Nottingham Police Double Taser Assault


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...

Shoking him twice with the same device, would be normal. He's not following orders, he's resisting arrest, and then a crowd is forming, that's going to elevate the tension from the officers. Granted when the officer punches him in the head, that was uncalled for. The really basic issue is this. Police lack the basic hand-to-hand skills involved to properly arrest a suspect without resorting to the taser or baton. A simple arm lock or bar would make that guy comply so fast it wouldn't be funny.
Off topic:

I read something in the news paper last week about a man who dropped a ten pound note and the police were behind him as it happened. They let him know he dropped it, he then picked it up, and was issued with an on the spot fine for littering. This article was in the Ayrshire Post news paper [12th June].

Sad isn't it when the police are a bunch of losers and abuse their powers time and again. Be it over kill when tazering people [once is usually enough] and stupid incidents like the guy being issued with a fine. The guy stated to the paper that he must have had one of those faces the police officers in question just didn't like. Prejudice if nothing else that is.
Off topic:

I read something in the news paper last week about a man who dropped a ten pound note and the police were behind him as it happened. They let him know he dropped it, he then picked it up, and was issued with an on the spot fine for littering. This article was in the Ayrshire Post news paper [12th June].

Sad isn't it when the police are a bunch of losers and abuse their powers time and again. Be it over kill when tazering people [once is usually enough] and stupid incidents like the guy being issued with a fine. The guy stated to the paper that he must have had one of those faces the police officers in question just didn't like. Prejudice if nothing else that is.
In other words he was not white!!


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Normal?!? He was on the ground & they tasered him twice! How on earth could he "follow orders" after having been on the receiving end of 50,000 volts?!?

They did over-react, the suspect was clearly intoxicated or immune to the shock in some way, most people squeal like pigs when it happens. And nothing was happening, the guy didn't make a peep and was still not putting his hands behind his back. Cops are over-stressed as it is, if they're telling you to put your hands behind your back, do it, they mean it obviously. It doesn't matter a hill of beans if you think your innocent, that will all come out in the next 20 minutes if you are.

Almost all of these videos pick up at a point where we never see how it started, that guy might have punched one of them for all we know. When this one starts, the guy is already on the ground and they're trying to arrest him, so obviously it's been happening for a little while and they've been struggling with him during that time. That's all I'm saying.

Plus, one thing I'd like to point out. Different people react differently to electric shock, it's based on body chemistry, some people are actually resistive to this method. Add on top of that intoxication or hard drug use and it's in his own little world during that time.
It must be difficult to retain a sense of perspective when you're a policeman subjected to abuse for an entire shift and then some asshole refuses to follow instructions.

There's no way I can condone the actions as portrayed (though as Kingfisher highlights, we didn't get the whole story) but I can appreciate how a human being can respond inappropriately.
In other words he was not white!!

He was white. They must be bored with the whole picking on darker skin tones now and so they decide to branch out a little to other fields, so to speak.

Check the thread I created on the topic. Someone posted a link to it as well from the news papers site.


Closed Account
Talk about asking for trouble. I am beginning to see a pattern emerging here. Maybe not, but in a time when people need to tolerate one another, to be kind, to be patient and helpful, here we have police literally stirring up oppression and rebellion.

They may as well stand in the middle of the road and ask people to start rioting.
I think there's some kind of secret Police brutality premiership. The Metropolitan Police have retained the cup for many years, but it looks like Nottinghamshire Police could be making a serious title bid this year! :D
As it just so happens Nottingham is my home town, lived here all my life and this story doesnt really suprise me. In my younger years ive seen the police do some right evil shit to friends or even me on occasions. Nottingham has a bad image created by all the youths now days stabbing and shooting each other.

From the video it looks like it was outside a nightclub called Halo, which in my opinion needs to be shut down and burned to the ground. That place has probably had more killings than anywhere else in Nottingham.
I am a little apprehensive what to make of this. I think there is a tendency to be slightly biased against the cops here, as the video footage suggests a poor helpless man. The video footage steps in far too late, perhaps through careful editing to remove any damning footage showing the guy in a negative light. Was he drunk, I suspect he was since bouncers called for assistance so I doubt he was some innocent little angel standing there minding his own business.

Personally if your out for a confrontation then chances are you will get one squarely between the eyes most likely, with either other people or the police. If your'e going to behave like an animal don't be surprised if you end getting treated as such. I personally have had no problems with police not because I love them, far from it, its because I give them a wide berth to try to avoid these sorts of situations.

Problem with this sort of video footage and Youtube ever since the infamous Rodney King police battering everybody wants their slice of the fame by trying to make prime time news with the footage they have shot. Obviously the footage would not be quite so dramatic if it was shown to be slightly more two sided. Call me a cynic but the old adage "belive none of what you hear, and half of what you see" is a good general rule of thumb that applies in many situations.

This is not that extreme when compared to brutality dished out by lesser developed nations police forces Pakistans Karachi cops spring to mind, where you might be beaten simply because they dislike the way you are eyballing them.