Octopuses have six "arms" and two "legs"

BERLIN (Reuters) - Octopuses' eight tentacles divide up into six "arms" and two "legs", a study published by a chain of commercial aquariums said on Thursday.

Octopuses are reckoned to be the world's most intelligent invertebrates and are able to use tools with their sucker-covered tentacles.

I thought this was pretty interesting. I always figured their tentacles all had the same use.

Octopuses are reckoned to be the world's most intelligent invertebrates and are able to use tools with their sucker-covered tentacles.

You know what the sad ting about that is, they have very bad memories so they have to be taught how to use these things and then the very next day they have to be taught again.

Good Story :hatsoff:


for all the walking they need to do i guess :dunno:


Postal Paranoiac
So what? I have ten fingers, plus the ones on my toes! :rolleyes:


knows petras secret: she farted.
so now we have to be politically correct with octopi? lets just say they have 8 appendages.


what the fuck you lookin at?
huh, I always thought it was 8 legs.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I think squid are the same way...but tastier. I just saw something on TV about the Blue Ringed octopus, it's a beautiful little thing about 4 inches across, and it only shows it's rings if you piss it off. It has a poisonous bite, that can kill a man if not tended to in a prompt fashion.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Octopi.. spiders of the sea.

In a related note.. Michael Phelps has 4 LIMBS OF AWESOME.

Chuck Norris already called sibs on the four limbs of death, and all the pornstars are fighting for the OTHER titles... beauty, sexy, etc etc.
I think squid are the same way...but tastier. I just saw something on TV about the Blue Ringed octopus, it's a beautiful little thing about 4 inches across, and it only shows it's rings if you piss it off. It has a poisonous bite, that can kill a man if not tended to in a prompt fashion.

Well, according to Animal Planet's The Most Extreme, the blue-ringed octopus has the most extreme venom in the animal world. One bite can kill a man in something like 10 or 15 minutes. :eek:


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Very interesting. I love octopi!

I tried eating calamari once, didn't like it!

*For those of you who don't know, calamari is octupus that you eat....nasty shit too!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I tried eating calamari once, didn't like it!

*For those of you who don't know, calamari is octupus that you eat....nasty shit too!

Calamari, is squid. I like it myself.
Calamari, is squid. I like it myself.

Yup, and "pulpo" is the generally used culinary term for octopus. Good and chewy, much like calamari, but too expensive to really eat except rarely. I find it to be not any better than calamari, so I usually go for the squid since it is cheaper.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Yup, and "pulpo" is the generally used culinary term for octopus. Good and chewy, much like calamari, but too expensive to really eat except rarely. I find it to be not any better than calamari, so I usually go for the squid since it is cheaper.

I've never had octopus, but I once saw a news story about how, in Japan, they eat a certain species of octopus live and whole right off of the plate. Granted, it's a relatively small octopus, but once I saw that, the thought of trying it sort of screws with my brain.
I've never had octopus, but I once saw a news story about how, in Japan, they eat a certain species of octopus live and whole right off of the plate. Granted, it's a relatively small octopus, but once I saw that, the thought of trying it sort of screws with my brain.

Go into any Japanese restaurant and order a tako salad. It's not that expensive at all.

(just don't expect a fried flour tortilla shell or guacamole) ;)

Well, according to Animal Planet's The Most Extreme, the blue-ringed octopus has the most extreme venom in the animal world. One bite can kill a man in something like 10 or 15 minutes. :eek:

I caught a few of those as a kid in rock pools by the beach. They'll hurtcha, but the box jellyfish is much deadlier, it has the only known toxin to attack the circulatory and respiratory systems simultaneously, according to what I've read. In the Northern parts of Australia you can't swim in the ocean at all for the hottest half of the year because you're pretty much guaranteed to get stung during those times, it's much safer swimming in the rivers with the crocodiles.