Not even 1 year has passed yet NeoCons Blame Obama for Bush's 8 Years of Treachery

Interestingly though, this deception by the agents of counter-intelligence many of us know as NeoCons or Tea Baggers isn't being bought by a majority of us Americans. Due to the economic crisis that has wreaked havoc on our collective livelihood, many Americans have woken up from the nightmarish 8 years of being in a state of fear, denial, ignorance and confusion that 9/11 casted upon us, which Bush administration officials seized upon in order to wage expensive and unnecessary imperialistic wars in both Afghanist and then Iraq for the sole purpose of enriching War Profiteers in the guise of spreding democracy and fighting terrorism at the costly expense of U.S. taxpayers while crippling the U.S. economy.

The only silver lining for this is that more and more Americans are waking up from their 8 year comatose and stupor. That's why more and more Americans than ever before the present economic crisis are paying close attention to current and past events, thinking critically and objectively, questioning past events prior to Obama's new presidency, in order to proactively figure out, realize and understand what series of complicated and unfortunate events that have led to the current state of affairs. It's great to see less and less Americans not being naive, easily duped, passive or reactionary, and misinformed by 9/11 scare tactics employed by NeoCons less than a decade ago at the start of the new millenium during Bush's watch and even up to now.
Re: Not even 1 year has passed yet NeoCons Blame Obama for Bush's 8 Years of Treacher

1) People give too much credit and blame to the President, whomever they may be.

2) Bush was not the genesis for all our problems... many of the economic factors that led to the recession began in the 90s (i.e., Fed policies, housing, loss of jobs overseas, etc.)

3) The Federal government has little power over the economy, especially to "help"... they do, however, have more power to "hurt" the economy by excess spending, waste, huge deficits/debt, interventionist polices, protectionism, and bad monetary policy.
Re: Not even 1 year has passed yet NeoCons Blame Obama for Bush's 8 Years of Treacher

What else do they have?

The republicans have no agenda of their own (other than obstruction) and they still haven't understood why they were swept out of office.

Say what you want about the 2 republican governors who were elected, but the fact that the republicans abandoned their moderate base in New York (district 23?) speaks volumes.
Re: Not even 1 year has passed yet NeoCons Blame Obama for Bush's 8 Years of Treacher


actually many of the problems were faced with today were put into motion decades prior to the 90s long before Clinton was elected into office as president

I agree the government wastes an excessive amount of spending especially on the military industrial complex, providing welfare to foreign countries, waging unnecessary and expensive wars against terrorism and drugs, and having nearly a thousand military bases throughout the globe.
Re: Not even 1 year has passed yet NeoCons Blame Obama for Bush's 8 Years of Treacher


actually many of the problems were faced with today were put into motion decades prior to the 90s long before Clinton was elected into office as president

That may be one of the few things we agree on... but, for example, one major factor for the housing crash was Federal policy intervention started under Clinton and carried on by Bush 2, which was the effort to "get people in houses." They ORDERED lending institutions to loosen their criteria so that more people could get loans for homes... and look where that "good idea" has gotten us.... playing social experimentation with markets always leads to disaster.

As for the foreign aid, that is a very small drop in the bucket compared to the hundreds of millions the Feds waste on other things. I'm pro-defense, but the goals and strategies we are currently engaging in are open to debate. :cool:
Re: Not even 1 year has passed yet NeoCons Blame Obama for Bush's 8 Years of Treacher

High unemployment, weak dollar, stupid bailouts, kissing the arab nations asses and kneeing to whatever the UN says, Barack has a lot to be blamed.
Re: Not even 1 year has passed yet NeoCons Blame Obama for Bush's 8 Years of Treacher

Another example of government waste, reaping the debt racked up by a failed "good idea" to loosen lending standards to try and get more Americans in homes... Clinton, Bush and Obama are to blame for this, and yet people continue to trust Washington to fix things? :rolleyes: