One thing I haven´t understood


Closed Account
Am I supposed to answer your visitors messages in my own profile or am I supposed to go to your profile to answer?

The best way to do that is click on View Conversation and then type your message and then that way it will go to them instead of click on there profile and doing it. :thumbsup:
The best way to do that is click on View Conversation and then type your message and then that way it will go to them instead of click on there profile and doing it. :thumbsup:

what would we do wihout you ???
again something i've learned ...


Closed Account
Your welcome guys. :thumbsup:
I'm saying nuthin' to nobody.:sleep:


Honestly, I don't have the time to get it all figured out, therefore I must ignore the friend requests. I hope that those who took the time to give me a shout out don't think that I'm a DICK for not responding. I can only allocate so much time to this stuff, therefore, I simply just use the basic functions.

Same for my cell phone lol ! I don't care one bit about all of these crazy options. Just give me the most powerful one with the absolute least amount of options and we're good to go.:thumbsup:

After all, it's only obsolete tomorrow. :dunno: