Obama "Sticking it to the Rich" with Taxes, Socialism, and B.S.

Most of the stimulus is infrastructure spending and tax cuts. Beyond that the bulk of the deficit comes by way of the $300B Bush era tax cuts for the top 2% and the wars.:2 cents:

But it's been said time and time again that the stimulus has done largely what it was intended to do...stop the recession. Certainly there is no telling where the unemployment rate would be by now without some of the bailout/spending. I guess there is some philosophical debate people can have over that but without question it has prevented the u/e rate from going higher. Even as such, the stimulus hasn't even fully been deployed...

You should take a look at how the rates were under Reagan at this same point in his term.

Yeah...my ivy letters on the wall tell me I know how to read the numbers. I understand (as much as anyone with general access) where the money is going (and I don't agree with your statement because it isn't what I've read, but maybe you have access that I don't). Using Reagan as a comparison is really part of the problem. I don't think the Reagan or Obama camp are the solutions.

I think I've gone politically through some steps of greiving. I'm a liberal, but I am aware of how very wrong John Maynard Keynes was. I think you're a bit of an Obama apologist, but I think that is cool and you're definitely trying to give him a chance.

I'm done with them all. I don't know what the alternerative is yet, but when I find out...I will let your beautiful, sexy, perverted self know.

(I take it up the butt from Democrats and Republicans, so...I'm not sure what that means.) :2offtopic
Yeah...my ivy letters on the wall tell me I know how to read the numbers.
But you know there are people in Obama's camp (including him) who presumably do this stuff for a living with Ivy League sheeps on their walls who have an opinion too.:o
I think I've gone politically through some steps of greiving. I'm a liberal, but I am aware of how very wrong John Maynard Keynes was. I think you're a bit of an Obama apologist, but I think that is cool and you're definitely trying to give him a chance.
Meh...What kind of weak kneed flop would I be if I gave up on anything a year and a half into a 4 year proposition?:cool:
I'm done with them all. I don't know what the alternerative is yet, but when I find out...I will let your beautiful, sexy, perverted self know.

(I take it up the butt from Democrats and Republicans, so...I'm not sure what that means.) :2offtopic

:) You sure know how to end a debate. How can a think politics after that?? Since I'm not terribly into anal...would you settle for the tickling of a skillful tongue?:lovecoupl
No love for the Tea Party :cry:

No that's too easy ro...the tea baggers are too busy stuffing their heads up their own asses.:o
Political cartoons! Keep 'em coming.

I'd prefer a simple political cartoon over any partisan rant.
Socialism is the way brothers!!!!!!1111

Socialism works well for the elite few of the U.S. yet the anti-Obama/socialism brand here won't criticize socialism when it benefits, applied to and practiced by the rich and those in the military
But you know there are people in Obama's camp (including him) who presumably do this stuff for a living with Ivy League sheeps on their walls who have an opinion too.:o

Yup...I have no problem with you not agreeing with me. I don't agree with them. :)

Meh...What kind of weak kneed flop would I be if I gave up on anything a year and a half into a 4 year proposition?:cool:

I respect that. Bill Joel wrote:
"I believe I've passed the age of consciousness & righteous rage
I found that just surviving was a noble fight.
I once believed in causes too, I had my pointless point of view,
Life went on no matter who was wrong or right"

I'm only in my 20's, but I hit a patch of "old man" I guess. Just taking a rest from my causes because I'm looking for someone to believe in.

:) You sure know how to end a debate. How can a think politics after that?? Since I'm not terribly into anal...would you settle for the tickling of a skillful tongue?:lovecoupl

I think you hit upon some of the miles of common ground we can land on!
Socialism works well for the elite few of the U.S. yet the anti-Obama/socialism brand here won't criticize socialism when it benefits, applied to and practiced by the rich and those in the military

Socialism works well for the elite few of the U.S. yet the anti-Obama/socialism brand here won't criticize socialism when it benefits, applied to and practiced by the rich and those in the military

The truth is, socialism is just a big burden and when looked through a historical perspective, an absolute failure.

It's contradictory to rant against socialism when it benefits the poor but not when socialism benefits the rich and those in the military.

It's ironic to see the U.S. privatizing profits and wealth but socializing the losses and debt incurred by the rich who love to get corporate welfare from taxpayers and gamble with taxpayer money


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
That's nice but I wasn't talking about Europe.

You must've been because you quoted a post I made talking about Europe:

Hey kettle, the pot called, it wants it's hypocrisy back.

The truth is, socialism is just a big burden and when looked through a historical perspective, an absolute failure.

If you're talking about the Soviet Union then it wasn't Socialist. There has never been a truly Socialist country just as america today and in the past has not been truly capitalist.

socialism was always synonym of the equal distribution of misery

What's wrong with that? By default that also means the equal distribution of pleasure.

It's contradictory to rant against socialism when it benefits the poor but not when socialism benefits the rich and those in the military.

It's ironic to see the U.S. privatizing profits and wealth but socializing the losses and debt incurred by the rich who love to get corporate welfare from taxpayers and gamble with taxpayer money

:clap: As always, a great point.
I don't get why people defend the rich. Why should they see themselves as the rich when it is only people like Gates and Murdoch that comprise the rich.
What's wrong with that? By default that also means the equal distribution of pleasure.

Because to act as a parasite and living on somebody else's neck is counterproductive, disgusting and synonym of absolute worthlessness and unwillingness to work. You want something ,bust your ass off, work like a madman and earn it.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
You must've been because you quoted a post I made talking about Europe:

If you're talking about the Soviet Union then it wasn't Socialist. There has never been a truly Socialist country just as america today and in the past has not been truly capitalist.

What's wrong with that? By default that also means the equal distribution of pleasure.

:clap: As always, a great point.
I don't get why people defend the rich. Why should they see themselves as the rich when it is only people like Gates and Murdoch that comprise the rich.

Man, I said that shit two weeks ago and you expect me to remember the context? I can't remember yesterday!


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Because to act as a parasite and living on somebody else's neck is counterproductive, disgusting and synonym of absolute worthlessness and unwillingness to work. You want something ,bust your ass off, work like a madman and earn it.

That's just what the poor do. It's the rich who sit on their arses and get everything given to them. They are the parasites.

Man, I said that shit two weeks ago and you expect me to remember the context? I can't remember yesterday!

Well it's all in the thread, all you had to do was scroll up.
But anyway, I apologise if I was being rather harsh with you, I will refrain from partaking in debates with you so that we won't have a repeat of this situation.
Examples please. :wave2:

Look at West Europe. The socialist crap practically bankrupts a country. It doesn't work. Sweden is a nice example of a failed Socialist enviornment, and that in a mostly homogenous society not burdened by illegal aliens.

Socilaism/Communism does not work people. It's been proven to fail time and time again.