...And that would be bad, why?

Her site is generally lame and only occasionally exciting. I am a fan of her body not her concept.

She hides behind the"tease" label like a bureaucratic shield. As though the site has a tacit disclaimer stating, "Warning: 'Tease' material herein. Site content may be frustrating and/or disappointing to viewers who dislike getting kicked in the junk." (NOTE: I didn't say you liked to have your testes stepped on, I just stated what the attitude rubs off as.)

"Teasing" in the context of sex is generally a prelude to a more satisfying, consummate experience. The whole point of a tease routine (in the grand old tradition of say, Gypsy Rose Lee) is to delay gratification; it isn't to withhold it. Sex denial is a different type of fetish more of the femdom variety.

I don't believe Nikki is a kinky femdom-type; if anything she's a bit of a sexual sub. However, where she's entirely Dominant is the money department. She's just about cash. Giving as little as possible to get the most out of the mark. And this is what I don't like about her: disproportionate quid pro quo. She's cheap with her product and transparently so. This, in turn, makes her comes off a bit hard and a bit mean.

*Cue: White Knight cavalry.:flaccid:

So you tried to sound smart, but only continued to show an inability to debate against the fact that she advertises as a tease, members pay for a tease, and therefore they get a tease.

Holy shit! She works a job for money? Since when did people start doing that!??!?! Where was this revelation before I spent my own money on anything!??!?!

She is edging material. Your definition of "tease" is just that: YOUR definition of tease. She's not denying anyone sex, because she doesn't promise anyone sex. She's teasing with her body. She's showing people almost everything they want to see, gives them a little peek of it all every once in a while, and keeps people coming back. It's not about sex, it's about her body.

She's teasing. Just because you want her to do more doesn't mean she's owes you anything. If she were cheap with her product, people just stop paying for it. If people felt they were getting ripped off, they stop buying. If she came off as mean, hundreds of thousands of people wouldn't be so damned fond of her.

Your opinion is in the slim, SLIM minority, and based on...well...nothing but nonsense. You try to cover it with a vocabulary that isn't your own to come off as intelligent, when really your argument is invalid. She says she's a tease, she teases people with her body, and leaves it at that. Like a dancer at a juice bar. Look, but don't touch. Believe it or not, Nikki is far cheaper than one of those...

So take your whining and leave, and let the people here to enjoy, enjoy. If you're going to pull a, "I can be here if I want," or, "opinions...blah blah...freedom of speech..." then apply the same consideration to others who don't share your (wrong) viewpoint.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Not a bad video. Thanks for positing it. But after nearly 10 years this is what she should be posting.


btw: it's shopped (not by me).

It's about what they look like though, she doesnt leave much to the imagination, she may aswell go the whole hog now!
To me it sounds like your idea of "astronomical" is 13 sentences long. In my world grown-ups use these things called paragraphs to express ideas ever so slightly more complicated than a sound-byte. As for "going behind her back" I do nothing of the sort. I have told her as much. She ignores me because she has more than enough suckers out there willing to separate their hard earned cash from their wallets to give a damn. She will never go all the way and I think she's being unfair to her fans, but thinking so will do little to change the situation. On the other hand, getting others to also realize the truth of how she's taken advantage of them...well, I suppose it's the only fair and just thing to do.

Naw, it was precisely the purpose of using that word as a metaphor ...to NOT write 13 sentences long about your explanations :p Well excuse me, Princess... I just happen to have a 60 hours job, I go to the gym, practise guitar/bass piano and keyboards, play Skyrim when I have the time and post on here when I have even more more time but when I do, don't expect me to go into astronomical LOLL sayings because that won't happen often ! Oh sweet, you even went as far as whining to her directly. You must be one of those idiots on Twitter writing such nonsenses ...now that's just great >< I consider myself more like a long-time fan rather than a ''sucker'' but aw well, why do you even care about our wallets ? It's our decision if we want to pay her, me I personally don't give a damn if people have a problem with that, I do what the fuck I want XP You talk as if you were a preacher, carrier of the one and only truth ...''follow me my faithful sheeps, together, we will cross the field that's separating us from seeing Nikki go full nude ...it's the only way !!'' XDD She will go all the way ...when she retires ^^ Until then, enjoying her sets and videos getting more and more daring andand naughtier is to me, the only fair and just thing to do ;)
So you tried to sound smart, but only continued to show an inability to debate against the fact that she advertises as a tease, members pay for a tease, and therefore they get a tease.

Holy shit! She works a job for money? Since when did people start doing that!??!?! Where was this revelation before I spent my own money on anything!??!?!

