Older Men Dating Younger girls

Do you feel there are any age restrictions when it comes to men 50 or so dating girls even as young as 27? I know of several similar age differences in relationships and can't really tell if this is something that can succede permanently.
Do you think it's permissible to "have fun" with each other with such age differences? thanks


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Personally, there shouldn't be any age limitations on "true love". Although, when people of extreme age differences try to have a relationship, I believe that it can be really hard to maintain a solid chemistry, as their "points in life" are extremely different.

Imagine a 16 year old dating a 9 year old. This would NEVER work, EVER (and I wouldn't ever want it to). But, it is the same age difference as a 47 year old dating a 40 year old. The age difference is the same, but the points in life are veeeeery different.

Bottom line...to each their own.
Personally, there shouldn't be any age limitations on "true love". Although, when people of extreme age differences try to have a relationship, I believe that it can be really hard to maintain a solid chemistry, as their "points in life" are extremely different.

Imagine a 16 year old dating a 9 year old. This would NEVER work, EVER (and I wouldn't ever want it to). But, it is the same age difference as a 47 year old dating a 40 year old. The age difference is the same, but the points in life are veeeeery different.

Bottom line...to each their own.

After reflecting on the situation, Chef, you make a good point. It seems to be chemistry and "getting along as friends" where on thing may lead to another.
Do you think mutually agreeing to Just a "physical" relationship is ever appropriate in such age different people? I mean adults of 20 to 25 years difference in age.
After reflecting on the situation, Chef, you make a good point. It seems to be chemistry and "getting along as friends" where on thing may lead to another.
Do you think mutually agreeing to Just a "physical" relationship is ever appropriate in such age different people? I mean adults of 20 to 25 years difference in age.

I think in most instances, the key is basically whether each person is getting what they want out of the relationship. As long as both are getting what they want, then the relationship will probably continue. This will even work if what one of the people (or both) really want is sex or even money. Alot would have to do with what the people's other options are. For instance, if a slightly below-average looking young girl is in a relationship with a much older man, it might just work for several reasons. She may like his financial security. She may not really have many other options, or feel men her own age are immature. He may love the idea of having a young girl be his girlfriend. And those reasons are aside from any appearance-wise or sexual attraction between them. Plus, I think alot of guys in their 40s or even 50s are still handsome. Basically if both people are getting what they want out of a relationship, then age often doesn't really matter to them. Whether the relationship ends up with the two being in love....now that is a whole different story and can be far rarer than just a working relationship. Though not impossible.
I am writing as what you would call a 'younger girl'. I do not think there are any restrictions based on age. Restrictions in are based on friendship, so if you are friends then it will work. I know that I often find older men, age 30 and over 70 interesting and attractive. In fact I think the lines on an 80 year olds face can be beautiful depending on the personality of the man.

A 70 year old man might make friends with 17 year man where they share common interests in say sport and motor bikes and maybe in admiring and enjoying looking at girls bodies! Maybe they have a similar sense of humour. They might end up spending a lot of time together. The older man enjoys hearing what the younger guy has to day about being a teenager today and the older man is some one the younger guy can learn a lot from and maybe confide in when he needs some one older to talk to but for lots of reasons cannot talk to his father.

It does not mean they spend all there time together and they could have friends their own age as well who they do different things with.

There are lots of different ways an older and a younger person can be friends.

I know that I am odd for my age. I am profoundly deaf from birth and I suppose I spend a lot of time inside my own head and have always been closer to people older than myself. But I am sure that I am not the only girl who finds guys and girls of their own age in general boring. People say I am too serious for my age but I cannot help it. Older men are often more relaxed with girls, they often have been parents and know more about life and make you feel more secure and you can learn a lot from them. They are often I think more open, relaxed and experienced sexually as well.

I think it more usual for people about the same age to date but any age combination is possible.

Kind of agree with you but my neighbour isbecasu 47 and just dating a 19 year old.
Hmmmm! If that was my daughter?:mad::ak47:

Why would you be upset?

