Obama administration plans to slash pay of executives at 7 bailed-out companies

The bottom line is that the intervention to "bail out" these companies was completely unconstitutional in the first place. Setting up a "pay czar" and regulating salaries is even more disturbing a precent to set, and equally as unconstitutional.
The bottom line is that the intervention to "bail out" these companies was completely unconstitutional in the first place. Setting up a "pay czar" and regulating salaries is even more disturbing a precent to set, and equally as unconstitutional.

How was it "unconstitutional"??
The problem is what stockholder get in return and my issue with a free market. CEO's and empolyee's get the lions share and stockholder get stuck with the lossess or a small or average return with all the burden. It is incredibley unbalanced these days. If you held stock last October you got burned in lossess, if you were a big trader you made large bonus over many years, got bailed out and you are now back in the game again.