Obama climate plan could cost $2 trillion


Staff member
it won't change anything, people are just too naive
Washington Times Article

Spend, Spend, Spend, Spend, I said SPEND!!!

This bill just raised all our taxes tremendously,ended many jobs and pushed even the few remaining American industries out of the country to avoid these outrageous taxes. What is this guy doing? He is bankrupting the future of this nation! Even 30 Democrats voted against it!
Also, reducing greenhouse emissions is a joke because he enforces penalties on American companies while the rest of the world pollutes at will. I'm sorry, but this Obama presidency has been and will continue to be a disaster for America.


milf n' cookies
I'm so sick of this asshole! :mad:

He's destroying this country and it's economy as fast as he can!
Why are there so many Republicans in a message board dedicated to viewing material that is viewed by the party as a horrible corrupter of the national moral fiber?
Why are there so many Republicans in a message board dedicated to viewing material that is viewed by the party as a horrible corrupter of the national moral fiber?

Why must some people look at every issue in a black and white way and place people and views onto a political continuum what someone else made up?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not a Republican or Democrat, both parties are corrupt and self serving. I do happen to believe in the Constitution of the United States and in individual freedom (within limits of course) and individual responsibility. I suppose if you need to label my own personal views, I'm a libertarian.

So this issue of the Federal government spending money, it's going to be the downfall of us all if they do not stop NOW. I heard liberals bitch and moan about Bush spending money on the wars, and that was a drop in the bucket to what Obama and the Democratic Congress have spent already in 6 months. We now owe more than our GDP for an entire year, with no slowing down in site... and the US Dollar is about to be downgraded because the Treasury is printing paper money to de-value the currency in order to reduce the "real" value of the debt, which will trigger hyper-inflation like you see in some third world countries.

This alone should make people EXTREMELY uneasy with VERY good reason, regardless of political affiliation to some party that doesn't give two sh*ts about them. And now, this bill, and they want the government to take over healthcare... the same government that can't manage itself nor its budget? The same government that bends (and breaks) the same reules in the Constitution that was supposed to limit its power?
It's funny...

President Bush doesn't try and do shit for our environment and people complain.
President Obama tries to do something for our environment and...people complain.

Isn't America wonderful?
WOW, the one and only post who actually makes sense and seems to come from a person who can actually use his brains and is able to think.

What a bunch of freakin idiots on here! But hey, you're right, let's fistfuck this planet even more until nothing is left. To actually do something to save this very planet money is recquired, a lot of money, because of people who have driven Earth into the shithole it's in right now. But what do you care, right? Most important thing is you can buy some cars and cell phones and PlayStations...and whatever. It's not the economy you should be worried about, but saving the planet where you children and their children are supposed to live one day.

But on the other hand you must not, I reapeat: you MUST NOT, procreate. You'd do humanity a big favor.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
WOW, the one and only post who actually makes sense and seems to come from a person who can actually use his brains and is able to think.

What a bunch of freakin idiots on here! But hey, you're right, let's fistfuck this planet even more until nothing is left. To actually do something to save this very planet money is recquired, a lot of money, because of people who have driven Earth into the shithole it's in right now. But what do you care, right? Most important thing is you can buy some cars and cell phones and PlayStations...and whatever. It's not the economy you should be worried about, but saving the planet where you children and their children are supposed to live one day.

But on the other hand you must not, I reapeat: you MUST NOT, procreate. You'd do humanity a big favor.

Exactly how does paying more in taxes "save the planet"?
If you think the federal government is going to set aside this tax money strictly to "protect the Earth" and use it for anything other than business as usual, it is you who should not breed.:thefinger

Probably fat chance of that happening anyway.