Official Rep Collectors Congratulations Thread

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congrats to aces &jacks that I bumped to 26417


Retired Moderator
I gladly congratulate:

Jod0565, DrDeath67, Montrealman, Analfan, Seraphim, Civickiller80, Poggy1, Matute, TallCowboy, Icerfan, Georges, KungFuDude, D-Rock, Irony, Jacksson77, Cost, Pitino, Nightcrawler, Darkman, Om3ga, AFA, Pussy/DickDenice, Holdol, Dohcvtec, Agggelos21, Anker89, Rastagir, TheSatyrIcon, 9inch, Aces&Jacks, Gape Fan, Black Star, Deeeze, Comanduc, Gordar, Undertaker, Jdb67, Stefro, Stek1983, Aegis, Anker89, Genius, KittyKat, RogueWolf, Degenerate Jeb, Analfanette, Marbod, Juballs, Tunsty, Andy73, Legzman, TheRedShark, Pussypoppa, Mythex, Dunit, Leafman, Cabey, Tgunz262, TT Gal, Iluvbgtits, E-Ann-Hilden, Thorsif, New Sigreh, Jumbo Jim, Nothingandless, SWTwo15, Dixie Normus, Bunker, Brianelka, Pillow, Steef, Thegunner898989, Nedbuck, Michelle Lopez, Herte, Lady Love, Acideater, Atlas316, Bigredguy, Beliel, Misery, Stevie, Koga, Roul, Renegade1Oh, DrMotorCity, Dr Fika, Digger, Big Swede, Tachi, J2boobs, Peter Gazinya, Melroy, Bubb, Jiggah33, Bodie54, Aegean, Andy Hunter, Sandee2004, Picard2893, Praf0312, Tjpags, Swamprat, Paella, Red Spyder, P4ela, Baal, ToeSucker, Easton, Paroxysmia, Dave Rhino, Prof. Volptuary, Alexios Hellas, Christmas Ape, Dro50, Arealous, Thomas Jenkins, Priapus, Aegean, Joanne, Motley, Sandra Shine, Pinksoap, Billslammin, mObscene, Dire Need, URA-10, FullMoonWolf, Mack Daddy, Vault Dweller, Killa Kronick, Jagger69, Acefrehley, Ginas Darkside, N0skill, Jack Hammer, Nate93, Cinjun, Lolva, CumShot, Negator, Stockfish, DOA82, Elwood70, Mungadude, DaSkywalker, HeartBroker, Gulnazru, Bravado, Sammy402002, LoveBriana, Marc64, Lordvader1, Iamforever, Sonny Forelli, JFly, Bnaked, Clarkie25, Hedgehog, Jojolapin, MasterHenry, Peowc, Rodster, Nerd, Vfhc, Le God, Alessandro, C A Worshipper, FreeJames, Hector Llanos, Torre82min, Perfect, Barry1980, Diamond, FCCA

and all members whose names I have not mentioned (but not omitted in my appreciation)! :glugglug: :thumbsup:

I am also very pleased to say Thank you for your kindness and a lot of rep points you have given to me! :hatsoff:
congrats to the person that I bumped to their next rep levels:
P+D Denice 58934
Doc Death 80989
cost 55955
gapefan 41945
bigswede 16981
nightcrawler 40075
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Retired Moderator
I am very glad to congratulate all members on their rep earned
:glugglug: :thumbsup: :wave2:
and thank you for every point you have given to me!


Nikkala made me do it!
Congrats to SWTwo15 on 10000, Gordar and Undertaker on 30000, stefro on 40000, pussy+dickdenice on 60000 and everyone else on your biggggggggg rep counts! :glugglug:


Member, you member...
Congratulations to Dr. Death and JCMSVOBODA on 81000, Icer on 63000, Montrealman on 72000, cost on 55000, P+D on 60000, Nightcrawler on 40000, BigSwede on 17000, Undertaker on 30000, Gape_Fan on 43000, gol, georges on 75000, and a big up to 4G63 on who knows how much RedGray Rep!!!

Thank you all for being a part of this board!
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