Nuclear Weapons to stay in Germany

That which is demeaning is that which is deemed demeaning, yanky-doodle-obese-GOPer.

You're not from the USA are you? I'm from California and most guys call other guys dudes. Nothing derogatory or demeaning about it here. I never thought someone could take offense to that term. Now calling someone obese or a GOPer, that's just cruel and unusual punishment... unless of course they are...
So you're thinking of splitting Germany in two so that each half can throw nukes at the other? What a novel idea...

No. I was thinking of 1 Germany playing both sides & I don't care if one of the sides is Russia, China, the Taliban or as far as I'm concerned the Fiji islands.... (& I believe the first part was rather obvious)


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Just keep drinking you'll be fine dude.
*sigh* There is nothing wrong with what I typed then when I was stone cold sober.

You're not from the USA are you? I'm from California and most guys call other guys dudes. Nothing derogatory or demeaning about it here. I never thought someone could take offense to that term. Now calling someone obese or a GOPer, that's just cruel and unusual punishment... unless of course they are...
No. I'm from England; that explains why I'm interested in real English rather than rampant americanisations

No. I was thinking of 1 Germany playing both sides & I don't care if one of the sides is Russia, China, the Taliban or as far as I'm concerned the Fiji islands.... (& I believe the first part was rather obvious)
A Belgian who is pro-German? I'm drunk, what am I missing?