This is what separates the real members from the "members" who comes in every so many pages and bitches that she needs to show her pussy a la Beouf style. Real members know from previous years that bloopers,as it is so appropriately titled, are not fap worthy material but rather a reflection video of the year and the development and the banter that goes in to making the videos. But since you are a proclaimed member and fan, you would have known that from last year, and the year before that, and the year before that...

Heaven forbid you get to see people how they act in real life and not in some forced or scripted masturbation scene. The horror.
This is what separates the real members from the "members" who comes in every so many pages and bitches that she needs to show her pussy a la Beouf style. Real members know from previous years that bloopers,as it is so appropriately titled, are not fap worthy material but rather a reflection video of the year and the development and the banter that goes in to making the videos. But since you are a proclaimed member and fan, you would have known that from last year, and the year before that, and the year before that...

Heaven forbid you get to see people how they act in real life and not in some forced or scripted masturbation scene. The horror.

Don't be, thatguy.

Their previous year ends have been more revealing. This one was more revealing of their interpersonal exchanges.
This is what separates the real members from the "members" who comes in every so many pages and bitches that she needs to show her pussy a la Beouf style. Real members know from previous years that bloopers,as it is so appropriately titled, are not fap worthy material but rather a reflection video of the year and the development and the banter that goes in to making the videos. But since you are a proclaimed member and fan, you would have known that from last year, and the year before that, and the year before that...

Heaven forbid you get to see people how they act in real life and not in some forced or scripted masturbation scene. The horror.

I wonder what the point was of making this post? Were you telling us all you enjoyed the video? Good for you! Were you mocking the people who are continually disappointed with Nikki's lame schtick?

Did you think that would shame those posters into silence or something? Are you backseat moderating? Or just being a huge douche canoe?
The more things change. The more things stay the same.

Nothing to see here folks. Nothing new anyways.

I wouldn't say this at all. The blooper reels have always been a snapshot of what they do behind the scenes. What always has my attention is how much work they put in and still have a good attitude. Shooting videos like that is a lot of work and both work exceptionally well together as a team..

Go back to the Halloween video and we also got some shots of how they list their ideas. I'm glad they take fan ideas into consideration. I suggested the 'Naked Sushi' and those two did an excellent job with the concept. Smashing the eggs was classic and she didn't hide much. They could have edited that out but chose not to. The 'Glitter Tits' was something I suggested to put on her chest when she posted a clothing picture and asked what would go with that outfit. I got a response on her Inner Deviant page (or maybe it was Twitter?) that she could work with that. A week or two later they posted the preview image and had made a whole video out of it. Looking at the video and the bloopers it wasn't exactly an easy feat to pull off due to working with glitter.

So if you were looking at this video and were hoping for a bunch of slips then you were probably disappointed. While that would have been nice I think that she has gone the extra distance for the fans this year more than any other. 'Honey Tits' and 'Animals' (shower scene) left almost nothing to the imagination. While 'Pool Shark' was just a fun challenge video she did and was one of the longer ones. 'Basketball And Stuff' was her best in pool video to date and had plenty of 'oops' moments.

There is plenty to see and much if it is new ideas. Looking forward to 2016 and making a couple more suggestions



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