Is it just because of his age or because of something else about him. I think it sounds cute in a way! I do not think you should feel that way just because of age.
Yeah, judge it by the 47 year old. If he's some creepy, drooling lech that's after your daughter *because* she's 19, that's way different than some guy that's interested in your daughter because of her. And of course, let's not forget that your daughter is 19- she can date whoever she wants.
47 year olds can be creeps, so can 19 year olds. I would rather be with a 47 year old 'gentle' man than a 19 year old creep.
How's that saying go? Young, dumb and full of cum. Younger guys lack that wisdom that comes with age. :hatsoff:


That is often right. Being full of cum sounds good though :) But I suppose it is about appreciating what you have got and what a younger girls have too.


Closed Account
Again like I've said on many issues discussed here. Its a matter of taste and in this case taste and circumstances. Maturity varies and while there can be a large gap in age, that major ingredient (maturity) in some cases balances it out. So the mix would work fine. It just all depends on the people involved I feel.

Whenever you see this type of relationship is the man not usualy filthy rich, or at least well off. I mean if an old man has money young girls are like he's so great and so handsom, it's true love. But if the same man were woking in a supermarket and hit on a 25 year old, he would be called a dirty old man and probably be sued for sexual herassment. Am I not right?
It's hard to take this topic seriously when I see Fred Thompson and his cupcake wife. I want to vote for him purely to see how the spectacle of a trophy wife and a grizzled actor president play on the world's stage....

I think if a girl has dated a lot of shithead losers her age, in her late teens and twenties...the idea of being with an older man, who will listen to her, show up on time, not think twice about picking up the dinner check, have a clean bed with clean sheets...probably sounds pretty good to them.


Closed Account
Again like I've said on many issues discussed here. Its a matter of taste and in this case taste and circumstances. Maturity varies and while there can be a large gap in age, that major ingredient (maturity) in some cases balances it out. So the mix would work fine. It just all depends on the people involved I feel.


I agree with LL I think its up to the two people involved my self I don't think age has nothing to do with two people that love each other. :2 cents:
Whenever you see this type of relationship is the man not usualy filthy rich, or at least well off. I mean if an old man has money young girls are like he's so great and so handsom, it's true love. But if the same man were woking in a supermarket and hit on a 25 year old, he would be called a dirty old man and probably be sued for sexual herassment. Am I not right?

Well I do not like the idea of men I do not know hitting on me not matter what their age. But I think it is more likely that 25 year old men will try rather than 50 year olds. Older men are more likely to be just friendly - making friends first is best.

My former co-worker is 21, and she was dating a 28 year old.

It really depends on age. A 60 year old with a 70 year old isn't a huge deal, whereas a 13 year old with an 18 year old stirs up boatloads of suspicion.

My 20 year old cousin is actually dating a 31 year old guy. As you'd expect, the family doesn't like him too much.
It's hard to take this topic seriously when I see Fred Thompson and his cupcake wife. I want to vote for him purely to see how the spectacle of a trophy wife and a grizzled actor president play on the world's stage....

I think if a girl has dated a lot of shithead losers her age, in her late teens and twenties...the idea of being with an older man, who will listen to her, show up on time, not think twice about picking up the dinner check, have a clean bed with clean sheets...probably sounds pretty good to them.

More on the new republican candidate for President, Fred Thompson and his wife.


"On a hot Saturday in June 2002, Fred D. Thompson married his second wife, Jeri Kehn, in an unventilated Congregational church in her home town of Naperville, Ill. Kehn, in a Valentino gown, was a 35-year-old media consultant for a Washington law firm; Thompson, a 59-year-old U.S. senator from Tennessee."

A pic of the couple,


Easily old enough to be her father,do you all think that will be a problem for him,especially in the more consevative parts of the country? Personally I have no problem with it,but conventional thinking would say his base would think that it was awful he was married to someone so much younger.