fiona apple (unbelievable woman, other than Diego the person i would most like to meet in my life and express my feelings to and emotions of how her ridiculosly talented song writing skills at such an early have been a joy for me to listen to, anyone who wants clarification of her talent need only listen to 'sullen girl' the song she wrote at age 14 about her rape, how could someone so young quantify her feelings in such a manner)
oasis (so many classic songs, listened to 'definetly maybe' a few days ago after ages without hearing it, 'slide away' still as brilliant as it ever was)
2pac (RIP)
Dmx (keep bringing it)
Unkle, its the 'be there' track and video that first caught my attention, amazing, but them i got the corresponding album and some great tracks also.
linkin park, brilliant.
i love lots of other songs (singles) but these are the group that i will always stick with.
Garbage were a favourite of mine, at least the first 2 albums. 'i'm only happy when it rains' is a perfect fit for my character, i love that album and version 2.0 had some dark tracks too.
Without football, music, tits and ass, life would not be worth living.
"Days like this, I don't know what to do with myself, all day, and all night, I wander the halls along the walls under my breath, I say to myself, I need fuel - to take flight, And theres too much going on, but its calm under the waves, in the blue of my oblivion, under the waves in the blue of my oblivion, is that why they call me a sullen girl, sullen girl, they don't know i used to sail the deep and tranquil sea, but he washed me ashore and he took my pearl, and left an empty shell of me" (Fiona Apple)
How many 14 yr olds can write with such emotion and command about something so traumatic. I don't believe in God, but if there was one, Fiona would be it.