Trident, do you know what bifurcated logic is?
Just asking, that's all...
You no support Oboba? You with fire play!!11
Trident, do you know what bifurcated logic is?
Just asking, that's all...
If that is the case, then Bush is not at fault with what happened during his 8.
You no support Oboba? You with fire play!!11
Well, that answers my question. Thanks for playing.
He is most definalty at fault for letting the economy collaspe and getting us in two unwinable wars and all the debt that was incurred, his name is on the bills that were signed.
The difference between Bush's fault and Obama's fault is that Conservatives want Obama to put for a job bills, that's not his job. The President does not make policy Congress does and it's up to the President to sign or veto such policies.
Now if Obama would sign any jobs bill actually ANY bill and they failed...then it becomes his fault. But blaming a lack of job creation on a section of our government that does not legislate is assinine.
You no support Oboba? You with fire play!!11
The president does legislate (may not direct call it that in twisted wording to disguise). Clinton did it, Bush did it, Reagan did it, and Obama is doing it. Each president has given a laundry list of items he wants done and the legislature works it over and passes the idea(s), then the president signs it into law. Has been done for soo many years that I cannot remember when it has not been done this way. Bush 1 pushed for the tax increase that killed his second term chances and it was passed. Reagan gave the legislature a list of items he wanted done every year and most were worked into law, passed and signed. If the president cannot legislate, why is it called the Bush Tax Cuts? Bush gave the legislature the idea he wanted and they passed it. Obama put forth his idea of the Affordable Health Care Act and it was passed, O signed it into law. Obama can put forth a jobs plann to the legislature like any other president could have, but he has not, yet. I wish he would, this country needs a leader, not a wave rider.
If what you are saying is true, then what do we even need a president for other than to sign a bill into law? We could do away with all this fighting about the presidential election, all the PAC money, all the stupid, country tearing in half politics.
Saying that O cannot make things happen to create jobs is truely assinine.
The President can not make policy, Congress can. It's right there in the Constitution, something that Conservative seems to not read yet want to abide by.
Giving someone a to-do list and actually writting a bill are two different things.
Wow really? Obama hasn't done that bad. Lets not forget how Bush screwed us now. I think its freaking awesome how all these people that think they are Republicans and make less than 100,000 a year are going to try to take us on a repeat of Bush next election.
POTUS Obama is doing a very good job based on the hand off he got from the previous dumb ass... including the very collusion coming from the Right when he IS trying to fix the problems this nation has earned under the so-called Republicon leadership.. it took ten year for this mess to occur.. and it not going to get fix in about 4 years to correct.. One thing many people may not really see or realize.. is that the Republicon party do not know how to "GOVERN" :rofl2:
Letting Republicons govern, is like letting a Pedophile babysit your kids.. something is going to happen..![]()
You are correct, but then why does O keep circumventing the constitution?
He directly appointed Lisa Jackson as the head of the Federal EPA. She is carrying out his agenda, bypassing the legislative process and killing jobs left and right.
The white house just last week went around congress and effectively instituted the Dream Act even though it was voted down in congress.
The fact remains, O can push for his agenda and ask his cronies to write exactly in a bill what he wants. Every president does it.
O needs to grow a set and give some direction, otherwise he is useless.
I do agreewith this...He needs to grow a set and stop capitulating to the GOP.O needs to grow a set and give some direction
Wow really? Obama hasn't done that bad. Lets not forget how Bush screwed us now. I think its freaking awesome how all these people that think they are Republicans and make less than 100,000 a year are going to try to take us on a repeat of Bush next election.
Oboba Str0ng!!!!!!111111111111
Hey, look! Another pointless, worthless post in which someone predictable misspelled the sitting president's name.
You stay predictable!