Obama goes back to school


I've been in absolute disbelief over the sickening partisan reaction from the idiotic wingnuts in this country to this. No wait, it's not partisan at all. It's just plain BULLSHIT. Their only motivation for this is not having voted for the man, and their desire to undermine everything positive, or even traditional, he tries to do.

When I was in the kindergarten, Reagan did this exact same thing. In fact, my teacher taped it so we could discuss it in parts over a two week period. When I was in elementary school, Bush 41 did it too. And when I was in middle school, Clinton did it. I wasn't in the classroom for Bush 43 myself, but I do recall him being in a classroom reading a book about a goat when a certain event happened. I'm sure presidents that were in office before my time in school addressed students on this subject as well, though not necessarily televised. It's practically become a tradition, at least in the last 50 years anyways, for the leader of this country to encourage students to do their best and to stay in school.

And now you have a gang of sore fucking losers who are so bent out of shape that they're out of power that they're actually telling students not to go to school to hear a speech about the importance of education and staying in school?!
Wasn't there a president that demonstrated how children should get under their desks in the event that we were attacked by Cuban based ruskie nooks during the cold war ? :1orglaugh At least make it look like the government is doing .s o m e t h i n g !

This is kind of related - I like, when in the Superbowl about 3 or 4 years ago, GHWB and Bubba Clinton walked around with their color coordinated blue jackets during pre game ... or was it half time ? I forget exactly. Does anybody remember what it was that they were preaching or selling? I just found that it was in bad taste for these two former presidents, one a republican, the other a democrat, walking around, hand in hand, kissy kissy .. Gag me w/ a spoon already ! The Superbowl is the last fucking place where these clods would get my attention or support. The nerve of these guys on our day ... pissed me off ! I felt like I got sand kicked in my face. that is, until I immediately downed about 3 or 4 beers.

and when they pronounce that "we're all in this together" boy are we in deep shit ! :o


Closed Account
As the President addresses pupils across the country, a message of obedience and readiness to pay more taxes, join the Freemasons, and eat hamburgers only at McDonalds will be sent out on an inaudible frequency that will reach into the subconscious minds of all those under 21 years of age.

It will also prepare them for takeover by aliens.




This still just creeps me out like no other, I mean, it reminds me of when I went to catholic school and we had to sing as a class in the hymnal. However, that was OK because our parents consented to the activity, but public school Obama (or any hopeful presidential candidate for that matter) props ? forget it !

I only wonder who provided these cute "HOPE" T shirts

oh yeah, my poor conduct got me booted from the cat. school in the 3rd grade :p
This still just creeps me out like no other, I mean, it reminds me of when I went to catholic school and we had to sing as a class in the hymnal. However, that was OK because our parents consented to the activity, but public school Obama (or any hopeful presidential candidate for that matter) props ? forget it !

I only wonder who provided these cute "HOPE" T shirts

oh yeah, my poor conduct got me booted from the cat. school in the 3rd grade :p

If as a condition of your child receiving an education on the public dime you can't allow them to listen to a duly elected POTUS (or for some strange reason, just this POTUS) maybe you should consider enrolling them in a parochial or otherwise private school until '13 or '17 and get out of the way of the rest of the kid's parents who don't mind.:dunno:
It never ends. Quote below from the New Republic Online. Apparently the whole speech was just an opportunity to stick it to people the left hate more than any other: world war II veterans. I have to say that any nine year old listening to this speech would immediately have picked up on this blatant and inexcusable slur. Obama needs to know that although Pearl Harbor is naught but a blip on the Kenyan radar it is still of some importance in this country.

"The text of the president’s speech to schoolchildren is largely inoffensive. But it contains at least one political gaffe. If you quit school, he tells the kids, “You’re not just quitting on yourself, you’re quitting on your country.” Among Americans between ages 65 and 74, 20.7 percent quit before finishing high school. For those 75 and older, the figure is 27.4 percent. The latter group includes some who quit in order to enlist in the armed forces after Pearl Harbor. And yet the president seems to be calling them unpatriotic," - John J Pitney Jr., NRO.

Just as a thought experiment - given the following sentencein a speech to kids about the value of staying in school - “You’re not just quitting on yourself, you’re quitting on your country.” How many sane human beings would have come to the same conclusion?
Currently I'm quite enjoying the debate on the right about the (for want of a better word) soul of conservatism. There is a general longing for a new intellectual vigor to suffuse the party. Usually this comes from theWashington based cadre of the party. It is nice to hear voices from the broader tent of the party taking a more reasoned stance on events.

Here is right wing radio host explaining how the goons are shafting the republicans.

In the words of Biff Tanner Well well well lookie what we have here^^^^

Um excuse me Dems, but you did exactly what the republicans did, only they did if BEFORE the speech and you did it AFTER the speech.

Democrats pounced. "The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students," said Richard Gephardt, then the House Majority Leader. "And the president should be doing more about education than saying, 'Lights, camera, action.'"

But when President George H.W. Bush delivered a similar speech on October 1, 1991, from Alice Deal Junior High School in Washington DC, the controversy was just beginning. Democrats, then the majority party in Congress, not only denounced Bush's speech -- they also ordered the General Accounting Office to investigate its production and later summoned top Bush administration officials to Capitol Hill for an extensive hearing on the issue.

What say you?

Again Jas.. in the effort to pass yourself of as you earlier described, you're not acquitting yourself well in the masquerade IMO.

Differences in case you didn't read the article you linked to, the objections centered around using the kids as an election prop after the fact not what he planned to say to them before the fact.

I'm sure you already knew that if you read the article but just didn't care about the facts.

"What say you"??? :1orglaugh As if anyone in their right mind is going to believe you were ever a present day Demo quoting Billo the clown...:wave2:


Buncha f-ing hypocrites

Schools refused to air Obama's speech but will bus kids to hear Bush speak live


Your right Bush will be there, so will many former Dallas Cowboys and local business and community leaders. Also how about this part:

"District officials said it's part of a Cowboys Stadium field trip that the North Texas Super Bowl Host Committee invited 28 fifth-grade classes to attend several months ago"

Plans were made MONTHS before Obama's speech to the school students.

Also how about this part:
"The school district allowed students with permission slips from parents an excused absence to watch Obama's speech at an off-site location"

So the kids who wanted to see the president speak got to and I am guessing that they were also bussed to the off-site location. Since the speech was at 10am texas time, most parents would be at work unable to drive thier kids to and fro.
Hey Jason, what do you think about the view of Neil Boortz above? Basically, he thinks Obama played you like a banjo. Or is Neil Boortz a "Marxist" who cares not for the American way? I think we should be told.


Again Jas.. in the effort to pass yourself of as you earlier described, you're not acquitting yourself well in the masquerade IMO.

Differences in case you didn't read the article you linked to, the objections centered around using the kids as an election prop after the fact not what he planned to say to them before the fact.

I'm sure you already knew that if you read the article but just didn't care about the facts.

"What say you"??? :1orglaugh As if anyone in their right mind is going to believe you were ever a present day Demo quoting Billo the clown...:wave2:
And so the begins the Dem's spin machine:thefinger. Simple fact is Dems denounced Bush's speech. Repub's denounced Obama's speach. Dems actually had a hearing to examin the $26,000 fund the DoE used for this. I don't see any hearings being conducted by Republicans on Obama's speech.

Anyother question I have
"But at the time -- October 10, 1991 -- the National Education Association said it could not "endorse a president who spends $26,000 dollars of taxpayers' money on a staged media event..

But then fast forward a few years

"September 6, 2009 -- the NEA wrote: "We applaud President Obama for delivering this message to students."

So thr NEA did not approve of Bush's speech casue it cost $26,000, but endorse Obama's which we have no clue what it cost.

Obama has been in office for 231 days as of yesterday and he as 263 speeches or press conferences, no wonder nothing is getting done he is still campanging. Thats 32 more speeches than days served as president and tonight will make it 264 speeches with 232 days served.


Hey Jason, what do you think about the view of Neil Boortz above? Basically, he thinks Obama played you like a banjo. Or is Neil Boortz a "Marxist" who cares not for the American way? I think we should be told.

He is not a marxist, he is a self described libertarian. "He agrees with fiscal conservatives in advocating less government spending and decreasing corporate regulation. He is an advocate for freedom of speech. In line with the traditional views of the Libertarian Party, Boortz supports eliminating the war on drugs, lowering taxes, shrinking the size of government, and emphasizing personal responsibility. He has repeatedly stated his belief that global climate change is not man-made. For his stances on many of these issues, he is popular among conservative Republicans, who, due to their larger numbers in comparison to Libertarians, make up the majority of his listeners and callers. Boortz is perhaps most widely known for his enthusiastic support of the FairTax plan"

But he sides with liberals on some social issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and civil liberties

So he really is not the right wing guy you all hoped for.
And so the begins the Dem's spin machine:thefinger. Simple fact is Dems denounced Bush's speech. Repub's denounced Obama's speach. Dems actually had a hearing to examin the $26,000 fund the DoE used for this. I don't see any hearings being conducted by Republicans on Obama's speech.

Anyother question I have
"But at the time -- October 10, 1991 -- the National Education Association said it could not "endorse a president who spends $26,000 dollars of taxpayers' money on a staged media event..

But then fast forward a few years

"September 6, 2009 -- the NEA wrote: "We applaud President Obama for delivering this message to students."

So thr NEA did not approve of Bush's speech casue it cost $26,000, but endorse Obama's which we have no clue what it cost.

Obama has been in office for 231 days as of yesterday and he as 263 speeches or press conferences, no wonder nothing is getting done he is still campanging. Thats 32 more speeches than days served as president and tonight will make it 264 speeches with 232 days served.

Again Jason...a little slower....Bush was in an election cycle where HE would be up for an election...Obama isn't. If Obama did this on Oct 1, 2011 GOPers should be righteously suspicious of the event being used as a campaign prop.

Political hacks were objecting to the content of what Obama was to say or have done....Demos didn't care what Bush said but how he was to use the event during an election cycle and what if any public money went toward it.

No different from the problems Demos had with W staged event and speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln ("Mission Accomplished").

When you're a POTUS in an election year cycle where you're on the ballot...there are many grey areas with regard to the events you engage in and the sources of the the funding of those events.

A POTUS can hold any kind of event he wants with few exceptions as long as it's paid for the right way.

Now I know either this won't make sense to you or if it does you probably won't care about the facts because you've convinced yourself that the hacks have some credible reason for opposing Obama's speech and lesson plan.
Wow you bash people like Glenn Beck and Hannity, now I know why.

Difference being, I have the facts on my side. They don't give a shit about facts if they can't use them to spin a lie.

The morons who listen to them are pretty pathetic I think. I don't understand how some people can listen to them so pathologically lie and mislead but still continue buying their tripe. Oh, I understand when they are proven to be wrong or lying ....the defense by their apologists is that they're nothing more than entertainers. But when their apologists think they have a point they then become the most important arbiters of the facts on planet earth.

I mean even if you're 100 pct. in agreement with their political views isn't it just a little disconcerting to you that they are willing to lie or mislead at the drop of a hat if you care anything about facts that help you arrive at some relevant or important opinion??

But I guess that question presupposes their listeners ever make themselves available to the facts.
Sorry to say that, but your country is fucked up.

Our country is great....more importantly, it BELONGS to us. Not the British.

However, just like everywhere else we have our idiots on both sides willing to fuck it up for everyone else to perpetuate their narrow minded viewpoint.