Even something as simple as Google Earth Street View looks fantastic on this thing.
I always wanted to go outside.
Even something as simple as Google Earth Street View looks fantastic on this thing.
Whats the most you would pay? I'd go over $1000.
Its reported to be around $300-$400, which is my range exactly. I would never buy at $1000+
I thought the $300-400 was for dev version. Is that also what it'll retail at? If so, that'd be sweet.
Ya it was and may only be slightly higher for retail version. Nothing official yet, just rumors and speculations so far from what I've been following on this.
True true. I wonder how much each game will sell for. Standard $50-$60 or more? I feel like the games might be more expensive.
Facebook buys Oculus Rift company for $2 billion
Not sure this is a good or bad thing...
In my opinion its a terrible thing for people that have a disdain for facebook like I do. Oculus had so much potential and was the one thing in gaming I was really excited about. I feel under FB they will turn it into some dumb app used on their website and if its used in any other way it will be loaded with ads. Plus Oculus was publicly funded(even I donated) so it feels so wrong for them to sell the company before a retail version of the product has even been created.
Just reading here
"Ads won’t get pushed into your virtual eyeballs. Oculus is actually going to operate independently of Facebook in the immediate future, as Zuckerberg said in his announcement, and continue to focus on creating immersive gaming experiences. Facebook said it will use its enormous resources to accelerate Oculus’s plans while helping the team develop a more convincing VR, and even open more development opportunities to support more games."
Sounds good for now...
Still no ads on What's App luckily after Fakebook bought them weeks ago.