Official checked Star Member thread

I can't keep up with all the lovely ladies who have joined but salutations to you all! Hope you enjoy your stay and do feel free to follow Miss H's lead and say hello and post some pictures :)

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
Yes, I remember what I had to do to be "personally confirmed" by you.

Welcome Jane, I hope you enjoyed it.

But he told me I was the only one?!!!

Welcome to all the new lovely ladies!!! :wave2:


Closed Account
Hello Sherri & Brittany:wave:

Welcome Jane & Jennifer:wave2:


Closed Account
WOW, lot's of pretty ladies in just a few days, it's almost like an omen of something special about to happen....


Jackie Lin
Selma Sins
Jennifer Thomas!
Felicia Clover


My favorite point of view !!! :drool2:

Lizzie Marie
Brittany Marie.
Sherri Chanel.
Jane Cunny
Jennifer Hush

To all of you: a very warm welcome, and enjoy the board :wave2:
Salutations Kira Star

Hope to be seeing more of your lovely self and penmanship around these parts.