No wonder such women retire early ...
sublime3sixteen said:
wow, she seems a little bitchy
How would you like it if you were her and a lot of guys were constantly berrating you to take off your clothes, all while sending you pictures of their cocks? At some point, you're going to have a "rant" to get people to stop -- because asking nicely just isn't cutting it. Even the sweetest of women do this, merely because it's the
only way to get the damn point across.
sublime3sixteen said:
i understand. but she can't just expect that not to happen in the world of the internet. I mean, its the damn internet....we expect nude women.
Then such men should move on to another woman and stop bothering her. It's about total lack of respect, no matter how nice you ask. It's not respecting or caring for her wishes. And guys -- very handsome men -- wonder why they don't get anywhere with some women? Right there.
Fred7777 said:
Ya! She sounds a bit bitchy. She want's to sell sex but be respected at the same time. Were a bunch of horney guy's who want to jerk off to some bouncy boob's and ass jiggle. But she won't give us that because she think's she's to good for that.
Please tell me this is just "tongue-in-cheek."
If not ...
I really
hate it when guys make that assumption because it is
dead wrong!
It's guys like you that
reflect poorly on all of us other guys that actually show respect for a woman's wishes.
Just because she is a model, she is
no different than any other woman -- in person or from afar.
Respect her wishes.
Fred7777 said:
She won't give us our money's worth.
And then you complain like you're a consumer who's "always right."
Well here's the deal then: Don't complain, go pay your money to another woman's site then.
Nikki says what she's doing, and there's nothing more to it.
Fred7777 said:
She's really just average as far as nude models go. Yeah she has nice tit's & ass but those cheap tatoo's and crooked teeth make her look common.
And that just finishes it, you finish by insulting her -- great!
This is just so predictable:
1. Bitch about what she won't do
2. Bitch about spending your money on her
3. Insult her that she's not attractive when you don't get it
"Hey bitch, I paid you my money, so do what I say!"
Sigh. Sometimes I think prostitution is illegal not because of the women or morals surrounding it, but because men can't show respect for the woman and her limits.
Fred7777 said:
There are plenty of professional nude model's out there that are better looking and show much more.
And yet it continues ...
"Hey bitch, I get more for my money from other whores all the time."
Fred7777 said:
She think's she's a 10 but she's really only an 8 at best. She needs to get naked if she want's to compete with the big girls. For the price she's asking she needs to take it off before I pay.
More ...
"I've had hotter bitches for far less cash."
Fred7777 said:
She's laughing at us. She think's were suckers. I might be a jerkoff but I'm not a sucker.:banana:
And the final ...
"You think I'm a fool bitch?! Really?! I'm no fool! No one makes me look like a fool! I'll show you!"
Sigh. So fucking predictable. Again, I hope this was "tongue-in-cheek."
wobble123 said:
i really hope she does harcore stuff soon
It helps if you can hold the drools until some of the men start respecting her again.
Sigh, not good timing to say such.
glk35 said:
who gives a shit about proper english
Have to agree. I write both fiction and non-fiction for part of my living, but I don't spell, grammar or otherwise check what I write. I'm not paid to do so, so if someone doesn't like it, just skip it. Hell, I get complaints that I use "too big of words" or "too complex of grammar" and it's not intentional either (I don't that it is at all).