Love & Basketball
Congratulations to Miss Hybrid and to all the ladies, thank you for posting the beautiful pics. Appreciate you taking time to post and say hello. :thumbsup: Everyone have a safe and great day.
Thank you for the late flurry.
Alley, did you like my blog, (the banner link) ?
Well done to all the girls for posting some stunning photographs.
I think we should now Nom.
This week my nom is Alley and I am just imagining her saying "OH Miss Hybrid!!!!!!!" as she slides my knickers down...
cestmoi2010, Thank you SO much for playing along.... I love it!!! I love how you thought, "If I were stranded on an island......" That's awesome and I love your "fully loaded weapon"! You are SO playful and FUN!!
SuperCJ79, thank you for playing too, babe! SO FUN!
I did like your naughty little blog! VERY NICE!!! I love your piercings! VERY SEXY!! I used to have my nipple pierced long ago. Then when I traveled to Italy to shoot for German Playboy, they made me take it outRight after the shoot, I tried to put my barbell back in and it had closed up! I was very disappointed....
Oh, thank you for the Nom Miss Hybrid.....and YES, OH YES....I would be saying......OHHHHH Miss Hybrid!!!!!!......If I pulled your little knickers down! :kitty:
You are so playful....I love it!
Kisses to you my Miss Hybrid!
I will nom Harley again. one of these times she is due to win
Security control at airports is always interesting....I remember once when I was asked to go into a side room...the rest is in my diary.
[B][URL=" said:Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 9727223, member: 579739"]Jitna I also feel a little left out with all these extra votes floating around. I have run 2 weeks here now, and no extra vote for little old me? I feel so unloved![]()
dont let it be said that i dont give you loving when you ask for it. i hope you dont mind if i give a second one too
Alley Baggett
Harley Spencer
Masuimi Max
can we get two more noms so we can make use of all these extra votes floating around
because ive decided to reward participation, im giving an extra vote for everyone who has voted in every contest this month, who i believe are Flyboy, Larss, Rock111, Abejarano, Ban-one, Chuckfaze, sj1, Supercj, Dazza, and Cestmoi. hopefully, i didn't miss anybody.
also im offering up another extra vote for anyone who creates a OCSMOTWOTY banner so Miss can display it. ill give 3 if you make one for all four of Miss' wins in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016, but you'll also have to include one for Mandy for her win in the inaugural contest in 2012. the only criteria is Miss has to like it. also if she wants to award anyone extra votes for their attempt, i will abide her ruling.
and finally, we have 2 noms
Alley Baggett
Harley Spencer
let's see about getting some more
Unfortunately Tony, by my own rule, the previous weeks winner may not be re nobbed.
May I suggest a Mandy nom as she posted a great triple glazing photo?
HI jitna,
What are the extra votes? Just wondering.... I feel so naive... Okay, no one take advantage of me. Okay, you can take advantage of me![]()
What an excellent idea Doc, I was wondering when you would think of that.
Hey Alley,
How are you doing? It's been great having you here. The extra votes are votes people can use in addition to their to their weekly vote. Meaning that anyone who has gotten an extra could, if they wanted to, vote for someone, say...and this is just taken at random...the beautiful and talented Alley Baggett, they could then vote twice for you. But they could also, if they wanted to, vote for two different ladies. I hope that helped.
it takes me a little while, butt i get there. im happy you approve
Alley Baggett
Harley Spencer
Masuimi Max
Mandy Flores
let's see if we get one more Lady in the pile
Thank you for your help in understanding jitna! It's been great being here! Clearly, I'm having lots of fun and clearly, I live in front of my computer! LOL