Official Rep Collectors Congratulations Thread

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The Satyr Icon would like to congratulate the following GREAT FreeOnes Members:

Jod0565, Montrealman, Analfan, SeraphiM, Civickiller80, poggy1, Matute, DrDeath67, TallCowboy, icerfan, georges, Calm, KungFuDude, D-rock, Irony, Jacksson77, cost, pitino, Nightcrawler, Darkman, Om3ga, AFA, Pussy-DickDenice, holdol, Dohcvtec, Agggelos21, Anker89, Rastagir, 9inch, Aces&Jacks, Gape Fan, Black Star, deeeze, Comanduc, Gordar, Undertaker, Jdb67, Stefro, Stek1983, Aegis, anker89, Genius, KittyKat, RogueWolf, Degenerate Jeb, Analfanette, Marbod, Juballs, Tunsty, Andy73, Legzman, TheRedShark, Pussypoppa, Mythex, dunit, Leafman, Cabey, Tgunz262, TT Gal, Iluvbgtits, E-Ann-Hilden, new sigreh, Nothingandless, SWTwo15, Dixie Normus, Bunker, Brianelka, Pillow, Steef, Thegunner898989, Michelle Lopez, Herte, Lady Love, Acideater, Bigredguy, Beliel, Misery, Stevie, Koga, Roul, Renegade1Oh, DrMotorCity, Dr Fika, Digger, Big Swede, Tachi, J2boobs, Melroy, Bubb, Jiggah33, Bodie54, Aegean, Andy Hunter, Sandee2004, Picard2893, Praf0312, Tjpags, Swamprat, Paella, Red Spyder, Easton, Paroxysmia, and Dave Rhino...

For sharing and recieving all those wonderful Green Rep He did!

Special congraulations go to JCMSVOBODA and georges for breaking 30,000+ Rep Stones!

Special thanks to JCMSVOBODA for the many new names!

The Satyr Icon
congrats to montrealman that I bumped to 30022 ;)


Closed Account
Congratulations to everyone who has reached a new rep level ! I'd also like to congratulate my friend JCMSVOBODA on 30k ! :glugglug:
congrats to the following persons that I bumped to their next rep levels
icer 27587
the satyricon 18950
jod 36288
jackson 21368


Nikkala made me do it!
My deepest congrats to:

Digger on 3000
Gordar and Rastagir on 12000
agggelos21 on 18000
TheSatyrIcon on 19000
TallCowboy on 25000
Irony on 26000
CivicKiller80 and SeraphiM on 27000
drdeath67 on 29000

and everyone else on your milestones last night and today :glugglug:
Wow I got 4000, thanks to everyone (Icerfan for congraluting me hehe) and especially JCMSVOBODA and MontrealMan who are great guys! Congrulation to EveryOnes too^^


Nikkala made me do it!
Moreeeeeeeeee ... congrats to:

Dro50 and lipsonnips on 1000
Renegade1Oh on 2000
stefro on 11000
anker89 on 14000
pussypoppa on 15000
Nightcrawler on 18000
cost on 19000
holdol on 20000
D-rock on 21000
pussy+dickdenice on 22000
pitino on 24000
MATUTE on 25000
and JCMSVOBODA and Montrealman on 31000 :glugglug:

And thank you to JCM, who put me over 28K a little while ago. :thumbsup:


Member, you member...
Congratulations everyone and special congrats to JCMVOBODA and Montrealman on 31Grand!!!

Thank you all for making this place the one and only!


Retired Moderator
I gladly congratulate:

Jod0565, Montrealman, Analfan, Seraphim, Civickiller80, Poggy1, Matute, DrDeath67, TallCowboy, Icerfan, Georges, Calm, KungFuDude, D-Rock, Irony, Jacksson77, Cost, Pitino, Nightcrawler, Darkman, Om3ga, AFA, Pussy/DickDenice, Holdol, Dohcvtec, Agggelos21, Anker89, Rastagir, TheSatyrIcon, 9inch, Aces&Jacks, Gape Fan, Black Star, Deeeze, Comanduc, Gordar, Undertaker, Jdb67, Stefro, Stek1983, Aegis, Anker89, Genius, KittyKat, RogueWolf, Degenerate Jeb, Analfanette, Marbod, Juballs, Tunsty, Andy73, Legzman, TheRedShark, Pussypoppa, Mythex, Dunit, Leafman, Cabey, Tgunz262, TT Gal, Iluvbgtits, E-Ann-Hilden, New Sigreh, Nothingandless, SWTwo15, Dixie Normus, Bunker, Brianelka, Pillow, Steef, Thegunner898989, Michelle Lopez, Herte, Lady Love, Acideater, Bigredguy, Beliel, Misery, Stevie, Koga, Roul, Renegade1Oh, DrMotorCity, Dr Fika, Digger, Big Swede, Tachi, J2boobs, Melroy, Bubb, Jiggah33, Bodie54, Aegean, Andy Hunter, Sandee2004, Picard2893, Praf0312, Tjpags, Swamprat, Paella, Red Spyder, ToeSucker, Easton, Paroxysmia, Dave Rhino, Alexios Hellas, Christmas Ape, Dro50

and all members on their rep! :thumbsup:

Thank you very much for the points kindly given to me! :hatsoff:


Member, you member...
Congratulations to these Fresh Bumpers - KFD on 23800, jumbo_jim on 5800, Frame313 on 600, Mouse75 on 300, arealous on 1080, psycofrank on 300, iamforever on 600, dave_rhino on 1400, Peter Gazinya on 3800, Christmas Ape on 1400, SeraphiM on 27400, Big Swede on 3700 and Gunloc on 500!!!
Add one more - Civickiller on 28000!!!

Congratulations to TallCowboy on 25000!!!

Thank you cost, IcerFan, georges, stefro, Pitino, Calm, comanduc, MATUTE, Stek, Agggelos, TheSatyrIcon, E-Ann_Hilden, tjpags, Civickiller, Undertaker and Atlas 316!
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Member, you member...
Just noticed our good Dr. Death has crossed into the land of 30 Grand!!!!
congrats to all new Rep milestones

Thanks Jod!!!
congrats to the following persons taht I bumped to their next rep levels:
poggy 25703
stefro 12084
koga 3433
pitino 24846
jdb 13163
nothingandless 12399
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