Wow...I wish I was a braver man...
So...I read the starting post, and I didn't see where it said anything about
"jerking off to
hard news anchors".
So, if you can't bear the tragedy of "a cold front is expected in the Eastern...blaa, blaa, blaa", or the horror of a group of neighbors helping an old man rebuild his burned down house, I could see where you might not notice how hot the newslady was, giving an impassioned warning of foul weather, or showing off her beautiful smile just for you on the tv screen.
Not that I customarily get off during the News (which I watch at all different hours, when I watch it at all), but sometimes the right woman can be there at the right time...
I don't think "weird" equates with "mercurial temperment" (fickle); I would think that the overall consistantcy of males, generally, to get off anywhere, anytime, with or with out a partner, is legendary.:nannerf1: :banana:
After all, we can pee through a hole in a fence and not get our shoes wet!
Very mobile body functions...:coolman:
(Here in Houston, there are 3 super babes on one channel! I often watch them with lust in my heart...
