Those of you who would cry "socialism" and such are without credibility until you present a reasonable alternative that will address the incredibly huge issue that is before us.....millions of people without health care, millions more with lousy coverage and exorbitant premiums (like me) and a certain percentage of lucky fuckers snuggled in between with cushy policies that are, in most instances, GOVERNMENT subsidized. That has to change and it has to change with this administration.
They have an alternative, it's called "I got mine, so it's every man for themselves". Most people that think like that try to spin it as best as they can, but essentially that's what it comes down to for them. If it hurts them in any way they don't see the need to help anybody.
What I find particularly nonsensical is all the complaining about potential rationing of health care. It's like a mindlessly repeated conservative droning to confuse people that are too ignorant too actually think about the situation in any common sense way. What the hell do people think happens now? We get that now, it's just done by another mechanism. It's called price, and it's getting to be where more people can't get medical treatment at all. That seems like a pretty big case of "rationing" to me.
Under a more socialized system the only things that would change would be instead of corporate officer at an HMO that looks at a spreadsheet to maximize profit deciding who gets what or how rich somebody is deciding who get needed medical treatment, there will be doctors, medical ethicist, and elected officials that listen to them when deciding who should get what, in how much, and they will do it so that it benefits the whole as much as possible. To the people that bring up the rationing argument, do you think it's alright for some people the get great medical treatment because they are lucky enough to pay for it while whole huge sections of the population get NOTHING? Most of the civilized world considers reasonable medical treatment a human right. It shows something about our country when we view it as a function of the market. I shudder to think what it would be like if we ran other parts of or society like that. Could you image only some of the population being allowed to have an education, or the police and fire department only coming to some people's homes in an emergency based on who could afford to pay the most?