She is edging material. Your definition of "tease" is just that: YOUR definition of tease. She's not denying anyone sex, because she doesn't promise anyone sex. She's teasing with her body. She's showing people almost everything they want to see, gives them a little peek of it all every once in a while, and keeps people coming back. It's not about sex, it's about her body.

She's teasing. Just because you want her to do more doesn't mean she's owes you anything. If she were cheap with her product, people just stop paying for it. If people felt they were getting ripped off, they stop buying. If she came off as mean, hundreds of thousands of people wouldn't be so damned fond of her.

Your opinion is in the slim, SLIM minority, and based on...well...nothing but nonsense. You try to cover it with a vocabulary that isn't your own to come off as intelligent, when really your argument is invalid. She says she's a tease, she teases people with her body, and leaves it at that. Like a dancer at a juice bar. Look, but don't touch. Believe it or not, Nikki is far cheaper than one of those...

So take your whining and leave, and let the people here to enjoy, enjoy. If you're going to pull a, "I can be here if I want," or, "opinions...blah blah...freedom of speech..." then apply the same consideration to others who don't share your (wrong) viewpoint.

1) Re: Trying to sound smart. I didn't try to sound smart. I tried and do try to avoid seeming illiterate. I have have never gotten a handle on comma splices in that I don't really understand how to use them properly. I'm sure that shows through. Plus I'm dysgraphic so I tend to write things the way I hear them instead of how they are used (or not used) in the common vernacular. I also drop words frequently. Otherwise, this is the way I speak and write; I have been told that it's odd - sorry if you don't like it. Other useful tidbit: I grew up in a small town; was home schooled. I learned to read from the Encyclopedia Britannica 1956 edition and a old Webster's Dictionary, circa unknown. If you think it's (my vocabulary) a put on that's your prerogative however baseless.

2) Re: Advertising as "Tease". I contested the definition of "tease" being used disingenuously by Nikki. You haven't exactly provided a counter argument, you've just reiterated your previous argument and said of mine, "that's not argument." We could do this forever if you like. I prefer to leave it to others to decide whether they agree with me. Also, let's be clear, you disagreed with my opinion of the last video as "lame" which is not exactly a "live and let live" response. You took issue with it. Funny that. I presume you only responded because I called you out on your definition of "sleaze-ball" behaviour - to which you have still given no answer. So you are saying that it's ok to heap endless - in my opinion, undue - praise on this woman, but any complaint (regardless of it's validity) is forbidden?… I'm looking for some vocabulary that would properly describe this type of sycophantic hypocrisy…something you might feel is truly "my own"…Wait. I got it… Bullshit.

3) Re: Money, and things we do for it. Making an honest buck is different than making money your only focus. Someone who only cares about money is likely to make more money if they sell a cheap product. Like you said, however, this only works if you either, a) have very stupid/low self-esteem customers, or b) you can bring in new customers faster than you lose the old ones. Nikki has a lot of return customers and a lot of new customers. I would wager that she has a TON of turnover as well. Luckily, the ones that stick around aren't choosey, perhaps even a bit foolish and/or desperate. Also, she advertises well and creates the assuring illusion that she goes nude or soon will be - hence the new customers. The main point I made about Nikki and money was that she sells a lot of inferior product on the supposition of a superior product at some point down the road. She gives us wood nickels while keeping our gold ducats to herself. More than 8 years of this behaviour is not "protecting your brand" it's what I said: being cheap.

4) Re: Wanting the body, not the sex. Are you serious? Is that what you actually meant? Do you want to paint her or immortalize her in stone? Surely not. You want her body for the sex. Symmetry and line are not "edging" material in themselves, they are a representation through which sexual desire and expression take form. You stroke to it because you want to get to the fucking. Come on man…

5) Re: Owing me something. I didn't say that she owes me anything. I implied that she owes all of us who have spent time and money on her. She pretends as though she will cross over to harder material and then doesn't. You call it a tease. I call it a bait and switch.

6) Re: Nikki being mean. She speaks nicely, smiles sweetly, bats her eyes and so on, but when it comes to playing beta suckers like yourself out she's manipulative. The fact that you can't see that is unfortunate but typical.

7) Re: My opinion being marginal or an outlier. To be honest I really don't know if it is true or not. Do you know this to be true? If so, how? I am voicing my opinion because it's mine and I hope that others may share it and take some comfort in knowing that they are not the only ones who feel mislead and fed up with her behaviour.

Good talk beets.


Naw, it was precisely the purpose of using that word as a metaphor

I agree that you used 'astronomical' as a metaphor. There was no analogy. It was a weak hyperbole. I think 13 is a big number for you.

...to NOT write 13 sentences long about your explanations :p Well excuse me, Princess... I just happen to have a 60 hours job, I go to the gym, practise guitar/bass piano and keyboards, play Skyrim when I have the time and post on here when I have even more more time but when I do, don't expect me to go into astronomical LOLL sayings because that won't happen often !

