Re: oh and another thing about Closet Cases
Oh ya and guys that are closet cases............
I'm sorry boys and girls, but it's true, weather u believe me or not, i don't give a fuck to be honest. But this is what i believe in, that men who are into trannys,, drag queens, shemales, cross-dressers are undercover closet case homosexuals. They have a hard time accepting themselves for being gay or bisexual, and they feel very bad and guilty for being sexually turned on and in lust for another cock to play with, sucking it and getting fucked up the ass. They can't do it for another man, so they go for a guy that looks like a chick, with fake tits, but still have a dick to fool around with, cause it makes them feel much more confortable with there own sexuality. Cause in there eyes they tell themseleves, oh i'm not a fag cause it's not a guy,, it's a girl with a penis. But i like to call it dudes with implants, not chicks with dicks, lol. These men have been told by society that being a fag is bad, and wrong, and they can't deal with it, so they go for shemales.
That explains why 90% of men that love trannys are bottoms, and enjoy sucking dick. Oh yea,, and they all claime there straight, yea right more like a prison undercover fags! No 1OO% straight guys would fool around with a shemale, and that's a fact! So here u have it,, men that like shemales are fags and don't even realize it yet, cause they believe there fooling around with ladies with speacil private parts, lol. I know,, its sad but true, u just gotta hear the truth, and i don't care if people hate me for this, but it's just my fucking opinion. I also believe that men that go for trannys are bi-curious,, then they go for regular guys and become super ultra hardcore gay! I feel like there just using us as a steping stone to experiment there latest homosexuality side. Majority of men i meet for sex are all sissy boys! Even my x-boyfriend Dallas, who by the way when i asked him if he he like me to get a pussy if he would like me more, and he replied back saying, i like the way u are right now Luka, with ur cock.
This is not a joke, i'm for real. They all beg me to fuck them up the ass, and they suck dick better then real girls do, lol. They act all bad and tough in the straight world, so nobody would suspect there fags, and then when there with shemales behind closed doors, they act so girly, what a turn off. They always ask me, oh Luka,, u like my ass,, can u bend me over and fuck me hard? But keep it a secret cause i don't want anybody to know about us, ok. I'm like oh god,, here's another closet case queer wanting to get fucked up the ass like a little bitch. Where are the real men out there that treat us like a real woman? I want my ass fucked. I want a top man out there. I want a real man! But i know that as long as u still got a penis between ur legs when ur a shemale, you'll always attract undercover fags! Hehhehehehhe. On a serious note, i do however feel alot comfortable as a transsexual woman then a gay boy. I can relate alot to the 'Little Mermaid" the half woman, half fish, but just minus the fucking tail to a big cock! Lol
Luka Magnotta :yinyang: