In fact, there are those among the scientists believing in global warming, who say, that the average temperature will hardly rise, because we might have long, dry and hot springs and summers, but also short and rainy falls and brutally cold, stormy winters. As a result of that, the average temperature will rise not that much because winter's temperatures will be so tough, that they almost balance the (high and long lasting) temperatures of the summer and bring the year's average temperature down to almost the level we have now.
They believe, that during the hot summer the CO2 level will rise to a point where the sunlight will not only have problems getting out, but also getting in. That's the moment in the summer when the weather shifts and the short fall comes. After that, when in fall all the warmth of the remaining sun beneath the "CO2 umbrella" is used up, a brutal winter starts.
What if their theories are coming true?
I don't say I believe all the "horror scenarios" we hear every day, but I wouldn't hatefully dismiss them all because of one cold winter. That's like grasping at straws...very desperate...and pathetic....