize any party if its something as blatantly stupid as this.