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North Korea announces it will suspend nuclear, missile tests

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un made the surprise announcement Friday that the country will suspend all nuclear and missile tests — in advance of an anticipated summit with President Trump.

The president immediately praised the move on Twitter, with a statement that called the nuke ban a positive move in the ongoing effort to calm relations on the Korean Peninsula.

“North Korea has agreed to suspend all Nuclear Tests and close up a major test site,” Trump wrote. “This is very good news for North Korea and the World – big progress! Look forward to our Summit.”

Kim said that intercontinental ballistic missile tests would also be discontinued.

But he stressed that the tests would stop because they are no longer needed — and the sites have “completed their mission.”

The Korean Central News Agency quoted Kim as saying that “under the proven condition of complete nuclear weapons, we no longer need any nuclear tests, mid-range and intercontinental ballistic rocket tests, and that the nuclear test site in northern area has also completed its mission.”

But a North Korea source told CNN that Kim has committed himself to the path of denuclearization and will now focus solely on economic growth and improving the national economy.

Kim said he wanted to focus on boosting the economy — which has been devastated by international sanctions — but professed that his nation has risen to near-superpower status.

“At the current stage where our nation has risen to the status of a political and military powerhouse, focusing on building the economy based on socialism is the WPK’s strategic party line,” Kim stressed.

The Korean Central News Agency said that the decision came from a meeting between Kim and his top aides.

“From April 21, North Korea will stop nuclear tests and launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles,” the news agency said.

“The North will shut down a nuclear test site in the country’s northern area to guarantee transparency in suspending nuclear tests.”

The country has conducted six nuclear tests at the site in the northeast region since 2006. The most powerful test took place in September, according to South Korea’s Yonhap News.

As far as ballistic missile tests, the country conducted a dozen in 2017 including two intercontinental ballistic missile tests last July.

The country claimed that the missiles could reach the US mainland and some of the test dropped into the waters just miles off the coast of Japan.

Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera warned that it was not the time to ease pressure on North Korea, following news that they were suspending its tests, according to Kyodo news agency.
The country has advocated maximum sanctions on the nation to get them to abandon their weapons program.

Kim will have a high-profile sit down with President Moon Jae-in next Friday, as the two countries set to end the decades-long stalemate and initiate diplomatic and economic relations.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who has been nominated to be next secretary of state, visited the secretive country earlier this month to meet with the nation’s leader.

The planned summit between Kim and Trump, set to take place in June, will be the first meeting between the country’s two leaders in history.

The North and South have recently set up a hotline that they hope will improve communications between the leaders and avert disastrous military action, according to the New York Times.

“President Moon can just call me directly and the problem will be promptly solved,” Mr. Kim was quoted as saying.

Not much of a concession. They have developed their weapons, the only testing they conduct are launches into the Sea of Japan.
At least under Trump we won't be sending pallets of money to the enemy like Obama did.


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At least under Trump we won't be sending pallets of money to the enemy like Obama did.

There are a few Obama fan boys that post here. Most are delusional and would suck his cock if he asked them to. They spend their day posting memes and making armpit farts and are easily irritated when you don’t bow down to their messiah. Trump is mopping the floor with the left and they are coming unglued. You probably just made a ton of enemies, and your posts are gonna start getting reported regularly.
There are a few Obama fan boys that post here. Most are delusional and would suck his cock if he asked them to. They spend their day posting memes and making armpit farts and are easily irritated when you don’t bow down to their messiah. Trump is mopping the floor with the left and they are coming unglued. You probably just made a ton of enemies, and your posts are gonna start getting reported regularly.

Lmfao :)
What strikes me is that Republicans can't trust Iran to stop their nuclear program in exchange for ending the sanctions from the US and the UN but trust North Korea to end theirs without any compensation.

I'm not saying North Korea is lying, I say it may be a trap and we gotta be very careful about it 'cause, unlike Iran, North Korea did not agreed to allow US or UN inspectors to verify that they did end up their program.

And the fact that they stop the tests don't mean they won't improve their nuclear capabilty in the next future : When France ended their tests, it was only because the military had gathered enough datas to do virtual-tests. So just because North Korea stop their "live" tests doesn't mean they won't do virtual test and get missiles capable of striking Washington in the next future...
What strikes me is that Republicans can't trust Iran to stop their nuclear program in exchange for ending the sanctions from the US and the UN but trust North Korea to end theirs without any compensation.

I'm not saying North Korea is lying, I say it may be a trap and we gotta be very careful about it 'cause, unlike Iran, North Korea did not agreed to allow US or UN inspectors to verify that they did end up their program.

And the fact that they stop the tests don't mean they won't improve their nuclear capabilty in the next future : When France ended their tests, it was only because the military had gathered enough datas to do virtual-tests. So just because North Korea stop their "live" tests doesn't mean they won't do virtual test and get missiles capable of striking Washington in the next future...
A potential deal with North Korea in no way parallels the awful Iran deal. For you to compare the two is just stupid.

I know you leftists don’t want to see Trump have success but at least get a grasp of the nuances between the two before you go shooting your mouth off.

Still waiting for the Nobel committee to award Trump [NOBABE]the prize [/NOBABE] who is actually doing something toward the peace process instead of being the right color and speaking in platitudes. I won’t hold my breath.
A potential deal with North Korea in no way parallels the awful Iran deal. For you to compare the two is just stupid.

I know you leftists don’t want to see Trump have success but at least get a grasp of the nuances between the two before you go shooting your mouth off.

Still waiting for the Nobel committee to award Trump [NOBABE]the prize [/NOBABE] who is actually doing something toward the peace process instead of being the right color and speaking in platitudes. I won’t hold my breath.

I'm am not comparien a potential deal with North Korea to the Iran deal. There's is no deal with North Korea (yet ?), only a potential meeting between Trump and kim and the promise from Kim that the nuclear tests are over (which, I reeat myself; doesn't mean n. Korea will end their nuclear program. annd there's no way for us to know if Kim will be true to his word or that he's just trolling us).
On one hand you've go a written deal and inse=pectors to make sure Iran stay ttruer to their words. On the other hand there's a statement from a dictator who likes nothing more than trolling the world. Gee, I wonder whch of these 2 I should trust more to keep their promise...

You're right, I don't want to see Trump being successful at what he does, because most of what he does benefits himself and his cronies at the expense of the rest of the world

You're still mad at Obama for gettingthe Nobezl Peace Price ? Guess what, I'm mad too. he did nothing that would have qualified him for such an honor and what he did after receiving it proves he wasn't worthy of it. But giving it to Trump won't make it up for the mistake of giving it to Obama.

If you think of me as an Obama fan, think again 'cause although I consider Obama to have been better than Bush Jr and better than Trump, there's a lot of thing he did that I don't agree with and there's a lot of things he that I wish he would have gone much further. If I was to rate Obama's presidency I would give it 6/10, (maybe 6.5/10)


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Obama should never have been allowed to be in politics or America. It's time to bring back McCarthyism and make America great again.

Yes, let's strip the rights of American Citizens because we don't like them or their politics, makes perfect sense. You are right though, to equate McCarthyism and Trumpism. Nixon would be proud.

Will E Worm

Yes, let's strip the rights of American Citizens because we don't like them or their politics, makes perfect sense. You are right though, to equate McCarthyism and Trumpism. Nixon would be proud.

Obama was born in Africa.

I didn't equate Joseph McCarthy to Donald Trump.

Joseph McCarthy was right and America would be better off if people had listened to him.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Obama was not born in Africa, but you're free to pretend that he was if that gives you comfort. I'll let your McCarthy comments stand on their own, I have no interest in debating history's settled opinion of the man.
Obama was not born in Africa, but you're free to pretend that he was if that gives you comfort. I'll let your McCarthy comments stand on their own, I have no interest in debating history's settled opinion of the man.

Come on, he was born in Hawaï ! To conservatives/republicans, Hawaï is a foreign country with a US military base. And remember : Obama is black and he used to live in Chicago. Blacks from Chicago aren't real american, they are just... blacks from Chicago.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
What's funny is that I have as much proof that Will E. Himmler was born on The Moon as he does Obama was born in Africa.
Even if Obama was born in Kenya, his mother was an American citizen, so he'd still be eligible. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone. I was born in the Philippines.

And you don't want me as President. I'd be Trump on steroids.
Even if Obama was born in Kenya, his mother was an American citizen, so he'd still be eligible. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone. I was born in the Philippines.

And you don't want me as President. I'd be Trump on steroids.

You seem much more stable than Trump