Obama to Crush Economy

Will E Worm

Obama to Crush Economy with Massive CO2 Taxes as Early as Next Week.

Abandoning all loyalty to the democratic processes this nation holds dear, President Obama has made the decision that getting energy tax legislation through Congress with the approval of the American people is just too much of a pain to bother with. Instead he will have the EPA declare as early as next week that CO2 is a dangerous global warming gas and will start regulating its emissions immediately.

Obama’s promise to open up vast stretches of ocean on the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico to energy exploration is simply a ruse to soften up the public for soon to be announced draconian regulations.

Similar to how Obama used the $50 million dollar study on healthcare companies competing across state lines to sell ObamaCare as a bipartisan bill, his recent decree allowing energy companies to explore (not drill, not produce energy from … just explore) new stretches of ocean for oil is also meant to be a trivial, yet impressive enough sounding carrot for conservatives right before he stuffs his Marxist trash down their throats.

House Minority Leader John Boehner responded to Obama by saying “At the same time the White House makes today’s announcement, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is plotting a new massive job-killer that the American people can’t afford.”

Every American who doesn’t live in a technology adverse commune in California will now pay even more of their hard earned cash to the federal government for absolutely no good reason.


More unconstitutional acts, by an unconstitutional "president." :helpme:


Hiliary 2020
A) Why isnt this major top story news?

B) Why is he doing this?

C) Well at least he didnt wire tap my telephone, so there.
That's some great journalism there.

The only thing missing is some line about Obama being the anti-Christ, born in a "Mozlem" African nation.


Canada Free Press? Any chance you you get us a link to a ....oh, what do you call them?.... actual news source?

Will E Worm

Canada Free Press? Any chance you you get us a link to a ....oh, what do you call them?.... actual news source?

The "real" news will not tell you what is truly going on.

They are controlled and censored.

It's time to wake up and stop waiting for the one-eyed brainwashing machine to tell you what to believe.


Hiliary 2020
here's a guy that seems to know a little about it.
Obviously obama hasn't listened to him just as the cunt he's talking to isnt.
(yes that's cunt, the worst word you can call a "woman")

Its like this, The Dems have been cramming this global warming due to co2 for years now, of course theyre gonna feed the beast that they are with it, in the form of taxes and regulation.
When I saw the title of this thread I half expected you to suggest Obama was going to turn into the Hulk or something and smash everything American. :rolleyes:

One also has to love the Republican solution to the incoming future ecological disasters to the world, which is to....ummm...do nothing, and that's if they aren't actively doing anything to hasten it along.
We can't? :rolleyes:

I'm glad peope like you weren't around when this country was just starting.

actually there were quite a few...there were plenty of people who were perfectly content just "going along" under the rule of the british and putting up with ridiculous taxes because they were afraid to do anything but sit quietly and take it...there were also plenty who would have honestly supported the king and considered themselves true patriots of britain...most would have been afraid of jumping aboard the rebellion for fear that it would have failed which i'm sure seemed the most probable outcome at the time...:2 cents:


If obama was in fact deconstructing and undermining America, what would he be doing differently ? :hatsoff:

. . .and get back to me, alright ?

All of the obamites use the same old tired ridicule your opponent trick in order to discredit their opposition and change the argument.:sleep:

One thing is for certain, their liberty is my oppression.


ok so if I stop watching TV....all problems will be solved??

alright guys, I'm on it. From this day forth no more TV shall I watch! You can thank me later.