Wasn't there a president that demonstrated how children should get under their desks in the event that we were attacked by Cuban based ruskie nooks during the cold war ? :1orglaugh At least make it look like the government is doing .s o m e t h i n g !I've been in absolute disbelief over the sickening partisan reaction from the idiotic wingnuts in this country to this. No wait, it's not partisan at all. It's just plain BULLSHIT. Their only motivation for this is not having voted for the man, and their desire to undermine everything positive, or even traditional, he tries to do.
When I was in the kindergarten, Reagan did this exact same thing. In fact, my teacher taped it so we could discuss it in parts over a two week period. When I was in elementary school, Bush 41 did it too. And when I was in middle school, Clinton did it. I wasn't in the classroom for Bush 43 myself, but I do recall him being in a classroom reading a book about a goat when a certain event happened. I'm sure presidents that were in office before my time in school addressed students on this subject as well, though not necessarily televised. It's practically become a tradition, at least in the last 50 years anyways, for the leader of this country to encourage students to do their best and to stay in school.
And now you have a gang of sore fucking losers who are so bent out of shape that they're out of power that they're actually telling students not to go to school to hear a speech about the importance of education and staying in school?!
This is kind of related - I like, when in the Superbowl about 3 or 4 years ago, GHWB and Bubba Clinton walked around with their color coordinated blue jackets during pre game ... or was it half time ? I forget exactly. Does anybody remember what it was that they were preaching or selling? I just found that it was in bad taste for these two former presidents, one a republican, the other a democrat, walking around, hand in hand, kissy kissy .. Gag me w/ a spoon already ! The Superbowl is the last fucking place where these clods would get my attention or support. The nerve of these guys on our day ... pissed me off ! I felt like I got sand kicked in my face. that is, until I immediately downed about 3 or 4 beers.
and when they pronounce that "we're all in this together" boy are we in deep shit ! :o