Well, this is a bummer. Before I even knew you'd come back, somebody has already pissed you off and you're gone again. :wtf: Why has screwing with Nina become like a sport around here over the past year or so??? Even when other OCSM's weren't posting on the Talk Board, Nina did. So why give her, of all people, a hard time? I just don't get it. :dunno:
Personally, I'd be willing to bet that the people who support and enjoy your participation here number more than 98%. But whatever it is, it's certainly time for those of us, who'd like to see you come back and be left in peace, to start using the report function to help get rid of the asshats who just can't leave it alone.
Come on. Give it another shot, Nina. If you don't, look at our sad little faces.
With Nina:
Without Nina: :crying: With Nina:
Without Nina: :crying:
And of course, with
Naked Nina: :nanner: :drool2: :nanner:
Another try? Yeah? :thumbsup: