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Obama is both facsist AND comunist!


Do you really understand what is facist and communist?

You can not even spell "facist and communist".

Cuba, China and Russia are not really facist or communist countries.

Cuba, China and Russia and many countries are "true" dictatorship under the name of socialist/communist ideologies.

Germany under Hilter is the true facist state.


...and thus I concluded that this thread had truly devolved to the "Why bother?" category. Some people literally run the other way screaming when the opportunity to learn something comes knocking - so I won't even knock.
The most powerful communist and facist union: Germany. Germany, Germany !!!!
Are you out of your f*****g mind? I certainly hope you just don't know how to express yourself properly and didn't mean that in all seriousness.

America has no universal health care system unlike Canada, has no universal free university program like France, has no free technological training like tool and die in Germany.
We have what? A "free technological training like tool and die"? What is that supposed to be?
And by the way, we have a working, extensive health care system, my friend.

France is a real socialist country.
Yeah, right. And I'm Winnie the Pooh.

lovejoy said:
America has been bailing Europe, especially Germany for the last 60 years !
Maybe you should look up the meaning of the term "to bail out". Than you would see that this word is hardly fitting to describe any part of the relationship between Germany and the US over the last 6 decades at any point in time. There are other words, that describe the relationship or the actions between the two countries at certain points in time or over the whole period. "Dedicated", "passionate", "helpful", "protecting", "supporting", "amicable", "progressive",...
We never created a situation (picked a fight/started a war/ruined our economy, etc.), where the US had to literally bail us out.
Okay... I was reading the post hoping it was a joke but I guess not. How can you possibly be both Fascist and Communist? They are the direct opposite. That shows me you right wing nut jobs don't know what you are talking about. 1. You all need to stop watching Fox News 2. You guys need to relax a little.


Fascism is the doctrine that the wellbeing of the State is more important than the wellbeing of the individual.If you substitute "people" for "state" , which in effect is used to convey the same idea, you have communism.
fascism [(fash-iz-uhm)]

A system of government that flourished in Europe from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germany under Adolf Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Spain under Franco were all fascist states. As a rule, fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation, such as the Jews in Germany. Although both communism and fascism are forms of totalitarianism, fascism does not demand state ownership of the means of production, nor is fascism committed to the achievement of economic equality. In theory, communism opposes the identification of government with a single charismatic leader (the “cult of personality”), which is the cornerstone of fascism. Whereas communists are considered left-wing, fascists are usually described as right-wing.

Note: Today, the term fascist is used loosely to refer to military dictatorships, as well as governments or individuals that profess racism and that act in an arbitrary, high-handed manner.

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Yeah, that dictionary article is all in all not bad. It generalizes a lot of course, but that's to be expected, as it is an article in a dictionary, and not a monograph/journal article/academic paper. For example do fascist governments not have to be ruled by a charismatic leader. A ruling party can fulfill the same purpose. A charismatic leader is important, if it is a fascist regime in a totalitarian state, because in that moment the "politization" of the people/the masses plays a much bigger role, thus a charismatic leader is of greater use than for example a big, anonymous party.

There is one grave mistake in there, though. Communism is not a form of totalitarianism. Communism, in theory, is communism or marxism. The totalitarian form of communism is stalinism. And there you also have the “cult of personality” which is a trademark, so to speak, of totalitarianism. But the theoretic construct of communism can never manifest itself in a totalitarian state. The road to communism includes one "passage", where an authoritarian form of democracy is established (the dictatorship of the proletariat), but that's only a transitional stage. Communism itself is, in theory, not totalitarian. It was twisted for example in China or North Korea, but these regimes are de facto not communist. They bear certain aspects of socialism and call themselves communist, but by definition they are not.
The article confuses sometimes theories and forms of government. For example, communism as theory and totalitarianism as a form of government.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
and is is a islamist

Islamo-fascist or Islamo-communist? Let's see if we can think of some other labels while we're at it. It's fun to characterize people in such an absolute fashion.

Plus, he picked North Carolina to win the NCAA tournament so it strikes me that there is something sinister behind that as well. I mean, what the hell does he have against the state of Connecticut?

Oh....wait....YES! Joe Lieberman!!!! That's it!!!!!

Obama is an amateur state capitalist. And, he's a money printer via stimulus packs.

He's not a fascist because he doesn't promote single party regime or tend to burn US Capitol (like Reichstag). He also doesn't want to expand world wide "aggresively".

He's not a communist too. He likes capitalism and enjoys it very much. He plays with "top class" CEOs and tries to create a state capitalism. In "real" and "never examined" communism, state doesn't own everything, it just secures the equality of property owning. He wants to bind everything to White House. He's not socialist too.

Change! What change?! Change is a two way route, to both good and bad. You need progress which always goes to better.

He deeply bows,... more like kneels to King of Saudi Arabia.

He comes to Turkland (Turkey) tomorrow. I make my rotten eggs ready. lol
Yeah, that dictionary article is all in all not bad. It generalizes a lot of course, but that's to be expected, as it is an article in a dictionary, and not a monograph/journal article/academic paper. For example do fascist governments not have to be ruled by a charismatic leader. A ruling party can fulfill the same purpose. A charismatic leader is important, if it is a fascist regime in a totalitarian state, because in that moment the "politization" of the people/the masses plays a much bigger role, thus a charismatic leader is of greater use than for example a big, anonymous party.

There is one grave mistake in there, though. Communism is not a form of totalitarianism. Communism, in theory, is communism or marxism. The totalitarian form of communism is stalinism. And there you also have the “cult of personality” which is a trademark, so to speak, of totalitarianism. But the theoretic construct of communism can never manifest itself in a totalitarian state. The road to communism includes one "passage", where an authoritarian form of democracy is established (the dictatorship of the proletariat), but that's only a transitional stage. Communism itself is, in theory, not totalitarian. It was twisted for example in China or North Korea, but these regimes are de facto not communist. They bear certain aspects of socialism and call themselves communist, but by definition they are not.
The article confuses sometimes theories and forms of government. For example, communism as theory and totalitarianism as a form of government.

Neither communism, fascism nor capitalism can ever exist in its pure state simply because of human nature.People will manipulate any system to gain advantage and it soon gets corrupted.Marx actually wasn't far off when he argued you have a thesis, along comes antithesis and you end up with synthesis.
Stalin was an example of a self professed communist who was to all intents and purposes highly fascist.
Neither communism, fascism nor capitalism can ever exist in its pure state simply because of human nature.People will manipulate any system to gain advantage and it soon gets corrupted.Marx actually wasn't far off when he argued you have a thesis, along comes antithesis and you end up with synthesis.
Stalin was an example of a self professed communist who was to all intents and purposes highly fascist.

I know what you're getting at and, in my opinion, you're mostly right about it.
But, Stalin was not a fascist. The system he established for his "self proclaimed communism" was totalitarian and thus resembled strongly the system Hitler and the NSDAP established for the nationalsocialism/fascism, which was totalitarian, too. That's certainly correct. But, the theory behind Stalins system was not nationalsocialism/fascism, it was stalinism. There is a difference, even if it's only a slight one. If you're interested in this, I'd recommend Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism" as well as "Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy" by Friedrich/Brzezinski. You can, in fact read everything Friedrich (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Friedrich) ever wrote on that topic. Also Sartori.
obama is clearly islamo-communist-fascist-synthesis-socialist-totalitarian leader and is attempting to make america into a hell. it turns out bush didn't do a good enough job making hell and now obama is finishing the job. :D socrates would be proud to die again.
wow that's a mean trick. both stalin and hitler (watching from hell) sorta hate obama a little bit maybe

No, you're wrong. Some of his ideas may lean a little towards socialism, but I think it's getting a little too much play in the media lately. Don't get me wrong, I am not one of The Holy One's sheeple........I can't stand the guy........but I doubt if this country will sit by and kiss capitalism goodbye.

But communist? Fascist? Look the words up bro.


Staff member
I am not going to comment in a thread full of contradictions, I will therefore keep my mouth shut.