No good TV on

I've been so bored lately, all my shows that I watched are done for the season. Is there any good drama/comedy on TV right now? I am kinda sick of cop shows, to be honest, it seems like everything is either a CSI-type or courtroom type show. Anyone got some suggestions for stuff worth watching?
So You Think You Can Dance on FOX can be quite entertaining. Several of the girls are pretty hot too (e.g. Jeanine or Melissa). If everything else fails, go to Hulu.


Closed Account
i dont watch any new shows on tv so i could not tell you whats happeing on normal cable. ever since we all got robbed by the sporanos on hbo i have become discusted with normal cable in general. i just dont see how great show like the sopranos could end and like i said before have all these other shit shows replace it with high cable rateings?
^I feel the same about: The Shield and Homicide:Life On the Street.
busted and disgusted on fox reality channel
USA's Thursday lineup is pretty good "Burn Notice", "In Plain Sight" and "Royal Pains" are pretty good.

Who can't go for a good "House" re-run?
You need to give BURN NOTICE on USA a chance. It is the best show on television (all things considered--writing, acting, location, storylines).

BURN NOTICE is the PERFECT SUMMER SHOW. Check it out on Hulu or find the main site for the show on USA's website.
True Blood is back on with a new season starting this sunday.:thumbsup:

Hmmm, I tried watching True Blood. Generally I usually like all of HBO's series, but for some reason I found it to be pretty cheezy and stopped watching after the first 2 or 3 episodes. Did you think it started off poorly but got better? Or was it about the same...?
Being that the only show I ever watch is House, I don't think I'd be much help to you. But, then again, I actually sit through all the House marathons when they show them.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Anyone ever watch that show Shootout? Great fucking show!!!