I'll try to keep it short for you sweetie:

- I'm sorry you can't write in complete, coherent sentences.
- Ditto for me on the 60hr work week and gym.
- I also play bass. Very cool that you do too. Keep it up :) Unless you listen to terrible music, in which case, stop immediately.
- Used to play piano but was not very good at it. Got bored. Gave it up.
- Bought Skyrim for my girlfriend. We tried it out. Neither one of us really got into it.
- I don't expect you to go into astronomical LOLL sayings because it won't happen.

Oh sweet, you even went as far as whining to her directly. You must be one of those idiots on Twitter writing such nonsenses ...now that's just great >

Thanks. But it wasn't Twitter it was through her admin contact email. I'm one of "those" idiots.

< I consider myself more like a long-time fan rather than a ''sucker'' but aw well, why do you even care about our wallets ? It's our decision if we want to pay her, me I personally don't give a damn if people have a problem with that, I do what the fuck I want XP You talk as if you were a preacher, carrier of the one and only truth ...''follow me my faithful sheeps, together, we will cross the field that's separating us from seeing Nikki go full nude ...it's the only way !!'' XDD

Like a preacher…hmm. You're saying that my words are affecting? That they carry a certain gravitas and authority. I guess that's a compliment. I don't care about your wallets as long as you choose to be foolish with your money. I am trying to help you see the light my child. To be clear, however, I don't think that she will go full anything. She's got lots of dough. She will only go all the way if she feels like it or she loses her ass in the stock market.

She will go all the way ...when she retires ^^

*one knee-slap*

Until then, enjoying her sets and videos getting more and more daring and naughtier is to me, the only fair and just thing to do

What's going on? Do you…? Are you trying to…?

Are you hitting on me?

The way you're you're mirroring my words and the daring, naughty talk... You are...You're crushing on me... That's so hot! And it makes so much sense. You're totally astronomical for me. And we both love bass and 60hr work weeks and the gym. This feels weird but really right...y'know?:)

Do you want to? …:flaccid: I mean I have someone, but I could…:chickendance: I mean I wouldn't but we could…:stir: I have never done anything like this before. PM me. K?

- B
I'm going to have to agree with almost everything Brix has said and here's why:

1. Her "free" or "promotional" content always has the cream of the crop in it.

You will not see any more of Nikki in the pay area than what you get in the promo sets/videos. Most sites (read 90%+ of them) hold something back. For hardcore sites, it's the money shot, and for solo girls, it's the tits and/or vag. In Nikki's case though, what you see is what you get. Now, that in itself isn't a problem (truthful advertising is refreshing) but while cycling through the free tour, I came across this quote: " "I sleep in the nude, love to be spanked and it gets me excited when my hair is pulled!"" WTF does that have to do with her content? Not a damn thing aside from the fact that she's selling sex.

2. Sex sells.

Cool car is cool, cool car with a hot chick sitting on the hood is a must-have. The imagery implies cool car will get you the hot chick. Cool car thus = sex with hot chick. Same rules apply to porn. Usually when I see a woman in lingerie prancing around for my amusement, one of two things are happening: I'm on the internet hoping to see more so I can sex myself or I'm about to actually get sexed by someone other than Palmala Handerson. Everything she wears, says and does is a promise; a prelude to more. Tease and Please go hand-in-hand. Her move to more "please" with her "tease" is proof of that.

3. Her husband is responsible for most of her slips.

Whether he's tickling her, slapping her stomach, looking for that perfect angle or goading her into showing "just a little more" that man has done more for her, her image and the site in the past 2~ years than Phil Phlash or w/e he calls himself did in 5~. Her "edginess" is a bi-product of his efforts. When you look at Nikki sims content, you have to look at the big picture. If it were up to her, we'd probably never see the occasional glimpse or peek but because she's a bit of a sub and an M too boot, her husband is able to push for more. Remember fellas: It's not Nikki sims the girl, it's Nikki Sims the brand.

So, in conclusion, her advertising makes promises the site doesn't keep, she's using sex, simulated or otherwise to pry money from your pockets, and the driving force behind "Nikki Sims" isn't the girl but the guy behind the camera. I think his name is "Joey."
more naked pics from the new update


I for one love the tease! Judging by her popularity, I think a lot of people would agree with me.

It's the truth. Don't tell that to the "she owes me full on nudity while humping horse cock" crowd though.

I'm going to try to win the lotto and see if she will fuck me for a good price. :D

Why the lotto? There are far more viable, likely, and efficient methods of building wealth in Western Society than the lottery. It just requires work.