Older Men Dating Younger girls


I just don't trust guys! - until I get to know them. But I think older guys are as trustworthy as younger. It is not that I think you are wrong about how older men can be but that you aer wrong in thinking younger guys are more OK.

No offense, but I never typed 'younger guys are more ok'. I simply don't trust any man that consistently hits on women young (or almost young) enough to be their daughter.
10 or 15 years? You are dating women that are less then 2 years out of high school? While you are less then 5 years from middle age? And one of your reasons is that you want to date one that wants children but does not have any? Sorry, I ain't buying it. I think you just like 'em young.

I honestly think you like 'em much younger then you and you use your above pretext as justification.


Lol... your not buying it? We'll I'm not selling it, I'm just stating the facts. When I was younger I always had older gf's, up until I hit 29. When I was 14, I had a 17 yo gf, at 19 she was 31. Why? because thats life, one gets attracted to people based on feelings and who your able to meet. Now, you may not like or approve of such things, but I frankly dont give a rats ass about that.

And no, I dont "need" to say or state anything to justify my actions. I'm plenty grown up enough to stand by what I say. But the way you are doubting that, and claiming other reasoning to it, just paints a picture about you, where you disbelieve, and disapprove of most peoples actions which may fall outside of what you consider the "acceptable norm".

But sure, I dont deny that I appreciate the looks of a young woman. But it's not like a 29 yo is an old bag either. But the looks part isnt essential. Being able to have a working relationship is. Looks dont matter all that much after the years pass by.

I was with my last gf for 4.5 years before being able to end it, and she was the one holding on to that, not me. She is 24.

It's a rather basic and strong want in most people to be able to get kids. Now there have been plenty of opurtunities to do so, however, I wanted it to happen in a relationship that had a good outlook, and not one that you knew would end in a matter of months.

You have to look at the practical side of things aswell. Most 35 yo career women, have rather high standards for most things in their life. And even tho I'm university educated, I simply dont meet the standards those women have. I'd have to be filthy rich in addition to better educated then. I'm not. I'm quite a normal type, engineer. Now, my "mistake" was to be with gf's who already had children in my 20's, and none of those did want any more. Thats how I ended up in this situation.

Do I like a partner who's more appreciative of what I have to offer? Sure, why shouldnt I be? Thats a fact of life, on tries to get the most out of what one has.

But what your telling me is that I should rather go along in life without any partner, as thats the reality if I was to follow your standards.

As for the possibility of "could have almost had" a child her age, is just silly. I dont, and thats teh bottom line. Believe it or not, but me and my friends my age who still dont have kids, still go to summer rock festivals, party, and generally do youthful things just as we did in our 20's. So the big age difference isnt all that big in practical terms, as to what one likes to do together and not.

And you have to realise, in many of these cases, it's the women who hits on the older guys, not the other way around. My current gf actually lied and tol me she was 25, which she is not. She is 21. I'd wish she was older, but the reality is, if she was 25, she most probably would already have a family. However, she's mature for her age, moving from home at the age of 15. And she actually wants to have a family. I cant say how the results of this is gonna be yet, but if things work out, I'll marry her and do whatever I can to make things work for both. And I will do so without asking you or others what you think of that. You may think whatever you want, but I dont really care, it's my life ad I'm trying to make the most out of it.

Now my point really was that for a guy my age, most dont react so much to this, nor do alot notice. However when the guy gets alot older, things is more evident, but I still think 2 persons should do what they feel is right, and not based on what others might think. An opinion is like an ass, it's always divided, and all have one.

So as for the 60-70 yo's who get a younger woman and gets her pregnant... "Way to go!".

If your able to achieve that, and want it, why the heck not. Women have "boytoys" too, it's no different. Biggest one is the part about getting kids.
Hello everyone,
I'm a 31 year old dancer from upstate NY. My fiancee is 58 years old. I love every minute I spend with him. I found dating older men made it easier for me to keep my job.
Just want to put my 2 cents in.
Take care everyone,
I can see your logic if you are dating women say 27 and up. But women as young as 20? Your logic loses it's...logic to me.
Women at 20 can often be ALLOT more impressionable (and easily influenced) then one can at 30 - as I assume you are well aware of and are enjoying that fact.

Well, I cant choose which women likes me... thats a matter of chance. If I actually met a 27 yo, sure, I'd go with her, it's just that thats not happened lately. And, you need chemistry aswell, just because your more close in age, dont guarantee that.
THe woman in question I met while I was working some months in Brazil. Not saying everything is totally different there, but it might be slight differences. I have always been open about the fact that I'm quite average, not rich by any means, and average looking. I do have a home and a car, but thats nothing unusual at all. If they still wanna be with me, it has to be for who I am, my personality.

However, I do really love this woman, and I bet that if you saw her, you'd take her for being a 28 yo, all of you, just as I did. Anyway, we have since then decided to move together in my home country, where I have moved back to, and she's coming within a few weeks. And if things work out, I'll propose to her to make things right. I'm actually quite excited as this is the very first relationship ever, where both really wanted the same thing, and both are able to achieve and fulfill it.

And most importantly... we have alot of fun together, laughing and just having a good time. No "accepted norm" straightjacket are able to take that away from us. You think I should make her cry by telling I cant be with her, because some "dude" on a forum thinks it's immoral with such a age difference? Get real... life is alot more multifaceted than your narrowsighted suburbia norm standard.

And no, I dont abuse my superiority, or power over a younger person just because I could. In fact I try make that a resource for my partner, so that she can benefit from it as far as possible. And I would treat any 20 yo just the same as a 30 yo, although perhaps with slight lesser expectations.

The main difference you dont see here, is that a person like me, without any baggage, not being married, single, and with the main issues in life under control, is entitled to choose whoever fitting partner one wants. Why shoudlnt one be? And "fitting", thats not something one really have control over, is it.


Hiliary 2020
Its a society thing. In particular a U.S. society thing. Last I looked 18 was an adult.
I'm going out with a 21 year old tonight. Why, because she's beautiful and charming. I don't care what society thinks. Even though the society I'm in doesn't give a %#@&.


The main difference you dont see here, is that a person like me, without any baggage, not being married, single, and with the main issues in life under control, is entitled to choose whoever fitting partner one wants. Why shoudlnt one be? And "fitting", thats not something one really have control over, is it.

I have seen too many older men take advantage of younger women (and no, I was not one of them - I hope); either intentionally or otherwise.
But just make sure that you are doing it with their best interests in mind - not just your own.

I am 44. My last 'steady' girlfriend (a few years ago) was a 22 year old medical student. And though my intentions were the best (or so I thought) and we parted friends; I got the distinct impression that our relationship had a much more pronounced effect on her life then mine. And how could it not? In terms of years being alive and the number of relationships we have each had - dating me is going to effect her more then I (at least in the short term). Just as it would be were the roles reversed.
And just because they say they know whats best for themselves; that does not mean for one second that they do. It just means they believe they do - probably.
After her, I very briefly dated a 22 year old Political Science major.
After which, I realized that even though I am no great catch (in my eyes anyway), I still should not be dating anyone that much younger then I (assuming the opportunity arises again). And if I ever did again, I would have to be good friends with them for at least 6 months before we ever went out on a 'date'.

(and BTW - I did not have sex with either one of them. Though I was told by at least one of them that I could. My point? I did not date them to use them sexually. I genuinely liked and respected them both.)

And finally, although I look at your relationship with caution. I sincerely hope it works out for both of you and I admire that you can date someone that much younger then yourself.
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I date who I'm attracted to and the women that are attracted to me. Age all depends on many factors. I don't consider age to be the only determining factor when it comes to dating or a long term relationship.

Not all younger women are the same; just as older ones are. I've met some 21 year old women that were just wonderful, mature, hot and a pleasure to be with. Others I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole...yes, there a flaky women (and men) of all ages.

I'm 41 and naturally attracted to women 21 to 28. It's not like I am making a conscious effort or anything. I'm just being myself. It just happens that way.

Younger women approach me, rarely do women in their 30's or 40's ever approach me. If I start a conversation, they always end-up being a lot younger than me.

I'm attracted to younger women and I personally prefer younger women. It's just me.
I've dated women as old as 11 years older than I am and this weekend I am going out with a woman who is 13 years younger than me. The older woman, I was definitely more sexually attracted to her from the first moment we met, the younger woman has a great smile, great personality and is fun to be around. I've known her a long time and we interact often where she works. She is definitely hot, great skin, great hair, great body, but that is not why I asked her out. Sex is really not on my mind when I think about her.
Because I am about 30, I can't feel with them. But I could say "younger man dating older women" is great. Mature women are very sexy, especially if they were very cute, when they were younger. When they get older a lot of them are afraid of getting less attractive, so they wear High Heels (even at home), tight skirts and pants, and a lot of jewelry! I love it, so when I'm an older man i would date older women and :love-smi: them.
Providing all participants are over the requisite age of consent and that all activities are consensual, then I can see no problem.