''OK Fuckface, what did you say and when did you say it?''


Obama: Blago..how much you wanna bet some 'tard will post this flick on FOs someday in another GOPer guilt by association gimmick?

Blago: Nah, I don't think they're that stupid...betcha a dollar.

Obama's itemized tax return line for gambling winnings: $1

Oh hush! For it was you yourself and another like minded political obsessive that injected politics into this Purlitzer Prizer, not me, an innocent - objective - bystanding observer.

Listen, If you wanna do something for you political party just simply zip it!
Ya guys are already runnin a surplus of flakes and illegitimates, no need to add insult to injury! :cthulhu::clap:
Oh hush! For it was you yourself and another like minded political obsessive that injected politics into this Purlitzer Prizer, not me, an innocent - objective - bystanding observer.

Listen, If you wanna do something for you political party just simply zip it!
Ya guys are already runnin a surplus of flakes and illegitimates, no need to add insult to injury! :cthulhu::clap:

Well..Obama is still a dollar up on Blago I'm guessing and who injected politics in this?

You're the one insinuating there was something nefarious to be gleaned from an otherwise nondescript picture.

They could have been talking about "da Bears" for all you know:angels:...yet here's ol' Face keenly sensitive and needy for knowing what was said and when.:horse: