Omg omg omg

Yeah, they have been for a couple of years now. Gears of War is getting a movie too.
there has meant to be tons of games-to-movie conversions. Metal Gear Solid was one of them, which was spoke about nearly 10 years ago or something, most of the time its just rumors, or in the pipeline but then rarely happens.


They were making it, produced by Peter Jackson of LOTR fame, but it fell through. Instead, he said to the director "just make any movie you want and I'll back it"... Which is why we have District 9 instead. Probably gonna be better than any halo movie.
Correct Spleen

the Halo movie was up to $250 million dollars to make but they couldn't settle on the Marketing rights i think.
im not sure what it would be called (marketing rights) but they couldn't decide/figure out who gets paid when the movie comes out.
i figure the it would be between the makers of the game? Microsoft?
whoever makes the movie Jackson?
not exactly sure but as spleen said he went on to make District 9 which came out wednesday and it looks good.
man a gears of war movie would be awesome so would a metal gear solid movie

Does anyone know if there still going to make the god of war movie?

Both are supposedly in the works,which could mean shit.Remember when they announced Spy Hunter staring The Rock?Wasn't that like 2-3 years ago?Now it looks like it's due for a 2012 release?!:wtf:

It's only a matter of time before Hollywood leaves no stone unturned with all the video game,board game, and comic book movies.

Here's some obvious ones that I just came up with off the top of my head as potential movies.

Rygar-I think this could actually be cool if the right director was involved.

Karnov-hey,why the fuck not?

Bayou Billy-it would pretty much be a remake of Roadhouse.

Freedom Fighter-an urban version of Red Dawn(oh yeah,they are remaking that too:mad:).

The Suffering-if they don't fuck with the story and try and keep most of the game elements in the movie(all those creepy subliminal flashed that would pop up randomly),this would be fucking awesome,and quite frankly,I'm surprised that this one isn't in the works already.This was one of the creepiest games that I've ever played,and it would just work so well as a movie.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Halo is making a fucking movie. I is super excited.

I is super don't give a fuck! I'll probably rent it when it comes to DVD but even at that it won't be on the top of my list. Just like the gears movie. Big fuckin deal. Hollywood will fuck it all up like they do everything else.