Now I know he is an anti white racist

Those of you who would cry "socialism" and such are without credibility until you present a reasonable alternative that will address the incredibly huge issue that is before us.....millions of people without health care, millions more with lousy coverage and exorbitant premiums (like me) and a certain percentage of lucky fuckers snuggled in between with cushy policies that are, in most instances, GOVERNMENT subsidized. That has to change and it has to change with this administration.

They have an alternative, it's called "I got mine, so it's every man for themselves". Most people that think like that try to spin it as best as they can, but essentially that's what it comes down to for them. If it hurts them in any way they don't see the need to help anybody.

What I find particularly nonsensical is all the complaining about potential rationing of health care. It's like a mindlessly repeated conservative droning to confuse people that are too ignorant too actually think about the situation in any common sense way. What the hell do people think happens now? We get that now, it's just done by another mechanism. It's called price, and it's getting to be where more people can't get medical treatment at all. That seems like a pretty big case of "rationing" to me.

Under a more socialized system the only things that would change would be instead of corporate officer at an HMO that looks at a spreadsheet to maximize profit deciding who gets what or how rich somebody is deciding who get needed medical treatment, there will be doctors, medical ethicist, and elected officials that listen to them when deciding who should get what, in how much, and they will do it so that it benefits the whole as much as possible. To the people that bring up the rationing argument, do you think it's alright for some people the get great medical treatment because they are lucky enough to pay for it while whole huge sections of the population get NOTHING? Most of the civilized world considers reasonable medical treatment a human right. It shows something about our country when we view it as a function of the market. I shudder to think what it would be like if we ran other parts of or society like that. Could you image only some of the population being allowed to have an education, or the police and fire department only coming to some people's homes in an emergency based on who could afford to pay the most?
They have an alternative, it's called "I got mine, so it's every man for themselves". Most people that think like that try to spin it as best as they can, but essentially that's what it comes down to for them. If it hurts them in any way they don't see the need to help anybody.

What I find particularly nonsensical is all the complaining about potential rationing of health care. It's like a mindlessly repeated conservative droning to confuse people that are too ignorant too actually think about the situation in any common sense way. What the hell do people think happens now? We get that now, it's just done by another mechanism. It's called price, and it's getting to be where more people can't get medical treatment at all. That seems like a pretty big case of "rationing" to me.

Under a more socialized system the only things that would change would be instead of corporate officer at an HMO that looks at a spreadsheet to maximize profit deciding who gets what or how rich somebody is deciding who get needed medical treatment, there will be doctors, medical ethicist, and elected officials that listen to them when deciding who should get what, in how much, and they will do it so that it benefits the whole as much as possible. To the people that bring up the rationing argument, do you think it's alright for some people the get great medical treatment because they are lucky enough to pay for it while whole huge sections of the population get NOTHING? Most of the civilized world considers reasonable medical treatment a human right. It shows something about our country when we view it as a function of the market. I shudder to think what it would be like if we ran other parts of or society like that. Could you image only some of the population being allowed to have an education, or the police and fire department only coming to some people's homes in an emergency based on who could afford to pay the most?

Dental, chiropractic, and mental, among other general services are not covered by "universal" health care in Canada. I've chatted with othe Canadiens on other forums and "universal" healthcare is not what it's portrayed. Many Canadiens are coming to America for our services.


Dental, chiropractic, and mental, among other general services are not covered by "universal" health care in Canada. I've chatted with othe Canadiens on other forums and "universal" healthcare is not what it's portrayed. Many Canadiens are coming to America for our services.
As a matter of fact.:hatsoff:
It's when you get into Longer Term medical treatment is where the socialized system goes to hell and works against the people that it is supposed to serve.

The lefties sure have their people all strung up on using greed and inequality as a means to degrade us all.

If the government were to assume control of all forms of capital tomorrow and then decided on Monday that they would evenly distribute said capital, we would collectively become an impoverished nation. There isn't enough capital to
make us all happy. Equal maybe, but not happy.

What conditions would you rather live in - A universally equally impoverished country led by a few wealthy dictators -or- A society that, if you work hard and play your cards right, you would at least have a chance to acquire some nice things in life ?


Hiliary 2020

Author makes a good point... I guess "empathy" doesn't count for white males in America these days... and I did not know the guy went semi-ballistic at the cop. That's like begging to be arrested.

Thats a good article CS. Thanks.
For a black man who has achieved the level of Chief Executive in a country where the overwhelmingly majority of voters are white to use that tired old canard about everything being racist, is stunningly contemptible. If this is the type of judgment Obama uses to make decisions, God help us if he's able to pass any more legislation.

Man I have had my share of ball busting from police.
Actually quite alot.
I realize alot of them are arrogant jerkoffs,(but not with pretty girls, with them its " Hi I'm officer Bob, heres my card, If you need anything just call.").
But this case I think its clear that this "noted Scholar" did go ballistic and carried on like a nut for the whole time.
Refusing to come to the door, name calling, shouting, yelling on the front porch trying to raise a crowd.
One thing, if you are innocent or guilty, unless lives are at stake, just do what he says, cooperate and get it over with.
Don't start screaming and yelling opn your front porch.
An in this case it was only to show an ID.

And as soon as I found out Sharpton was in on it I knew it was BS. With his record of false allegations over the last 22 years.

I think I'm out. Just to me its scary that the PREZ would allign himself with such behavior, such people and actrually call the cop stupid only because he was trying to do his job.
Shows exactly his mindset, his values , his predjudices and who he truly represents.
And it ain't you.
That shit's all the rage now. The shamed, discredited, emasculated right has lost its mind, aided and abetted by its talk radio mullahs. They speak wistfully of secession or revolution; of a violent apocalypse, anticipating the rapture to follow. They consider that the height of patriotism :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
It's textbook aberrant psychology on a massive scale.

yep, glenn beck etc want the people to rise up & almost seem to be askin how is it that obama is in power
- when he won a valid (relative) landslide months ago

good post :glugglug:

and just for info, if a little off topic,
you can still have top drawer private healthcare in the uk,

(which i've seen on some us tv add as an example of healthcare hell)

i used to have it as a benefit in my old job
or you can just pay for it in a plan from various companies
Ok Jag, good points.
I have no wishful thinking on this thing. I guess I do ish that more would see what he really is and not what he tricks people into thinking he is, with the full support of the news media.
Its just that he shows his true colors more and more and I don't need to hear one more thing from him to know what he's about. I've heard enough.
I posted a thread here back in march 2007 regarding his church way before even fox news was on to it.
I've read parts of his autobiography which he makes his hatred towards whites obvious, I heard him call his grandmother a typical white women, I've seen the people he's been involved with.
I've read his wifes thesis,ect ect and now this.

I'm not an extremist, but he is.
And its not just this and from this president. Its alot of stuff over the last 15-20 years.
To me he just alligned himself right with Al Sharpton.
And, to me its scary that we have a PREz that thinks in that way.

You don't think it moderately relevant that this man you assert is an "anti white racist" was raised by white grandparents and a white mother all for whom he's professed and intense love for?